Hooray for quickly uploading! Anyways, I am happy for getting this up. (Also I began this at school XD)
This part of the story will tell what all the other mentioned characters is doing while the others are gone to the races. (Waluigi, Diddy, Chief Bee, etc.)
So... on now to the story! ( I hope I dont get caught doing this.)
What It's Really Like In Mario Kart 7
Chapter 4: The Sidekick's, or Side Companion's Side-Adventures.
Waluigi, now wearing his fake moustache, is calmly walking by the police station. Wait, WHAT? Anyway, he was also wearing a casual outfit instead of his usual purple one.
"Morning officier, hows the chase going on about a bank robbery?" Waluigi asked.
"Not good. We still did not capture the theif, but we think we know where he lives" the officier said.
"Oh what a shame, anyway I'm off to see my grand-daughter" Waluigi lied.
"Anyway, here's a poster of what the theif looks like" the officier said, handing him a poster of Waluigi, in his normal clothing.
"When I see this theif, I'll report to you guys."
"Great idea... hey! Wait a minute... you look somewhat familiar..." the officier said suspiciously.
"Um... I dont think we met before" Waluigi said, sweating.
"Oh, ok. See ya later."
Waluigi then walked away, thinking, "THAT was too #!%&ing close!"
Kamek was resting in his bed once again, in peacefulness. When suddenly he was disturbed by a random Bullet Bill that came right through the wall of his room.
"WHAT THE FU-! WHO THE #!%& DID THIS?" Kamek yelled, looking through the hole in the wall, to find two Goombas.
"I TOLD YOU IT WAS A BAD IDEA!" Goomba 1 yelled.
"BUT YOU THE ONE WHO TOLD ME TO DO IT!" Goomba 2 yelled back.
They instantly ran away, both going in opposite directions.
Kamek used his magic to split the Billet Bill into two, and lanched them at the two Goombas, who exploded on impact.
The Chief Bee was organizing colonies of bees to collect pollen, to make honey, to make their Queen a huge banquet for her first time invited to the Mario Kart Grand Prix.
"Colony 1! Report!" Chief Bee said.
"We found a huge supply of unused flowers, Sir!" the assigned Captain buzzed.
"Excellent, now go havest the pollen in those flowers, AND BRING THEM BACK HERE!" Chief Bee buzzed loudly.
The colony of bees instantly left the hive.
"Colony 2! Report!" Chief Bee said.
"We couldn't find any flowers all over the flowers that werent used in the forest, Sir!" the Captain buzzed.
"Unacceptable! Get out there and find some GOD DAMN FLOWERS!" Chief Bee roared.
The colony left the hive in a huge rampage.
"Finally, COLONY 3! GIVE ME GOOD NEWS OR DONT COME AT ALL!" Chief Bee shrieked.
No one from the colony came.
"NO NEWS IS BAD NEWS!" Chief Bee wrote down.
Diddy Kong was swinging from tree to tree, looking for a nice banana.
He found one banana at the top of a volcano that has been sleeping for years.
"Ooh... nice BANANA!" Diddy said, running up the volcano's side.
Diddy ran up the hill too fast and ran into the tree the banana was growing on.
Diddy noticed the banana was about to fall in the volcano, so he tried to grab it before it fell.
He didnt catch the banana as it fell from the tree, into the volcano and eventually, killing everyone at town.
Diddy ran as fast as he could to warn everyone at the town thats close to the volcano, but as he ran the volcano shook the ground around it, as black smoke came from it's summit.
"Oh... #!%& we are all screwed!" Diddy said, still running towards the town.
The Lumas are still remembering what they did to Rosalina about 5 days ago.
The Luma with the camera is still staring at the picture of Rosalina dancing half naked.
"Well what do we do now?" A red Luma asked a blue one.
"I dunno" the blue Luma replied, staring at a picture of Rosalina.
"Are we still going on about that whole Rosalina incidence?" a green Luma asked.
"Apparently, I'm way over that" An orange one replied.
"Well, we could go have an-" A yellow Luma was cut off when a pink Luma slammed a jar on head.
"DONT SAY THAT!" She (the pink Luma) yelled.
A purple Luma came to join the discussion.
"So, what will we do, while our ruler is out?" the Red Luma asked.
"Umm..." every Luma at the discussion spoke, "LETS GO TO THE BAR!"
"Okay?" the pink Luma said.
And they went off to the bar, to get very drunk.
Kamek used his magic to fix the wall, and strengthen it.
"Now to continue my beauty sleep, now that, THAT has been taken care of."
Kamek tried to go back to sleep, but he was interrupted by a Boo.
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?" Kamek roared.
"Some advice" the Boo said, timidly.
"Jeez, you dont have to be a dick..." the Boo grumbled, as he walked out.
Diddy was still running for his life, as the shaking of the ground grew louder, and louder.
He was just about to approach the town when the volcano erupted.
"GOD DAMMIT!" Diddy shrieked.
Waluigi is still creeping around town when he heard an explosion coming from the volcano.
After he finished saying that, Diddy came out of nowhere and ran into him.
Diddy was getting impatient as he got up.
"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" Waluigi shrieked.
"Me accidently ran into tree and knocked banana in volcano" Diddy responded, freaking out afterward.
Once Waluigi said that the volcano stopped erupting and everything went back to normal.
"The #!%& happened?" Diddy asked.
"I think I stopped the volcano eruption."
"Yay, now me can go look for banana again!" Diddy said, as he hugged Waluigi and ran off.
"Well I'm a genius."
XD I finished and started this at school! I'm a badass!
Anyway here's some random chapter I whipped up for your entertainment and other things.
Waluigi stopped a volcano eruption.
Kamek got pissed off twice.
Lumas are still talking about the Rosalina incident
And other things.
Well, thats it until August I believe, see ya then. Poke Story time soon!