This is it people the final chapter and I can't thank you all enough for all the reads that I have gotten, it's an unbelievable rush to know so many have read my story.

Thanks to all that provided words of encouragement and stayed with me through the entire story and all my mistakes.

And now…


Dean snapped awake and looked around. He wasn't in the hospital and he wasn't at home but somehow this place seemed familiar a beautiful garden and he sat up on the stone bench he was lying on.

He knew it wasn't a dream none of it was, Arandi dying, his boys being born, jumping from the hospital roof but he wasn't allowed to die no matter what took him out, peace was an illusion in his life.

"Hello Dean."

Dean's heart raced because he knew the voice and he knew also that things had not ended well the last time they met so Dean knew that he was screwed in more ways than one.

"Hello Michael." Dean rasped lifting his eyes to meet Michael's inhumanly blue eyes that reminded him so much of Arandi's.

"Take a walk with me." Michael said not asking or demanding but it's what we need to be doing tone.

Dean stood up and they walked deeper into the garden. He desperately wondered what he could offer Michael in exchange for Arandi to live.

"I don't make deals Dean." Michael said stopping to look down at him.

"I know that you hate me Michael but I did what I thought was right and everything turned out maybe not the way you or God deemed acceptable but it turned out." Dean defended.

"I don't hate you." Michael said in shocked horror that Dean would think such a thing. "I was upset that you didn't seem to want to be the warrior you were destined to be but you made that leap without me. Dean you have saved more lives and souls than fathomable, you are entirely like a wayward angel without wings and well I felt a bit hurt that you didn't need me."

"I need you now." Dean murmured.

Michael smiled. "Dean I have always been near you."

Dean stared at him and understanding flowed through him all the times that he thought for sure it was over and then miracles appeared out of nowhere. "It wasn't always Castiel?"

Michael's laugh boomed. "My dear brother is shall we say very attached to you and even though I could take him out in a blink of an eye he stood toe to toe with me defending your honor."

Dean blushed but smiled.

"I know how much you love your wife Dean and I have to leave to prepare for the battles that are coming. We have precious time now that the demons are gone but they will return soon enough."

"What are you saying Michael?" Dean whispered.

"Your life is far from over, too many obstacles still left to hurdle and I will give you the peace you so much long for." Michael stepped closer to Dean.

"What will it cost me?" Dean asked not daring to take his eyes off Michael's.

"I don't work like demons Dean I give what I want to give when I want to give it and then you have to face the consequences. Can you live with that?"

"If I have Arandi and my family yes I can."

"Seven years of peace Dean seven years before destiny unfolds again before you and you will have to walk down that road." Michaels laughed softly. "Well in your case roar down it in your Impala."

Dean smiled. "Are you telling me that I have seven years to live?"

"Seven years of peace Dean" Michael repeated as he reached with his fingers to brush Dean's forehead.

Dean jerked at the jolt that filled his body and he was falling.


Dean blinked, he was back at the hospital maternity waiting room and he looked around confused.

Shane came through the doors and Dean's heart beat fiercely. He couldn't do this again was this a sick joke or another mystery spot replay.

The scene played out exactly as before until Shane was telling Dean that Arandi was very weak and was going to need lots of rest, her blood pressure was low and her heart a little too fast but she was going to be fine. Dean sagged in relief and almost went into hysterical laughter but something still in Shane's face seemed off.

"Shane what's wrong is something wrong with one of the boys?"

Shane shook his head looking at Dean. "They are fine but I don't even know how to tell you this."

"What Shane you're scaring me." Dean prodded.

"It's nothing bad Dean it's just mysterious and sort of miraculous."

There was that miracle thing again.

"Come with me it's the best way that I can explain." Shane pushed through the doors and Dean and Sam followed until they were standing at the maternity windows.

Shane pointed to a boy and girl in the back of the room being taken care of so tiny that they could be held in one hand but they looked alive.

"Those are your twins Sam." Shane offered and Dean threw his arm around Sam's shoulder as tears brimmed in their eyes.

Then Shane moved to the far end of the window and pointed to two boys wrapped up sleeping soundly. They looked nothing alike. "Those are your boys Dean." Shane paused and pointed again, "and that's your daughter." He said softly.

It took a moment for the news to hit home and Dean stared at Shane. "Daughter but I thought it was just twin boys." He stammered.

"That's the miracle I was talking about Dean never are babies carried in the same sac and not born identical. Your boys were in the same sac nearly wrapped around each other the whole pregnancy so the baby girl was between them almost as if they were protecting her and they did a damn good job because we never saw her until the C-section was performed. None of them are identical and they should be it's boggling but yet knowing who you are just seems to make sense too."

