Apia Chapter 1
This story was made for daughterofrisingsun hope she reads it and enjoys! So…
Radditz looked at his fellow Saiyan warriors as he climbed into his ship.
He had a slight hope that his brother would come back with him and help him over run their tyrant (Freiza) it had been his plan for a while; his father knew it as well.
"Radditz!" called a female warrior from behind him.
He turned slowly to see the princess; with a courteous bow he looked up at her "Your majesty."
"I wanted to wish you luck." She implied a bit sadly.
Radditz looked down at his foot to avoid looking at the men around him he didn't want anyone to know the secret between him and the princess it could have cost him his life.
"Radditz." She said softly.
He looked up into her onyx eyes her long silky and wavy hair flowed down her shoulders, her lips plump and pink along with her beautiful golden skin that he so badly wanted to touch.
"Bring back Kakkoratt in one peace and don't disappoint my father!" she growled.
He nodded slowly as he stood up "I won't defy you or the Saiyan race in any manner."
With a quick nod he sat down in his pod and closed the door.
All the men around the pod waved and cheered as they watched Bardock's eldest son fly off to a distant planet.
Apia looking the most disappointed, sighing deeply she turned back to the men "Get a move on Lord Freiza and my father have commanded you all to report to the royal hall immediately!" she spat as she watched the men grumble as they moved passed her.
She looked into the sky one last time; her feelings were starting to irritate her more and more with each passing moment last night was supposed to mean nothing but it ended up being so much more.
She put not only herself in danger but Radditz as well, good thing he had the mission to go find his brother it saved her the trouble of having to end up dealing with having to see him constantly trying to avoid awkwardness.
She turned swiftly following the giant crowd of Saiyans into the royal hall.
Radditz sat with clenched fists, He didn't want to see her not today and certainly not in front of all those men. What he had done was unacceptable for a warrior of his class.
He was in no way allowed to be seen with the princess.
He had remembered when he had met her, oh how he remembered.
It was after the great defeat of the Tuffles. Radditz had run a huge battle through on side of the planet leading it with great bravery and intelligence had earned him a chance to have dinner with the King and his family.
Radditz was so happy he was being the warrior his dad had wanted him to be. When he arrived at the dinner hall something had changed.
Something he had no clue on dealing with nor did he want to deal with it; it was when he spotted the princess walking into the dinner hall she had a golden tiara upon her head her classic black Saiyan armor with gold trim and her hair was up into a high ponytail a little scar across her cheek.
She was the absolute most beautiful thing Radditz had ever laid eyes on.
When he walked in to meet with the King he had a bit of trouble controlling his feelings he had shaken King Vegeta's hand, Queen Cebella's hand, Prince Tarble, Prince Vegeta, and Princess Apia.
Apia had not been thrilled with the meeting of the 3rd class warrior along with the Prince (Vegeta) but Radditz hadn't minded much at the moment.
As they sat down they rarely engaged in any communication once so ever but the silence had given Radditz a chance to think over his feelings toward the princess her eating was quick but mannerly her scowl was deadly yet sexy and her voice was as sharp as glass but as smooth as honey it was the edge of the woman that intrigued him in every way possible.
It wasn't until after eating that he met her out in the garden, he had followed her his excuse being he wanted to see the garden as well.
She was not pleased with him being near her but she implied anyhow the silence was now both awkward and very much uncomfortable that's when he decided to speak.
"I see you have a love for agriculture." He said forcing to make conversation with the heiress.
"Indeed I find flowers as the most beautiful thing in the universe." He never thought he'd hear someone as powerful and as mean as she was to find any interest in something as common as plants.
"Radditz." She said as she stared down at the plants under her fingertips.
"Yes your highness." He answered.
Without taking her eyes off the plants below her she spoke softly "Vegetasai needs more men like you strong, smart, and willing to defend his planet you have made a good impression on my family."
Radditz couldn't help but smile "Thank you princess."
She looked at him the moonlight glistening off of her ebony colored orbs a small smirk creased her features "You're welcome Radditz."
She passed by him her hips swaying as she did so.
Then did Radditz realize how strong his feelings were for the woman.
(End of Flashback)
He had never forgotten the way he felt that day his whole reality had been turned inside out due to the sight of the Saiyan princess he promised to make her proud with this mission.
He promised.
So how is it for my first RadditzXOC fic hopefully you liked it.
Oh Apia is the Spanish word for Celery (sticking with the foregin vegetable names) and Cebella means onion just thought I'd let you know.