Forgotten Memories

 NA: Thoughts in (  )

Disclaimer: All the Hana Yori Dango characters are owned by Yoko Kamio

 Chapter 1: Who am I

In the warehouse, Tsukushi had thrown herself in front of Tsukasa just as Junpei threw the chair at him. There was a look of horror on Junpei's face as he realized that the chair was going to hit Tsukushi but there was nothing he could do. Inevitably, the chair impacted on the back of Tsukushi's head. The last things that she heard before she slipped in unconsciousness were two urgent voices, one shouting, "Makino!" and the other, "Makino-sempai!"


( Everything is so white here, and peaceful…I don't want to wake up. Everything up there is so confusing and tiring, I just want a peaceful life, like this place I am in; a place to rest and relax. Who and what I am has no relevance here. In this place, I have no identity at all…I like it. But I feel some force pulling me away from this place. NO! I don't want to go. I don't want the life I had before…I want to be…free )


"She's moving her hand! Call the doctor!" A male voice called out. The door slammed and there was the sound of running. She gradually opened her eyes, the bright light causing her to squint. Three anxious faces looked down at her. When they saw that she had opened her eyes, their faces immediately beamed. Then one of them got angry and yelled at her, "You idiot! What did you think you were doing, jumping in front of me like that! You could have been badly hurt…Oh wait, you ARE badly hurt. You fool!" Then he threw his arms around her and whispered into her hair, "Never, never scare me like that again."

"Tsukasa, put her down. She's not well enough for any strenuous actions on your part," the well-modulated tone of a guy intercepted in.

She lifted her head from the worm-haired guy's shoulder and cautiously looked around the room. There were two other guys beside the worm-haired guy, one who had just admonished the worm-haired guy she christened marble-glassed eyed guy, and the other with curly hair down to his shoulders. "Excuse me, but do I know you people?"

All of them, with the exception of Tsukushi, dropped their jaws.


The doctor trembled in fear, not due to the fact that he was hanging one feet off the ground, and it was also not because Mr Doumyouji Tsukasa was banging him against the wall, nor was it the insane anger in his eyes; no, it was all three factors that made him want to pee in his pants. "What do you mean she has amnesia!?" Tsukasa shouted, his spittle all over the doctor's face. "Why can't she remember a darn thing!? You told me that once she got out of the coma, she would be alright, but SHE'S NOT! I especially flown you in from America to treat her, and what happen? She lost her mind!"

"Not exactly lost her mind, Mr Doumyouji," the doctor offered timidly. "Just her memories."

"Just her memories hmmm? Just her memories! Well her memories are the most important part of her, aren't they?" Tsukasa's voice became increasingly louder. Rui, at the side was trying to calm him down, "Tsukasa, calm down. It doesn't help Tsukushi at all with you behaving like this. Now, let the doctor down and see how he can help us. After all, he's the world's renowned brain specialist." His demeanor was like trying to sooth an enraged beast down, which was what Tsukasa was like at the moment.

Tsukasa reluctantly put the doctor down and the doctor immediately collapsed onto the chair. He wondered if the financial benefits were worth the constant threats that Doumyouji had given him the past week that Makino had been in a coma. He collected himself then using his most professional voice, told the two men in the room, "Head injuries are usually the most tricky to predict. This is especially when the person is in a coma and we have no idea what is happening inside her mind, as in the case of Miss Makino. I would like to say that Miss Makino has been very lucky." When he saw that Doumyouji was going to argue on that fact he quickly continued, "What I mean by lucky is that she has suffered a serious blow to her head and she could become a vegetable or be in a coma for the rest of her life, instead, she only got amnesia, and this amnesia only affects her memories but not her motor functions. In a sense, she got off lightly because she does not have to learn how to walk or even feed herself. She is fine physically, just that there are mental damages. Her memories may or may not ever come back but all of you can try to help her in that area. Bring her to familiar places, talk to her about things that you have done, bring her friends and family to her to talk to her, and maybe, something will evoke her memories."


She looked at herself in the mirror. It was a bit frightening that she could not even recognize her own face. She touched her face hesitantly. The guys that were in her room had said that her name was Makino Tsukushi and she was the girlfriend of the worm-haired guy(who she found out was called Tsukasa). She wondered how that had come to be; she would not have choosen him of her own free will, not just because he had weird hair, he was also aggressive to boot. When he heard her asking who they were all, he immediately gave a big yell and shouted at the doctor that had came into the room. He manhandled the doctor outside to 'talk' to him about the situation. Of course, the weird hair aside, he was quite good-looking but his personality left a lot to be desired. As she was pondering over all these, he and the marble-eyed guy (or Rui as he had introduced himself) came into the room, and immediately held a conference with the two others guys, Akira and Soujiro. Tsukushi strained to hear what was being said but she could not catch a word at all. Then in unison, they turned to look at her and she stirred disquietly under their scrutiny.

She asked haltingly, "Could you tell me about my family?"

The guy named Tsukasa walked to her and sat down at the chair beside her bed. Then he took her hand in his, which she quickly withdrew because she felt uncomfortable of him, being practically a stranger, holding her hand. His eyes darkened but he did not try to take her hand again. He said, "You have a mother, a father and a younger brother. Unfortunately they could not be here with you because your paternal grandfather had fallen sick and they had to go and take care of him. They left you in my care because they know that I will take the absolute care with you." Tsukushi shifted uneasily over the intensity of his words and his tone. She was uneasy with the fact that she was left in the care of a stranger, even though he claimed to be her boyfriend. She was also a bit saddened that she could not even remember her own family.

Just then, the door opened and in walked a blond-hair guy. The F4 had turned to see who it was and Tsukasa's demeanor changed to the aggressive one again. He stood up and walked straight to the guy and demanded, "What do you want? Have you not gotten your revenge? I let you go once because I had done you a great wrong and it evens the score between us. However, Tsukushi, who had not done anything to you, is suffering. So are you here to accept your punishment?"

Tsukushi said one word, "Junpei?"


AN: How come Makino can remember Junpei? What will be Doumyouji's reaction? All these and more in the next chapter of "Forgotten Memories".