Dean stared at his children shocked that he was now the father of triplets instead of twins. He was the father of two boys and a girl. He placed his head to the window watching them and uncertainty churned in his stomach knowing that Michael had something to do with this but it didn't matter. His daughter as tiny as she was just like her mom as her tiny little eyes fell on her daddy and the chains and locks clicked into place as Dean smiled softly. Daddy's little girl and she had him wrapped around her little finger for the rest of her life.


Dean and Sam were thrilled with new parenthood side of life as they took on all the responsibilities that they could while Arandi and Jade recovered.

The new dads were with the babies every chance that they could be and they helped each other too.

Dean felt torn when his babies and Arandi were sent home before Sam's but Sam told him that he would be fine that Arandi needed him. Still Dean would take a couple of hours of everyday to be with his brother until they all finally were home together again.

It seemed pointless for them to move to the other houses when the main house fit them all so well and nobody mentioned it.

Dean was so happy he thought he would burst but always in the back of his mind he thought of Michael's words and looked at his little girl wondering.

Seven years of peace and Dean planned to enjoy every second.


As in everything else time was going too fast for Dean with his kids and Arandi who he told everyday how much he loved never forgetting how he had almost lost her forever.

When she got the medical all clear to return to normal activities they ravished each other like two lust driven college kids and Dean scared Arandi when he began to cry holding her tight and he finally told her what had happened. She held him close and they made love until exhaustion took over.

In each other's arms no one else existed, they were each other's oxygen, heartbeat, everything. They were beyond soul mates and so in love it was palpable.

They never tired of saying it or showing it and people were always in awe of the relationship they shared.

Life was amazing now and he and Sam had gone back to work reluctantly but Arandi and Jade brought the kiddos by often so that the dads could show them off.

Dean and Arandi had decided to name their children fairly easily since the twin boys were just like Dean and Sam so it was only natural that the boy brought out first was Dean Jonathan Winchester and then Samuel Robert Winchester, DJ and Sammy. Their little girl they had tried to combine their names until they finally settled on Deanari Beth Winchester.

Sam and Jade had named their twins, Jaden John Winchester and Samantha Mary Winchester.

The story of how they were all born on the same day had to be tweaked for those who had no clue about the supernatural.

Dean's garage was booming more than ever and people came from miles around to have the best mechanic in Texas and he was featured in magazines bringing in people from around the country because Dean's staff couldn't be beat. He was even offered the most ridiculous amount of money to work for some NASCAR team but he could never be away from his family long.

Dean had nearly forgotten how much of a good mechanic Arandi was until he found her under a car one day at the garage fiddling with a car that belonged to the mayor's wife. While Jade kept an eye on the kiddies at the bookstore with Sam.

"You're hired." Dean called into the open hood of the car.

"My husband would never let me work for you everyone knows how much of a perv you are." Arandi called back.

"No kidding." Gage yelled. "He hits on me all of the time."

"You too I thought it was only me." Garrett replied.

"Well don't I feel used." Gavin sputtered.

"Very funny Larry, Curly, Mo, I was actually thinking of giving you funny morons a raise but now you can kiss this and I don't mean my rosy red lips."

"There he goes being a perv again." Bobby mumbled.

"Surrounded by comedians I see, maybe in should turn the garage into a comedy club but then I would go out of business." Dean chuckled.

"Hiss, boo." The G brother's moaned.

Arandi came out from under the car grease smudged across her cheek and Dean grinned like an idiot. Did she know how sexy that was? Damn that they weren't alone because this would have been interesting, great now he couldn't even think of work without getting turned on.

Still he pulled her into a kiss and she smiled into his lips. "You're way too easy."

"Yeah seeing you all dirty makes me think dirty so not my fault." Dean breathed into her neck.

"Excuse me young impressionable minds in the room thank you very much." Gavin whined.

"Watch and learn from the best little man." Dean laughed.

"Dean really not a good idea then we have to listen to him whack off at home." Gage gagged.

"Cuz you guys never do that." Gavin blushed.

"Downtown San Antonio can't hear us though." Garrett laughed.

"Alright guys time to shut it down." Dean said as he laughed.

"It's not even five yet."

"Shut up dude we get to go home early." Garrett smacked Gavin in the arm.

"I got a date with the new employee." Dean smiled wagging his eyebrows.

"I don't put out on the first date mister."

"We'll see missy." Dean snickered pulling Arandi into another kiss.


