A/N: I'm trying out a new setup now, I kinda like it this way, and the ENTIRE story is in 3rd person POV! Wohooooo! I actually did that for once :) Anyways, according to the plan this story is gonna be a two shot, so it's almost over :( But I did work a little harder on this one, so I think it'll be good :) Hope you guys like it :)

Logan danced around in his room while getting dressed, his music blasting from his iPod ear buds. Finally dressed, he left his room, thinking for sure that he was alone. "You are my cinema, I could watch you forever. Action, thriller, I could watch you forever. You are a cinema, a Hollywood treasure. Love you, just the way you are, my cinema, my cinema," he sang just a little too high pitched that what his voice was really willing to. Logan waited for one of the drops he loved so much. The reason he preferred the Skrillex remix above Benny Benassi's original. Dancing around like a maniac, as he did a full turn towards the kitchen area, he realized he was not alone after all. He had been so lost in the music and his thoughts that he hadn't realized Kendall was in the kitchen scraping together something for breakfast. Logan quickly pulled out one of the ear buds, knowing his face was nearing tomato red now.

"Kendall, buddy," he said awkwardly, "didn't see you there."

An amused expression crossed Kendall's features. "Yeah, I could tell," he chuckled. "I so should have filmed that," Kendall added teasingly, almost cursing himself for not thinking of that earlier. Logan on the other hand thanked the gods that the thought hadn't crossed Kendall early enough to actually do it. That would have mead being caught dancing around while singing much more embarrassing than it already was. Which quite honestly was hard to imagine.

"So uh, Logie Bear, who's the lucky girl?" Kendall asked smirking. Logan headed to the fridge, hoping to hide the blush that was now creeping back to his cheeks.

"Can't a guy just randomly dance around and sing a song without being in love?"

"In love?" Kendall asked as if he was on to some major secret, adding an overly excited gasp for emphasis. Logan mentally cursed at himself for hinting at being in love. Bad move. Now Kendall would never drop the subject.

When Logan didn't reply, Kendall decided to answer Logan's original question. "Yeah, a guy can dance around and sing all he want without being in love," Kendall said, putting emphasis on the last two words, almost making it sound like an accusation, "but given the dreamy look you had smeared on your face, I'd say you're definitely crushing hard on somebody, if not in love."

Logan groaned. He really didn't want to talk about it, especially not with Kendall. Not because he didn't trust Kendall as a friend. It was more that he didn't trust Kendall with letting him keep his fundamental human right – the right to live – if he found out just who he was in love with. Why, you ask? Well because the woman Logan was in love with was Katie Knight. His best friends little sister. Yeah, he knew he was breaking a major bro-code there, which was precisely the reason he kept that info to himself, that and the fact that he really wasn't one to talk about his feelings when it came to this kind of thing.

Logan sighed, knowing he couldn't completely ignore Kendall's observation. "Okay, yeah. Maybe I am in love with somebody. What's it to you?" Logan asked, the words coming out much harsher than what Logan intended it to. "Geez Logan, no need to get all cranky. I'm just curious. It's just what friends do. I'm curious whenever Carlos and James gets a new crush too, I don't see any of them complaining," Kendall snapped back grumpily.

"Sorry, it's just… I don't really wanna talk about it."

"Aww, come on, man! Tell me about the lucky girl," Kendall pretty much demanded, "please?"


"Please?" Kendall asked as sweetly as he could muster. Logan just shook his head. "Aw why not?" Kendall complained, "it's not like I'll get mad or anything."

Logan huffed. "Yeah, he says now," he muttered under his breath, knowing Kendall hadn't heard him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going out for breakfast and then I'm gonna head to the gym. If you need me, don't," he muttered angrily and headed for the door, slamming it shut after allowing James inside. James turned to the slammed door with wonder and then turned back towards a baffled Kendall in the kitchen, the same expression still smeared on the tall brunette's face. "What's with him?" James asked surprised. Kendall shook himself out of his bewildered trance, and with a twitch of his shoulders said, "no idea. Caught him dancing around and singing like a love-struck idiot, and asked who the lucky girl he was crushing on, or in love with, is."

"What was he singing?" James asked, thinking that could be the cause, if it was some insanely embarrassing song.

"Cinema, and given by the way he was moving his hands makes me think it was the Skrillex remix." A no to the embarrassing song, then. James was thoughtful for a few seconds while he got out a bottle of vitamin water from the fridge.

"Dude," he said, "what if it's not a girl he's crushing on? That could be why he totally freaked out."

