"Ah! It's a wonderful cat life!"
Austria looked with a horrified expression at his reflection. He couldn't do this. He would just look like a fool. "I can't do this. I will look like a fool." "Oh nonsense, we have to go. It would be very rude to turn this invitation down. Also I can't show up alone, we know what kind of blast that would be for Romania. I would never hear the end of it." Austria glanced at his ex-wife who was adjusting her costume. It was the annual Halloween party that the Anglo-speaking nations created and frankly Austria still couldn't understand why they were going there. "I still can't understand why we are going there." "You're just being difficult because you have to wear a costume." Austria sighed deeply and glanced at the mirror for the last time. "Oh what the hell, if I just drink enough I can pretend to be somewhere else." Hungary beamed back at him. "That's the spirit! Now let's go, I can't wait to show off my Szépasszony costume." And so Austria was dragged to a car that would drive him to this less than pleasant party.
"Well, would you look at that. We are matching!" For the second time of the day there was horrified expression taking over Austria's face. Prussia had made his way to them but all Austria could focus was the cat ears on his head. Which he wouldn't have cared about if he wouldn't have possessed those same damn ears too. And without a word he headed straight to the bar. If he was going to survive this day he would do it with a bottle of Porto, for the first time in his life being happy about the existence of Portugal.
Prussia waltzed after him to the bar. His fingers playfully tapping Austria's hips. "You look very purrfect." Prussia put extra emphasising on the letter r. Austia sighed deeply. "Please, do not even start with those horrible flirting methods of yours." He felt how the other nation drew his hands away and regret flashed through Austria.
It had to be the wine that made him act so out of character but Austria quickly turned around and grabbed Prussia's hand before he walked away. "You might have understood me the wrong way. I much rather have your mouth being busy on my neck rather than wasting air with those puns." Prussia smirked, his hands returning to Austria's hips and slowly stepping closer. Austria's started to regret this party less and less. He didn't even mind the fact that Hungary probably had too much blackmailing material about him right now. But there always has to be a final nail to the coffin
"Meow and you make an pawsome couple" Prussia whispered to his ear and Austria glared angrily at him. "You just don't know when to stop, do you?" There was a loud laugh before Austria was finally kissed.
This one is for Aoharu Mei and the song was "Ah! It's a wonderful cat life!" by 96Neko and Kagamine Len. Szépasszony is from the Hungarian mythology. She's a female demon who appears as a beautiful young woman in a white dress, often said to dance in storms and seducing young men.