And so life went on damn near perfect for all the Winchesters. They had more family than they ever could have hoped for and they all visited often.

Cody and Cheyenne settled in Texas too when Cody was able to start his own firm close by with his wife and they had become parents also.

Colt and Revin were frequent visitors as they stayed in the hunt and needed information often.

The G Brother's became a constant in the Winchester household and their mom and dad thanked Dean every chance they could for giving their boys a chance to become somebody.

Dean told them every time that he knew potential when he saw it and he grew to love his mechanic team he had dubbed the G stooges.

For the first time in their lives they celebrated holidays and birthdays and Dean really had to work out to stay under two hundred pounds with all the good cooking that always seemed to pass through their house, so much awesome pie.

Dean and Sam had never loved Christmas so much as they did now that they were fathers, seeing the faces of their boys and girls light up was the best gift every year that passed.

Dean's over protectiveness never ceased and now that he was father Sam was giving him competition.

The first time one of the boys got hurt Dean nearly suffered another full on panic attack

He forced himself to remember the childhood he missed and he wanted his children and niece and nephew to enjoy everything that a child should and with terror in his heart at every turn he watched them enjoy that life and be part of every waking moment with the love of his life and his brother and the love of his life.

The simplest things were the wonders of their lives now like getting the kids bathed and to bed. Telling them fantastic bed time stories and Dean singing them songs that he wrote just for them, teaching them to swim and other necessities of life.

Dean found himself in tears the day that he and Arandi decided that they needed to be trained just in case the supernatural came after them and Dean knew he had to let it happen because they only had seven years of peace.

They had every first moment to cherish from first words to first steps and Dean made sure dada was that first word and he let Arandi be the target of the first steps since she had done most of the work. He thought he was being more than generous.

There was so much to hold on to every memory precious and for these hunters that had wanted to have a family so much and it was theirs now. Every day and awakening to a life of treasures and experience, happiness so complete it was downright surreal.

Dean and Arandi, Sam and Jade, realized that it's not until your enjoying your life that seven years sneaks past you in the blink of an eye.

Seven years to the day.


The yard was alive with all the people invited to celebrate the Winchester children's seventh birthday.

Dean, Sam, Bobby, Colt, and Revin worked on the grill cooking enough for half the state but then some of the appetites were amazing.

The G Brothers ran around like mad with water balloons with all the children there and everyone laughed and there were so many pictures being taken that Dean was sure it was going to make their computer crash.

Dean and Sam smiled at each other partly happy that they had made it this far and partly sad that seven years with their children were already gone.

Dean watched his two boys running like gazelles ahead of everyone and he smiled at how they both always made sure Deanari was alright. They protected their little sister like Dean had protected Sam maybe even more so. He and Sam had argued often. His boys didn't even like to see Deanari upset and most kids would take advantage of that but not her, she just loved her brothers back so completely that it was stunning sometimes.

Dean knew that as Deanari grew she was going to be as beautiful as her mother and it made him ache at just how many boys were going to be chasing after her and well Samantha too for that matter because she was going to be a beauty too.

Dean had it figured out that he and Sam could scare most of the would be Romeos away and any that dared to try again well then maybe they would be worthy.

He noticed Arandi staring at their daughter and sons and he walked to her wrapping his arms around her from behind.

"I know it's hard baby but they are going to be good kids and adults." Dean sighed.

"Just yesterday I was changing their diaper." She whispered.

"I know baby I know." He held her tighter and they watched their children play.


The music and laughter filled the air and everyone was having a blast as dusk fell and gifts were opened. The kids were having a fantastic time and everyone was full with all the glorious food and cakes.

The adults were sharing stories and then the lights began to flicker and the music skipped.

All the hunters were on their feet running.

"Get the kids inside!" Dean yelled as he quickly punched in the code of hidden safe in the stone wall to pull out weapons. He never got the chance to finish as he was lifted in the air and slammed unmercifully into another stone wall.

Dean gasped in pain as he felt the bone in his left arm break in more than one place and he saw stars from the pain.

His kids were staring above them at black swirling smoke and he yelled, why wasn't anyone getting them to safety.

Arandi turned to look at him her eyes wide and Dean knew then that the kids were the reason for this and he pushed himself to his feet. It was going to take more than a broken arm to keep him from protecting his children.

Deanari was suddenly in front of him. "It's ok daddy, alright you don't have to be afraid for us we can protect ourselves." She reached to touch her dad's broken arm, healing it so fast that Dean could still feel the pain of the break even though it was no longer there.