Kendall did a spit-take. "LOGAN?" Kendall lowered his voice a little, getting over the instant shock, "not that there's anything wrong with playing on that team, but I seriously doubt Logan does."

"Dude, it was just a suggestion! I can't think of anything else right now which would cause him to react like that," James said gesturing towards the door Logan had stormed out of.

After having gotten a decent breakfast at a far enough away café, so that he didn't risk running into anybody he knew, Logan headed back for the Palm Woods, deciding in the last minute to go for a warm up run first. Jogging a few blocks, once again blasting his music, he just chose a random path, letting his feet take control and lost himself in the steady rhythm of his sneaker-clad feet against the concrete sidewalk. He didn't know how long he'd been running when he finally returned to the Palm Woods, but he was most definitely warmed up.

Deciding to push himself a little further, Logan ran for the stairs. The bass of his music seemingly pumping through his entire body, Logan didn't care that his entire body was glazed with a thin layer of sweat. Logan was really in a workout mood today. He ran up the stair from the lobby to the fifth floor, where the gym was, in practically no time. Reaching the floor of the gym, he slowed down, lowering his pulse just a little before heading inside, finding his favorite punching bag and the locker with his boxing equipment in. Taking the time to put the wraps on properly, his pulse lowered a little more and his anger diminished a little. Heading back to the punching bag, he let out some of his anger again.

"Hey, you need help holding that?" a voice that was all too familiar asked him. "Sure," he breathed and even managed to squeeze out a smile. Logan returned his focus back to the punching bag, still going full force almost willing Katie to go down on the floor with the bag.

Logan didn't understand why he was so upset. Kendall had just been a good friend and wondered whom one of his best friends was crushing on. He shouldn't be like this because Kendall was simply being a good friend. It wasn't Kendall's fault that he had fallen for Katie. It wasn't Kendall's fault that Logan had all these forbidden feelings for the guy's little sister. And why on earth did he want to knock Katie down?

Suddenly a series of dirty fantasies crept into his mind, and wanting Katie on the floor suddenly made that much more sense.

"Hey, seems like you want an actual opponent. Wanna do some sparing together?" Katie suggested, pulling him out of his thoughts. Logan was skeptical at first, but he desperately wanted to do some actual sparing, so he accepted and geared up. Katie did the same.

Katie might just be 18 years old and slim, but she was strong and tough as hell, so Logan was pretty sure he wouldn't hurt her in any way. Besides, Katie had been taking kickboxing classes for as long as he could remember, so honestly, if anyone was in danger of getting hurt, it was Logan.

"Let's make the fight interesting, say… the winner gets a free dinner with the loser. Sound good?" Katie asked, knowing tempting Logan with the ability to win something would make him push in an extra gear. "Oh yeah," Logan said almost cheerfully. How could he possibly turn down a dinner with Katie? No matter if he lost or won, they would be going out together. Alone.


"You know, if you wanted to take me out, you could have just asked," Logan teased, earning him a playful punch to his shoulder. "You know, you're starting to remind me of James when I was 11," Katie said, knowing how annoyed Logan would be at the comparison. "You did not just compare me to James," Logan breathed, clearly offended, a spark of anger in his eyes. "Oh, but I did."

Katie's eyes where nowhere near angry, they where sparkling with joy and deviousness. She was knowingly playing Logan like a toy. She knew exactly how to push his buttons to get the reaction she wanted out of him.

"I'm bringing you down," Logan declared. "You wish," Katie huffed with a smirk.

They greeted each other, like it was any other fight. Having finished the formalities, the fight begun at once, kicks and punches landing a both of them. The pair moved in perfect sync, dodging almost every single kick and punch thrown their way, only a few of them landing with an enormous force. Logan and Katie where both really glad they had their protective gear, although it didn't really take all the pain away, it kept them from getting serious injuries.

Logan followed the intense beat of the song currently playing on his iPod, making Katie follow that vary same beat without really knowing it. This time, Logan wasn't holding back on anything, if not to win their wanna-be bet, then at least to let out all of his anger. Logan wasn't really the violent type, but getting some time for kickboxing now and then was probably the thing that let him use up all that built up aggression and negative feelings so that he stayed calm on a daily basis.

He might have to suggest that Gustavo started with kickboxing sometime.

But right now he needed to focus on the fight, or he'd loose to Katie. After a series of throwing kicks and punches her way, only to be dodged, and the other way around, Katie and Logan let the fight come to an end with Katie winning by just a few points. "Looser gets to pick the restaurant," Logan proclaimed after giving Katie the satisfaction of winning. That way it would feel more like an actual date to him rather than just a winning dinner. Katie crossed her arms and pushed out her bottom lip a little in a pout.

