I know I shouldn't have...but I started this anyways! Enjoy :)
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter
"This is-"
"Gonna be-"
"Spectacular!" We end together, in unison, grinning. I act as lookout for Minny as George puts the finishing touches on our latest prank. As usual, George starts to get nervous.
"What if it's not a Slytherin who walks by? I mean, I know it's near their commons, but-"
"It will be. When have we ever been wrong?"
"Well, we we wrong about that prank with the chickens, the one with the hiccup potion, our last product that left boils all over our-"
"Okay, okay! Maybe we should take it-" I'm cut off by the sound of a band and a fall a few meters away. Too late.
"What house are you in?" calls George, ever the subtle one.
"Oh, hello! I'm sorry, I think I activated your contraption. I appear to be stuck to the ground, and my arm is at a rather strange angle. Of course, this could be the Wrackspurts' doings, they are quite rambunctious during this moon phase." She stops speaking, and I run forward, afraid she's unconscious. But instead she's just looking around curiously.
As I kneel by her, she speaks, but not to me. "It's a magical night. On nights like these I feel like they're closer." Then she stops speaking again, and I become too nervous to ask who "they" are.
"Um, Fred, should we-"
"Do something?" The girls eyes seem to come back to earth, and she looks at me, making my heart thud.
"You're the Weasley twins." she states, her eyes still on me. They're large and bright, almost silver, like mist, and full of magic. Her icy blond hair is splayed around her. Her pale arm is, sure enough, twisted out at a strange angle.
"Oh, jeez, I'm sorry...Luna, right?" She keeps watching me intently, and I feel a shiver go down my spine. "This wasn't meant for you, I swear." George nods from behind.
"Don't worry over me, I always come out alright." She seems almost sad when she says this. I reach out a hand to help her up, when I remember that I glued her to the floor. I take out my wand and do a few spells, then proceed to help her up. I notice her hand fits in mine before shaking my head and telling myself it's not the time.
"George, care to aid me in accompanying this fair maiden to the hospital wing?"
Review! There's only gonna be another chapter or two :)