He wasn't surprised somewhere deep inside he had known but had never accepted that his children would be special why else had angels and demons both been so prominent in trying to keep them alive or kill them.

Deanari smiled at her dad and with his heart thudding he watched her walk forward right to the danger as he felt Arandi's finger entwine with his and Sam and Jade stood beside them.

Demons stepped out of the smoke as their children showed no fear to the threat.

Deanari and Samantha stood back to back their hands clasped together and the boys surrounded them in a circle facing out holding hands.

"You can't hurt our parents anymore." Little Dean called out, his voice way too old for a seven year old.

"Aw how sweet little children wanting to play house." The demon out front snickered.

"How about we just drop a house on you?" DJ smiled his intense blue eyes shimmered with excitement.

The demon frowned. "You can't be…"

"Oh but we are." Deanari said with confidence.

Dean had a sudden rush of memory of when the God amulet had appeared in the Impala and he had seen the vision of the five confident, beautiful youths and he knew now that he had been seeing his children grown and Sam's children as well. They were salvation.

In awe everyone watched as the children began to recite in Latin and the demons tried to make a run for it but couldn't. The ground began to shake and the sky darkened. A bright light burst from center of the children as they chanted on and the demons screamed as they died where they were so easily defeated in their over confidence that these children could be taken.

Everyone else watched in stunned silence as the demons died and vanished and then everything was back to normal. Well normal as it could possibly be when you have just discovered that your children are so powerful.

Normal had never been a constant in the Winchester world now it could officially be put on the shelf.

The threat over, the children smiled at each other and came and hugged their parents to comfort them. Jaden's hug made Dean so calm and he smiled, it shouldn't surprise him at all that one of Sam's kids would be an empath.

They had so much yet to discover but Dean felt torn between needing to protect his family and letting them be the strongest that they could.

"We will always need you daddy." DJ and Sammy said together hugging their dad fiercely and he swallowed the lump in his throat. He never would have believed that he would ever have all this.

He looked at Sam who smiled. "Well so much for retirement bro."

"No shit." Dean grumbled they had to be more alert than ever because their children would be hunted, now and forever hunted. He looked around scanning the faces of all the people there, the tight knit little family they had managed to bring together on the broken road that had led them here.

Dean swallowed one more lump seeing nothing but possessive protectiveness on every face, no words needed to be spoken their backs were covered in every sense of the word and Dean had a feeling Texas was going to be gaining a few more residence.

The kids had gone back to playing as if nothing had happened and having no cover up or mess to clean, it was easy to pretend nothing had happened but the wheels were already turning to prepare for the next time and the time after that.

The storm was coming.

Dean hugged Arandi closer. "Ready to battle on Xena?"

"Just gotta sharpen my chakram." She mumbled. "I may not need it though."

Dean looked at her as she motioned to his chest and he felt the slight warmth of the amulet that was glowing against his shirt.

"About time." He muttered.

Their friends surrounded them ready for the plans they knew were coming even the G-Brothers were setting in motion ready to fight for the family that had believed in them and saved them.

Dean and Sam would never again be alone.

"So gramps what the plan?" Dean prodded Bobby.

"First of all we have to discover just how much power our kiddos have and what kind." Bobby sighed worry and readiness etched on his face.

Dean looked Sam who sighed deeply; neither of them was quite ready for that.

They watched their children laugh and play and in the silence Dean panicked for just a second when Arandi chimed.

"Guess this isn't a good time to tell you that I'm pregnant."

Chuckles sifted through the air as Dean only stared at his wife waiting for the just kidding to follow.

The breeze shifted and the air moved like the sound of a thousand angel wings and Dean leaned to kiss Arandi.

"Have I told you lately how much I love you?" He breathed.

"No you haven't." She sighed.

"We have a lifetime." He said against her neck and he believed it more than ever and loved her just the same. "I still think you're what an angel should look like."

"Don't start with that my love." Arandi huffed holding him tight.

"But baby that's what started it all."

The children's laughter drifted to them and Dean looked at Sam again and smiled his megawatt smile, which was returned full fold.

The end was a far off notion.

For the Winchesters it was only the beginning.


I can't believe it I finally finished The Chronicles! I am truly sorry for all the errors and I know I couldn't please everyone but for those of you who have enjoyed my story to the end, thank you for your patience.

Thank you all for at least giving it a try.

I know that Jensen and Jared think that Dean and Sam should go out in a blaze of glory but I think that they should continue hunting but finally find some happiness.

I can't stand the thought of Dean and Sam ending but that's just me.

Thanks again for reading!