"Okay, fine," she unwillingly agreed. "I guess I should let you have that satisfaction after being humiliated of me winning over you," she teased and playfully punched his chest, sending Logan out of balance and towards the floor, Katie brought down with him causing her to land on top of Logan, both of them just laying there looking deeply into the other's eyes. "You know I just let you win, right?" Logan whispered tenderly.

Katie's eyes flickered across Logan's face, from the deep chocolate orbs she still couldn't resist, to the plump, smooth-looking pink flesh that was his lips. Not able to resist the urge anymore, Katie pressed her lips against the gorgeous 23-year-old's ridiculously soft ones. Katie was just about to pull back, ashamed of her actions, when Logan let out a low, barley audible moan and kissed back with all his being. Logan's tongue came out of his mouth, asking for entrance in Katie's mouth, which was willingly granted. Just like their fight, this was a battle for dominance none of them could win; they just ended up moving in perfect sync.

After what seemed like an eternity, but still not nearly long enough for Logan's taste, Katie broke off the kiss and got off of Logan. With a smirk on her face, Katie headed out of the gym not once looking back. "You fucking tease," Logan whispered, not helping to be in a much better mood, even though he was about 99,9 percent sure that Katie was knowingly playing with his feelings. Logan gathered up his things and stuffed them back in the locker, although they would probably smell horrible by the next time he was going to use them, and headed for the elevator so he could get back down to the apartment and take a much needed shower and get ready for his and Katie's date. She probably wouldn't call it that, but Logan would still view it as a date.

As Logan entered the apartment, he was in a much better mood. This time there was even a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Look who's back all cheered up," Kendall noted amused. "What happened? You made out with a girl in the gym or something?" James teased, not knowing he had just hit the nail on the head. But still, Logan decided it best to play it cool.

"Dude, I'm not you. I don't go around making out with just any girl," Logan retorted. Katie was much more to him than just a random good-looking girl. "Ouch," James said. "He does kinda have a point though, James," Kendall said. A smug smile crossed Logan's face. "See?"

"But you did make out with a girl in the gym?" James asked, now he was the smug one. Logan didn't bother to reply. "Or was it a boy? Is that why you're not answering me?"

"NO! It's not a boy. I'm not gay. And you're just annoying, that's why I'm not answering you," Logan exclaimed, "now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go take a shower."

Logan turned on his heel and headed off to the bathroom to get out of his clothes and jump into the shower. He couldn't help but to think that the way Katie had kissed him had to mean that she liked him back. No matter how hard he tried, Logan couldn't get that smile off of his face. That was until Kendall knocked on the door, telling him not to use up all the warm water.


Logan hadn't even offered Kendall a thought. Not really. No matter if their dinner tonight was a date or not, it would look bad in Kendall's eyes and Logan might end up dead. Okay, that was an exaggeration, but Kendall would for sure be pissed. Right?

Having dried off; Logan tied the towel around his waist and put his old and sweaty clothes in the laundry basket in their shared bathroom. He was almost out of the living room when a pair of thin, yet muscular arms snaked around his waist. "Katie, what are you doing?" Logan whispered, turning around in her grip so that she was faced with his abs and chest as opposed to his back. "Hugging you. I thought you deserved that after the way I left you in the gym," Katie said innocently. "Hmmm. That was kinda mean of you," Logan said, not wanting to let go of the slightly shorter girl. Just then, of course, Kendall had to walk in with a pile of clothes, obviously planning on taking a shower too. Seeing the pair embracing each other like that when Logan was undoubtedly only wearing a towel, nothing underneath, Kendall dropped all his clothes to the floor in shock.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" he exclaimed, making both Logan and Katie jump out of the embrace. Kendall was almost over at his best friend's spot in a single leap. "Kendall, relax. We were just hugging!" Katie said quickly. Thank god for that quick thinking brain of hers, Logan thought relieved. "B-but Logan's practically naked!"

A blush crept on to said boy's cheeks. "I was on my way to my room after showering. You know I always leave my dirty clothes in there," Logan said defending himself. "I practically attacked him with the hug too. I just felt like I needed to apologize for the way I left him in the gym," Katie added. Now Kendall really looked like he was going to explode. "YOU – SHE WAS THE GIRL YOU KISSED IN THE GYM?" Kendall shouted at the top of his lungs, actually shaking with anger. "You TOLD him that?" Katie asked, turning towards Logan. "OH MY GOD!" Kendall proclaimed, clasping his ears and chanting 'la la la la la' over and over again so that he wouldn't hear their conversation. "I didn't tell him that, James just assumed that was why I was in a better mood!" Logan said, once again defending himself. "I can't believe this!" Kendall said, throwing his hands up like he had been holding his hope in his hands and now tossed it away. "My best friend and baby sister made out IN A FREAKING GYM, and now they're dating?"

