This is the second fanfic I've done this past month. Ain't that great? Well, that's not really important.
Dislcaimer: I don't own shit, except my OC's
Read and review. Or don't. I don't care
Mandy's alarm went off and she slammed it in irritation. She got up and stretched, while yawning. She rubbed her eyes and reached for her glasses. As she put them on, she is greeted by one of her mothers duel monsters, KittyBat, a little kitty-cat with bat wings.
"Mmmm... Morning, Kitty," she greeted. KittyBat mewled in response, making Mandy giggle. She got up from her bed and walked over to her closet. She grabbed the clothes she usually wore: a blue long-sleeved shirt that was covered by a black t-shirt that had her favorite band name on it. (A/N Just imagine your favorite bands name on it. Why? I'm too lazy to think of a band name) She had on black jeens and black tennishoes. She looked in the mirror and sighed. It was the glasses she was sighing at.
"I doubt I'm ever gonna find a new look for my birthday tomorrow." Yes, Mandy's birthday was tomorrow, and she doubts she'll ever find a new look.
"Mandy!" her dad shouted from down the hall. "Hurry up! Or your gonna have cold eggs and bacon for breakfast!"
"Coming, Dad!" she shouted back. "C'mon, KittyBat." KittyBat mewled and followed her out her bedroom door.
Her dad, Tom Kuso, was making eggs and bacon in the kitchen. Mandy walked over to the bar and sat down on one of the stools.
"So, you ready for school?"
"Did your homework?"
Tom set down a plate of eggs and bacon infront of her and she started eating. "You sure you're ready for your final exams in about four months?"
"Still working on it."
"Alright, I hope you don't get into trouble like last time." Mandy sighed at what her father said. The last time she had gotten in trouble was because of Lisa. Ever since Jack Atlas had taken a liking to her, Lisa had been harassing her.
Her dad worked for Jack Atlas at the Kiba Dome, where her mother did turbo dueling when she was the queen of dueling, until the day of the accident. The only things they have left of her mother were her duel monsters and duel runner.
By the time they had finished their meal, they got up and walked out to her dad's car. As they were driving to her school, Mandy's phone started ringing.
"Hello?" she asked. "Alexa, I can't hear you. What? Ugh! Dad, I think I need a new phone."
"Well, what type of phone would you like?"
"Are you asking because of my birthday?"
"No, I'm just curious." Mandy gave her dad a skeptical look, but said nothing and just looked out the window. As soon as they arrived at the school, Tom turned to his daughter.
"Just to let you know, I might be working a little late tonight. Rex Goodwin wants me to make some adjustments to the Kiba Dome."
"Great, late night workings for Mr. Evil," she muttered sarcasticly.
"Mandy, he's not evil. This man has been very good to us since your mom had passed."
"There's just something about that man I don't like, Dad. I don't trust him."
"He's willing to put enough money to your college fund while you practice to become a better duelist. He's been willing to help-"
"You don't know what I think of him, Dad. I know what he's willing to do for us, but I think it's just out of pity. Marsha thinks so, too, you know."
Tom sighed at the mention of his sister. Of course she would agree with Mandy, she had helped raise her since Chloe had died.
"Well, I'm not gonna arue with you about this. So I'll promise not to trust him too much." Mandy looked at him with a smile.
"Thanks, Dad." She leaned in and pecked his cheek in departure.
"I love you."
"I love you, too." She opens the door and walks out. As she was headed for the doors, she heard a honk from the car.
"Don't get into any trouble!" She looked at her dad in emberassment.
"Yeah, real fatherly of you, Dad." He winked and saluted her then drove off. Mandy let out a small sigh. Her dad can be really emberassing sometimes.