Disclaimer: I own nothing of CSI

Potty Mouth

Jackie, Nick, and the kids were driving to Jackie's grandmother's house to celebrate one of her uncles' birthday. It was sure to be a fun time because when all of Jackie's family got together it was always controlled chaos. While driving Nick and Jackie carried on small talk, while Jasmine contently looked out the window and Houston slept soundly in his car seat like he normally did.

"Jackie stop." Nick shouted suddenly.

"Oh shit." Jackie said as she stomped on the brakes.

A guy in a big pick up truck pulled right out in front of her. Luckily she was able to stop in time but it was scary none the less. She took a deep breath, "asshole, my kids are in the car" She mumbled under her breath at the driver of the pick up.

She continued driving and not a minute after the near crash from the back seat came

"Oh tit." Then came an uproar of giggles from the happy child.

Nick and Jackie looked at each other stunned.

"Did she just say what I think she did?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, I think so." Jackie mumbled.

They decided to let it go, hoping she wouldn't say it again, but that hope was dashed when just a couple minutes later

"Oh tit, oh tit, oh tit." She said and then once again giggled like crazy.

"Jasmine, no no, don't say that, mommy shouldn't have said it either, mommy was bad." Jackie said.

"Mama bad?" Jasmine asked sounding completely surprised.

"Yes, mommy was bad." Jackie said.

"Uh-oh, mama bad."

Jackie looked over at Nick and noticed he was grinning from ear to ear.

"Nicholas it's not funny." She said in a whisper.

The family made it to Jackie's grandmothers' house with Jasmine silent the rest of the trip. The family was enjoying the nice evening together like they always did when they got together and the incident from the car was all but forgotten about by Nick and Jackie, that is until Jackie's grandmother dropped a coffee cup onto the hard tile floor and it shattered. Everyone was startled by the noise and went silent, everyone except Jasmine that is.

"Oh tit." She said with a giggle.

Everyone's head flipped toward Jasmine so fast it was a surprise that nobody got whiplash.

"What did she say?" One of Jackie's aunts asked with a surprised look on her face.

Jackie groaned.

"Oh tit." Jasmine said again, clearly loving all the attention.

"That's hysterical." One of Jackie's uncles declared.

Jackie put her head in her hands in frustration.

"It's Nick's fault." She mumbled.

"Oh no, you're not blaming this one on me, this is all you babe." Nick said with a grin, not willing to be the fall guy.

"What'd you do Jackie?" Jackie's mom asked.

"We almost got in a car accident on the way down here, and I said something I obviously shouldn't have and now I've ruined my child." Jackie said.

Her dad laughed "Yeah, you have to be careful what you say around little kids, they are like little parrots, they repeat everything." He said.

Jackie gave him a dirty look.

"What, they do." He said getting defensive.

"I know that dad, but now what do I do about it?" Jackie asked, she was beginning to get irritated.

"Just ignore her and she'll stop saying it." He suggested.

"I can't just ignore it, what if she says it out in public, at church, or when she is visiting my classroom. That's all I need, a phone call from 23 sets of angry parents because my daughter has a mouth like a sailor."

"She doesn't have a mouth like a sailor, she has a mouth like her mother." Nick said with a huge grin.

"Can it Nicholas." Jackie said as she gave him a dirty look.

Nick just laughed at her.

Later that evening everyone forgot about what Jasmine had said, they went back to enjoying the birthday celebration. Jasmine didn't say it again that night, in fact she fell asleep shortly after she had caused all the ruckus. Jackie crossed her fingers that that was the end of oh tit.