"No one ever said we where dating," Logan pointed out. "Oh, so you're just gonna kiss her and leave her? Huh? Is THAT your brilliant plan? God, Logan. You're so much worse than James!"

"Hey, in my defense, I didn't kiss her, she kissed me."

"You kissed back!" Katie said, almost sounding pissed off. "You enjoyed it just as much as I did. I could tell!" Katie shouted at Logan, making a blush creep on to his cheeks. The way she said the last three words let him know she had noticed his body's reactions to the kiss. "And technically, we are dating, 'cause Logan and I are going out for dinner tonight so deal with it!" she told her brother who was left in the living room gaping, as Katie pulled Logan with her towards her room.

"You really consider or dinner tonight a date?" Logan asked once he was brought to safety in Katie's room. Well, safety because the door was locked and Kendall had no choice but to calm down at some point. "I know you never officially asked me out or anything, but yeah, I do consider it a real date," Katie told him honestly. "Really?" Logan asked surprised, a smile spreading across his face. Katie simply nodded and muttered an 'mhm' as a reply.

"Well then I guess I should do this the official way. Katie, will you go out on a date with me tonight?"

"Yes, Logan, I would love to," she said cheerfully and let her eyes roam over Logan's fairly exposed body. "Now please put on some clothes."

"I can't, you trapped me in your room, remember? If you wanted me to wear clothes you should have let me go to my own room," Logan teased.

"LET THE GUY PUT SOME CLOTHES ON, KATIE!" Kendall called through the door.

"I think I should leave now, or I'll be dead for sure when I actually do leave this room."

"Awww, but I can think of so many things we can do in here without your clothes," Katie said suggestively, intentionally just loud enough for Kendall to hear. "LOGAN! GET YOUR SKINNY ASS OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!" Kendall shouted furiously. If it had been possible, Kendall's voice would have made the walls cave in right then. "What the heck are you doing?" Logan muttered angrily at Katie. "Teasing Kendall. It's really fun," she said innocently. "Yeah, well, it's gonna lead him to rip my head off, so stop it," Logan said strictly. "Logan chill, he won't actually rip your head off, he's not strong enough to do that," she said confidently.

"Maybe not, but he will try his best and break my neck or something while trying to rip my head off," there was a hint of pure terror in Logan's entire attitude that caused Katie to cave in. "Fine. I love you too much to see you get killed by my brother."

That was a huge relief to Logan and he couldn't help but to get that warm tingly feeling inside. "You love me?" he asked surprised. Katie looked into his eyes and slid her arms around his neck. "Yes, I do. I have had a crush on you for as long as I can remember, and I've loved you for years now. I love you with all my heart, Logan," she said, playing with the silky-soft hair at the back of his head. "I love you too, Katie. So much, you have no idea," Logan said and pulled her in for a kiss. The kiss was simply perfect. There really is no other way to describe it but perfect. There was sparks and fireworks, flames and pure infernos. It was like the entire world was on fire and there was no tomorrow. It was as if Logan and Katie melted together and became one. It was like nothing could ever tear them apart, and at that moment; Logan knew for sure that he had found the one. The one and only woman he would spend the rest of his life with, the woman he would grow old with and have a big happy family with. There was nothing he wanted more than to have Katie by his side forever.

Their lips moved together in perfect synchronization, as if they where made for this very purpose, made for each other.

Logan let out a moan as Katie found his sweet spots.

"Why do I hear moaning?" Kendall shouted from the other side of the door, completely ruining the moment.

"I should probably get back to my room now," Logan suggested. "Yeah, you have a date to get ready for," Katie beamed. "Our first date as a couple," Logan said and smiled just as brightly as Katie did, "we are a couple, right?"

"Definitely," Katie said and placed another handful of kisses on Logan's lips. "See you at six then, girlfriend," Logan said and unlocked the door, almost making Kendall fall in to his sister's room. "Kendall, please don't kill my boyfriend. I was the one who dragged him into this mess," Logan heard Katie say as he headed for his own room to get dressed and ready for their very first date.

This was going to be an amazing night. He could feel it on him.