Saturday, Febraury 11th

I yawned as I climbed up on the bed, not even bothering to take off the dress I'd worn to the Coronation ball. I heard Shane chuckle slightly as he followed me in, but he didn't come to bed with me, I was so used to sleeping next to Shane because he'd sneak in after his g uard duty was over for over a month now. I whined, snuggling in to my pillow. I didn't want to get up, I didn't want to take off the dress, I didn't have any energy to, but I forced myself to anyway. I looked over at Shane and he already had his jacket off and his tie was undone and hannging loosely around his neck as he unbuttoned his shirt. Definately worth opening my eyes for.

"Where's my jammies?" I asked through a yawn, climbing off the bed and starting to open drawers. We were back in Antebellum Castle and I swear my pajamas were put in a different drawer every day, just to confuse me I'm sure.

"Top drawer, Baby." Shane replied, coming over and brushing my hair back, kissing my neck softly as he undid the back of the dress for me, his fingers hot and gentle against my back. I grabbed my pajamas out and quickly changed, letting the dress puddle on the floor next to the bed. "Don't sleep just yet, I've still got a surprise for you." Shane murmured as I laid down and yawned again. Shane walked away, out the door and I heard voices talking in soft tones and a second later he came back and I sat up. "Miley." I smiled, he was holding it behind his back. He sat up on the bed in front of me and I gasped when he pulled it out from behind him and showed it to me.

"Awe." I reached for the little puppy and Shane carefully handed him over. He was so tiny, an itty bitty little guy.

"He's a Maltese so he won't get too big so you can take him anywhere you want." I cuddled the little puppy and cooed at him. "His name is Danger Trouble." Shane chuckled and I looked up. "Apparently he's the daredevil of the litter." He explained and I smiled.

"God, you're not trouble are you? You're just a perfect little puppy." I cooed to the little white thing in my hands. He's tiny. Seriously, so tiny, he's only going to get to the height of about two of my phones stacked on top of each other when he's an adult, and he's only a puppy now. He fit in one hand. Danger Trouble yipped a little and his tiny pink tongue darted out to lick me. "Yeah, you're a gorgeous little puppy, aren't you? Huh?" Shane chuckled and shook his head and got up, continuing to undress on his way to the closet and changing into his long pajama pants. I laid down and cuddled into Shane, holding the teeny tiny little puppy protectively as he settled down between us.

"I love you... Queen." Shane whispered in the dark and I smiled.

"I love you." I whispered back and he leaned forward and kissed me.

Queen Miley

"Your Majesty, we must begin travel to Lentulus to begin the tour tomorrow." Alyssa anounced as a wake-up, walking into the bedroom of my quarters where Shane and I had been awake for about two hours already. Danger Trouble had woken up first and Shane had quickly grabbed him and taken him over to a little blue thing on the floor near the bathroom. I was confused and a little worried until he explained that our new little puppy liked to go bathroom first thing in the morning. After the puppy had done its business on the blue thing Shane fed him a treat and brought him back to me. Apparently he's been trying to house train him for the last few days. "I see you've met Danger." Alyssa mused, watching the little white Maltese with amusement.

"You know about him?" I questioned, picking up the baby and holding him close.

"I suggested a small dog to be more companionable and transportable." She replied and Danger yipped.

"He's gorgeous." I grinned and she rolled her eyes. "Can we bring him with us?" I couldn't just get something like this, something so adorable and lovable, and then not be able to keep him.

"That is the point of transportable." I squeeled and hopped out of bed , hugging her happilly before I hugged Shane as well and kissed him, then I kissed little Dangers tiny little head as well. "We have to be on the road in half an hour to get the jet to Lentulus."

"Uh huh." I nodded absently, waving her off.

"Perhaps waiting another week until after the tour would have been better." Alyssa sighed and Shane laughed.

"Okay, Babe, give me the puppy." Shane coaxed, holding his hands out and I pouted. "Come on, you need to get dressed, you can have him back in the car." Tiny little Danger was eased out of my hands and I whined, but I did go to the closet. Comfy jeans, a t-shirt and a jacket was all I put on before I brushed my hair and teeth and went out. Alyssa was holding my little puppy at arms length and Shane was coming back into the room fully dressed as well.

"Come on, Danger." I cooed, plucking him back and rubbing my face against his tiny body.

"We're on a schedule here." Alyssa prompted and I sighed.

"Does he have a collar?" I asked, setting Danger on the bed so I could continue getting ready.

"It's being delivered to the jet, can we go now?" Alyssa replied, I had my phone, my computer, my bag, a growing folder of things that were now part of my duties.

"Let's go." Shane agreed, checking the safety on his gun before holstering it and picking up Danger.

"You still have that?" I questioned, staring at his hip where his gun was now covered.

"I won't let anything hurt you." Shane answered with a shrug before he became nervous. "Do you want me to get rid of it? Does it make feel weird? Unsafe?" He worried and I quickly shook my head.

"No, I was just surprised is all." I said, standing on my toes to kiss him. "'Sides, it makes you even sexier."

"Just because we're married now doesn't mean I'm going to let you have second-rate security." Shane said and I noticed he had that little earpiece dangling from the lapel of his jacket.

"Come on, Danger." I picked him and gently set him on the ground, letting him run after us. "Good boy." Danger stopped at the top of the stairs and I was about to pick him up when he barked his tiny little bark and jumped down the first step. "Awe, that's so cute."

