Chapter Three

Karofsky POV

I was cleaning out my locker after Puckerman left. Around twenty minutes later I heard what sounded like a gunshot. I walked out of the locker room and heard voices coming from the auditorium. I went to the windows and looked in; the Glee Club was on stage, tied up with two men pointed guns at them. Kurt was sitting with a curly haired kid I'd never seen before, he looked bad, and Brittany was holding something to his leg. He was the one who was shot. But then I looked over and saw Puckerman laying on the stage, bleeding from his back.

I saw a woman stand from the seats and walked towards the stage. I listened close to try to hear what she was saying. I heard mumbles but then I heard her say she wanted them all dead. I frowned, this wasn't good, I may have hated the Glee Club, especially the fairy boy, but this needed to be reported. I reached down to my pockets to get my phone but cussed loudly when I realized I left it in the locker room. I turned to go back and tripped, falling into the auditorium.

Everyone looked at me and the two guys with guns ran to me. They grabbed me before I could get out. They threw me onstage and tied me up like the rest of the club.

Kurt POV

We all heard a thump and a curse and looked up at the doors. Karofsky lay on the floor. He started to get up but the men were already grabbing him. They threw him onstage, tied him up and looked at Mrs. Shuester.

"Hmm…I don't know who he is but since he's here…kill him too. Come on! We don't have all night!" She huffed and walked off the stage.

"Terry. It's over." Everyone's head snapped up, Mr. Shue was standing in the doorway, two policemen behind him, red and blue lights could be seen from outside.

The two men started to panic, Frank pointed the gun at Blaine, wanting to finish him off. I screamed, it was muffled by the tape. I jumped forward just as Frank pulled the trigger. I felt a pain in my side and then there just blackness.

Finn POV

When the guy pointed the gun at Blaine again and Kurt jumped forward, everyone screamed.

I scrambled to my feet, even thought we were tied up and ran over to my brother. He just laid there, his head on Blaine's stomach where he'd landed. Blaine was crying Kurt's name, unable to pull him up. I looked over at Brittany who was crying and motioned to Kurt. She nodded and pulled him up, leaning him against me now.

Will POV

The two officers raised their guns and shot the man who'd fired his gun again. When he raised the gun I had already started running towards the stage. I got on stage and saw Puck lying face down, not breathing and then saw Blaine and Kurt, Kurt was on the verge of bleeding to death.

Paramedics rushed into the auditorium with stretchers. Within a matter of a minute, all of the wounded were on stretchers and the kids were untied and could speak again.

Terry and then two men were escorted out in handcuffs. I turned to the kids, "I'm so sorry…" Santana sobbed and buried her face in my chest. She'd never shown emotion towards me.

The others started crying and gathered around us. We were interrupted when their parents rushed in, calling their names.

I saw Burt Hummel and Carole run in, "Where's Kurt?" Burt said, looking around. Finn saw him and ran over sobbing, trying to explain. I went over and explained what happened to Kurt and Blaine. Burt turned white and rushed back out the door, Carole and Finn running after.

Kurt POV

I woke up, I could see the sun shining through the window of the hospital room window. Wait, hospital? What happened…Blaine…he was shot and then…I was shot…I gasped and sat up, instantly regretting it, a sharp pain shot through my body. Looked down and saw bandages wrapped around my midsection. I looked around, there was no one there but someone in a bed beside me. I saw an elevated leg, "Blaine…" I whispered, carefully moving forward to see if he was awake. He turned his head and then his eyes widened, "Kurt! You're awake!" He sat up and grinned slightly.

I rubbed my head groggily, "What time is it?" He smiled softly.

"Six in the morning…Tuesday…you've uhm…you've been in a coma since Friday night." I realized tears were slipping down his cheeks, I reached over, our beds weren't far from each other, and wiped off his cheeks, "Shh, I'm here now…" He nodded and then turned, pressing a button on his bed. Seconds later a nurse came in and smiled, "Well, it's nice to see you Mr. Hummel, I'll go get your family…and friends…"

Everyone was there, I'd found out that Puck was going to be rolled into Blaine and I's room. So twenty minutes later everyone was gathered around the three beds.

Brittany sat on my bed, clutching to my arm, "Don't sleep that long next time Kurty." I smiled softly and squeezed her hand, "I promise I won't Britty."

(Not Kurt POV, Not Anyone's In General)

Terry and the two men were put in jail for kidnapping and attempted murder.

Puck was paralyzed for about three months but then regained the used of his limbs again. He couldn't play football anymore but he didn't really care about that, just that he was still alive.

Blaine was in a cast for five months and still walked with a limp but he could still dance and since flawlessly. He transferred to McKinley two weeks after Kurt got out of the hospital.

Kurt has a nasty scar where they surgically removed the bullet from his hip bone. But he was alive and had Blaine.

The Glee Club went on to win Regional's singing Stronger by Brittany Spears.
