A/n Really really short snippet. I'm probably going to expand or modify this soon. Any ideas on improving my writing are welcome.
Start snippet
"It's a joke right…? The hell is this? It's a joke right!?"
"Stop kidding around! Let me out! Let me out of here!"
"No! You can't! I've got to meet someone soon!"
"I don't like this! I'm gonna go home! I want to go home!"
Yells. Shouts. Curses. And beyond that the unholy screams.
The people that had changed from game players to prisoners by one mad man. Kirito however did not panic. Or rather was it more apt to say that he wasn't helplessly panicking. Even with the chaos engulfing all around him he stop. Stop and ask himself what would he do. First he would have to contact Lyfa. Then he would need a safe and comfortable place to meet. Then how would he take advantage of his knowledge.
Hurriedly he typed a message and sent it while meaning on to the meeting spot. Honestly it frightened him how many people he would be abandoning with his decision. But now was not the time for hesitation.
Lyfa was good. Kirito accepted this for a fact. She had practice with kendo, that much was obvious. So it was safe for her to roam about the "boar field". More to the point the most dangerous part of it would be safe for her. And empty enough that spotting her would not be as difficult as trying to meet up in the city.
Still the swordsman kept a sharp eye for any signs of her. Most would have been cursing his luck for staying on the field while his friend stock up on potions. Kirito wan't "most" so he helped himself with the numerous Wild Boars while keeping out an eye on the castle gates. After the initial rush of players, a small number of players dared set out. Understandable really since death was permanent. But if that was the case why was he out here. Was he that suicd...
"Kirito there you are"
Black met on black and then shock spread across their faces. Both of them ignored the mobs, the thundering ruckus from the city, and the nearby player.
Lyfa, Kirito knew, was about his age while having a body that even made him speechless for a short moment. She was also shyly flirtatious, trying and sometimes succeeding in teasing him and failing when she gets too nervous. Suguha, Kirito also knew, dislike games with a passion. In point of fact the relationship between the two was rather strained because of his obsession computers and Vr games.
The two should not be the same person. How could they be? But his eyes told only the truth just as his mind tried and failed to find a reason to say the two were separate. They both wore the same armour, the same cloak and wielded the same sword. If it was not the height difference then they would look like sisters.
And for the first time since the start of the Death Game, Kirito tasted fear. Fear of death. Fear for her. But that was only natural. He didn't know he had such a high stake in the game before.
Muscles rippled, the glint of flashing steel but Kirito weaved around the striking katana. Not wasting a moment he struck at both the throat of Illfang the Kobold Lord with his right while his left attempted to slice the tendon of the sword arm.
Even in the rocky surrounding one would not be hard pressed to missed the signs of such a terrible battle. Because for all the signs one thing stand out the most.
Illfang roared in pain as his weapon once again dropped from his hand. He trashed trying to hit the elusive player yet he was too far for it to be effective.
Had there been anyone in that room they would have been staring at the only person in the room. A single person with the galls to take on a boss on his own. Or was it desperation that drove him to such suicidal heights.
Four hours. That was how long Kirito fought. Four deadly hours where a single mistake would mean the death of him. And so he didn't make that mistake for the results would be greater than his for a boy who felt fear he brushed it aside with a will that would make gods tremble. There wasn't any real train of thought. Only action and reaction. It was all that mattered
Forlorn. Isolated. Deserted. None of would be able to conjure the scenary in question
Empty would be the right word though. For there was nothing. The rocky grounds devoid of plants. The false sky that only mirrored the despair of those trapped within. It was empty of all but 2 things.
The boss tried to reach it's weapon. For it's efforts it took a sword skill to it's face.
What would drive a man, for he was a boy only in age and stature, to court death where it was not needed. Patience was a virtue and many hands make light work. Concepts that he abandoned and ignored.
Once again Illfang was pushed off balance, Once again Kirito disengaged only to reequipped his second sword. And finally even as Ilfang counterattacked Kirito repeated a series of now familiar slashes. It then surprised him when the last move, A slash to the eyes to gain him distance, didn't land. It wouldn't since the boss had shattered in a display of light.
And then there was one. Just a single thing in the entire room.
Kirito walked up the stairs with a dazed expression. And happy too if his smile was anything to go by. His mind revolved around the source of his happiness.
Kayaba said:
You said that you would do anything, absolutely anything, to let your sister and her friend out of my game. I applaud you for your audacity. 10,000 players is large enough number that losing 2 would not be a big deal. However would you truly do anything for somebody elses freedom?
The payment for your request is simple. I would give your friends the ability to log out under one simple condition.
Defeat the 1st boss on your own.
If need be I would lock out anyone who tries to interfere so you can focus on doing the impossible. And if you succeed then take pride that you can call yourself a hero.
End snippet.