"You are such a girl, Baby." Shane rolled his eyes and I mock glared at him. Danger Trouble jumped down the second stepped and I cooed at him. Alyssa sighed and I looked up at her.

"We don't have the time to stand and watch a three inch high dog jump down stairs bigger than it is." Alyssa said and I pouted, but I did pick the puppy up and cuddle him as we continued to walk down the stairs and out to the car. Really, there were seven cars, plus four motorbikes at the front, two at the back, and a helicopter in the sky. Despite what the public would think that I would be in the middle car I was actually in the one second from the back; aparently it was the whole freaking motorcade thing was for my own protection, I just thought it was way overkill.

"Why do we have to leave so early? How long does it take to get to Lentulus?" I asked, buckling my seatbelt on Shane's request.

"Seven hours; you have a morning interview at seven and you're less of a brat when you sleep peacefully."

"She's never a brat." Shane frowned, sounding absolutely scandalised and I laughed.

"Shaney, even I know I can be a brat sometimes." I told him placatingly and he sighed.

"You're perfect to me." He mumbled in reply and I smiled. I unbuckled my seatbealt and he opened his mouth but I cut him off with a quick kiss.

"You're perfect to me too." I kissed him again before I hugged him and settled down against his warm chest, I could feel his heartbeat; strong and steady.

"Great, everybodies perfect." Alyssa rolled her eyes and I laughed.

"Actually, the song is Nobody's Perfect." I pointed out. "But, I didn't know Shane when I recorded it."

"Trust me, Babe, I'm far from perfect." Shane denied in my ear and I frowned.

"During your time in Lentulus you will give a short walk, a speach at one of the schools, followed by a parade in the city, a press conference in the afternoon; you will be quizzed on the plane, and a formal dinner with the Prime Minister and other dignitaries." Alyssa informed and I nodded dutifully. How fun. "Expect a lot of cameras and reporters, this will be your first outing since your Coronation, and everyone is still fresh from the news of your identity." I nodded again and I felt Shane tense. "You will be expected to carry yourself in a Royal manner during every public appearence from now on; that means no ignoring your written speaches, no kissing the security at public events, and it would be nice if there were no assasination attempts." The last part was a joke, but Shane still glared.

"I can agree to two out of three." I replied, resting my head on Shane's shoulder. "But, I can't stop kissing the security." Alyssa sighed and rolled her eyes.

"It was worth a shot." I laughed and shook my head slightly in amusement.

"Seatbelt." Shane reminded me when I sat back on the seat of the car and I rolled my eyes.

"Shaney, I think a turtle just passed us, if we crash it's going to be the slowest and most uneventfull crash in history." I sat back and picked up Danger, letting his tiny little paws hold him up on my chest. "He worries too much, doesn't he?" I asked the little puppy in a baby voice and Shane sighed. "But, he knows we love him."

"He loves you too." Shane half smiled and kissed the side of my head. "But, he would feel better if you wore a seatbelt." I sighed and rolled my eyes again, but I did pull my seatbelt over and buckle up. "Thank-you."

"No-one can ever say I'm not safe with you." I commented dryly.

"I'll kill anyone who does." Shane grinned back, his arm around my shoulders, and his other hand scratching Dangers little white head as he rested it on his paws on my chest and settled down for a nap. "I'm glad you like him." He mused softly and I scoffed.

"Shaney, he's gorgeous, could you ever down doubt that anyone could not love that little face?" I cooed and he chuckled.

"Never change, Miles." He shook his head.

"Hear that?" I turned to Alyssa who had been texting. "Shane says I'm not allowed to change."

"You're going to be the death of me; I knew you shouldn't have been raised mainstream." Alyssa muttered. "The jet has been cleared and we'll touch down in Lentulus in about seven and a half hours." The door to the car was opened as she said that I got out, trying not to wake little Danger.

"So... How long do you think it's gonna take for this whole Miley/Alexandra/Hannah thing to blow over?" I asked a little nervously as the jet started down the runway.

"It's been a week." Alyssa pointed out before she sighed. "Give it a few months at least; it should be overshadowed when you get pregnant if you want it over sooner."

"Right." I had a year since yesterday to either have a baby or at the very least be in the second trimester of pregnancy. I had a maximum of nine months to be pregnant within. I had to at the very least be pregnant before my birthday. As if he could sense my discomfort and uncertainty Shane held my hand and smiled at me reassuringly. I scratched Dangers tiny little head and sighed; I only just got a puppy, a baby is a million times more responsibility. Not to mention school, and the whole Queen thing.

"There's plenty of time." He assured, the pad of his thumb stroking against the back of my hand.

"Nine months at most." He kissed hte side of my head and the jet started to tilt up in take-off.

Okay, here' the much anticipated first chapter of Queen Diaries. My next update will be Eternity, which I will start when I get 5 reviews for this.

Princess Of Portugal: Don't worry, I'm working on a Miam story, it'll be 9 chapters long, and I'll start posting when Age Of Love is finished.

For this story, I don't know how long it's going to be, but I've decided that the last chapter will be the birth of Miley and Shane's little Prince and/or Princess. I'm taking suggestions for names and genders... And how many, I don't know why, but I have a thing for multiples. Out of the suggestions I got last time I really like Kaylob Altiyan, but I'll take suggestions for boys and girls, and how many... And if it's multiples which should be born first.

Review please?

Smiler For Joe!