Splashfire99: I do NOT own metalfight beyblade, except for some of my own characters and their beyblades. There's Kairi(Kyoya's cousin), Miku, Sakura, Asuri and Carol


"You sure no one can hear us?" a voice whispered. I froze. Who was that? The voice was coming from a deserted alley of the vacant, broken down stadium. I crept closer to the area where the voice had come from, careful to stay with my back pressed against the wall.

"Of course, sweetheart." another voice replied softly. Uh oh. That voice belonged to my boyfriend, Hyoma. Why was he calling someone else sweetheart? "Now, Hyoma, tell me, do you really love me, or Hikaru?" the other voice asked. What? Drops of sweat ran down my face. "Definitely you, Asuri." Hyoma breathed. I choked back a gasp. No! Horrified, I slowly peeked round the wall. What I saw next shocked me.

Hyoma was lying on the ground, with some black haired girl wearing a mini skirt and laced boots in his arms. To make matters worse, they were kissing!

This scene was like a sharp dagger that pierced through my heart. I backed away, and then I turned and fled through the night back to my home, crying and screaming silently in my mind.