Okay, this is for all BB-Star shippers! You're a rare specimen, and you deserve to be honored!
Music plays: I don't, I don't, I don't own Teen Titans. If, If, If, I did that would rock! Yeah! BB's POV! And yes, (Shudders) There is Raven and Robin fluff. I need to go take a shower before I write this.
I knew that this would happen, I just didn't want to believe it would. But now, here is Starfire sitting on my bed, crying herself out. Really, I'm kinda glad that she doesn't realize what a pig sty my room is, but she's distracted for the wrong reasons. Stupid Robin, Stupid Rae and stupid me! It's almost all their fault, if they hadn't been… doing what they were doing without even locking the fucking door. It's also my fault, if I had said something; because I did notice the looks between the birds, the playful gestures, then Star would haven able to back out sooner.
"I believe," Starfire sniffed "I no longer like the name 'love birds'!" I stared at Starfire for minute—she in her own way, had just cracked a joke! I used to call her and Robin that, when I used to be with Rae. I smiled at her and pulled her into a hug.
"Yeah, and I think we should call them 'clorebags' instead." She giggled "Or any other alien cuss word they don't understand." This made her laugh out loud and she shook slightly just so that her hair tickled my cheek. See, a long time ago, Star told me what the word 'clorebag means: It's basically means dickhead. I guess that's why I like her so much; Star's like me—clever in our own way.
"And I will call you my Beast man!" she stared me in the eyes and I couldn't help but smirk—she noticed that I used to joke around with Raven about that. I hopped up and down on my bed
"I KNOW! WE SHOULD RUN AWAY TOGETHER AND CALL OURSELVES TOFU GUY AND TWINKIE! TOGETHER WE WILL FIGHT CRIME FOR TRUTH, JUSTICE AND MILK FREE WAFFLES!" Star was levitating by now, and I was glad that someone in the tower could get my humor. She was smiling, but then her smile faltered.
"What is a twinkly?" I stared at her for a moment but then I got what she meant.
"Oh! You mean Twinkie!" then something hit me-"You've never had a Twinkie?" I yelled in shock as Starfire shook her head. "Wait just a sec," I hopped into m "Wait just a sec," I hopped into my piles of dirty clothes and dug around until I saw a pink little piggy. I reached for it but, it kept slipping away. I felt like Starfire was watching me the whole time—mainly on my butt. I eventually got the bank and opened it; I pulled out 50 bucks.
I turned to her and smiled mischiefly. "I was saving this but Rae something nice, but screw that! Let's go by all the gas stations and buy all the Twinkies we can get our hands on." Starfire debated this for a moment so I added "Consider this payback to Rae and Rob. Did you save any money to spend on him? Go get it a join me on a Twinkie and ice cream parade!"
Starfire giggled with excitement and zoomed out of my room. With in a minute she came back with a wad of cash. " I have earned two hundered dollars—I was going to buy robin something glorious, but as you said: Screw that!" Put one hand on her hip and put the hand with money up in the air. It was kinda cute really. I rubbed my hands together evilly and she laughed. Starfire scooped up a sleeping Silkie who squealed in joy. Gotta love giant baby moths!
So with our wads of cash we waltzed out of my room with the goal of paybacks and sugar rushes in our minds. Who knows? Maybe she is like Rae and gets all flirty when she gets sugar. A guy can dream, can't he?
I wrote that pretty much on random. I'm not sure you should ask where I got this from or not! I think this is somewhat different than my other writings —hisssss Rob- Rae sucks!
Review or Tofu man and Twinkie will shove a squirrel down your shirt!