Hello guys! This is Eraviel again! Sorry for the late update, I was kinda hooked up in my Date A Live Fanfiction (Blame my friend for pushing me to focus on it instead of this), so yeah, I gave more time on it. If you want, you could read it to ^_^

Yes, this is what you've been waiting for, the EPILOGUE! Pack your necessary things, you might go on a feel trip :D (Though I think this chappy won't pack much feels.)

Anyways, the outcome of this story is what I've intended since the time I published this story (3 years ago?), so I guess it could turn out likeable or not in one way or another.

I'm gonna use some time skip here, just a little, 2-hour time skip, just the time before the main activity starts (You know what it is).

So no more speeches! On to the story, and thank you for your more than 2(3?) years of non-stop support for this story! You guys are the best!

From a crowd below the stage, in front of it, beside a certain café named "GDM's Café", there were a couple behind the group of people. They were standing there as they tried to figure out the cause of the gathering of people in a single place. Though it's pretty obvious as to why so.

"Surely there's so much people in here." Yuzuru said as he looked at his wristwatch.

It's already five minutes before 2:00pm. An event's going to happen at the vicinity, which seems to be expecting by the crowd.

"We need to get a spot in front…" A white-haired girl beside Yuzuru, named Kanade, said as she held his hand tighter.

"Yeah, it's about to start." Yuzuru agreed and they charged into the big crowd. He held Kanade's hand tighter too so that they won't be separated.

They slipped in from people to people, trying to get past from the human wall.

"Hey, watch where you're going!"

"Oi, watch it!"

"Sorry, passing through!"

After a moment of struggle, they managed to get a spot at the front. Front spot is the best spot for events like this. No malice added.

"Phew, we made it." Yuzuru said as he sighed in relief. "You okay, Kanade?" He asked as he turned to the owner of the hand he was holding.

"Yes, I'm fine." Kanade said as she beamed a smile at him as proof.

They looked up to the stage and saw Hisako, in her usual maid outfit, walking towards the mic at the center. She looked pretty confident, and not a single nervousness can be seen from her.


Hisako tapped the mic and tested it using her voice to see if it's working or not.

"Alright everyone! Brace yourselves and we're starting in a few minutes!" She said, then closing the curtains of the stage and went back to the backstage.

Everybody cheered after hearing that announcement from her.

"By the way, where did Hatsune go off?" Yuzuru asked his companion.

"Isn't she with the other two girls?" Kanade said as she looked to him.

Yuzuru took his phone out and dialled a number. That number is his sister's phone number by the way.

He waited for a few moments before getting an answer from the other side of the line.

"Hello? Hatsune this is-" he was interrupted before he could say what he wanted.

"Onii-chan, I'm here at the backstage supporting Iwasawa-san and the others managing the equalizer. They were short on hand because their operator had an emergency and I happen to know a few things about it here and there, can't really talk right now, so I'll see you later!" Hatsune said in a very fast speed and it's mostly incomprehensible. She then hung up.

"The heck?" Yuzuru said.

"What did she say?" Kanade asked.

"Pretty much nothing could be understood from what she said." He replied and sighed in disbelief.

In a few moments, the curtains of the stage suddenly opened with the members of Girls Dead Monster, with Masami Iwasawa, who wasn't present earlier inside the café, standing on the middle wearing the same outfit as her bandmates, ready to jam. Even though it's just around 2:00pm in the afternoon, the skies were covered by clouds. Pretty weird since it's blazing hot few hours ago.

"Alright, guys. Are you ready?!" Iwasawa said on the mic as she strummed her guitar.

"Yeah!" The crowd replied.

"Seems like everybody's pretty fired up." Yuzuru remarked. "They're really amazing."

"I agree." Kanade said.

"Well, let's join them. It's pretty sad that everybody around us were having fun while we're just here standing." Yuzuru said as he raised his hand while holding Kanade's.

"Sure thing, I'm their number one fan in school, you know!" Kanade said as she smiled.

The music started. Everybody were shouting and cheering for the girls on the stage.



Itsumade datte koko ni iru yo
Toorisugite iku hito no naka
Yami ni tozasareta suteeji de
Ima kibou no uta utau yo

Anata datte tsukareteru desho
Sono senaka ni mo todoketai yo
Konna kurayami no naka kara no
Kibou terasu hikari no uta o
Sono uta o

Their first music ended. Everybody from the crowd were cheering and shouting "GirlsDeMo!" to show their support.

"Wow. That was great." Yuzuru commented as he saw their wonderful performance. It was his first time seeing them in an actual activity.

"Right? That's why they're popular around the school too." Kanade said.

A few moments later. Iwasawa on stage spoke again.

"Are you ready for the next one?!"


"Of course!"

The crowd replied to her question.

"But before that, let me introduce to you our new member!" Iwasawa said and then stepped aside. A few seconds later, a girl with long, twin-tailed pink hair, with a Gibson SG Special guitar tied around her.

Everybody was speechless, not because they were disappointed, but something positive.

"Hi everyone! I'm Yui-nyan desu~!" The pinkette said as she made a V-sign with her two fingers beside her eyes.


Growing sounds.

"K-K-K-K-Kawaii!" Everybody then shouted as they saw her cute pose.

In the midst of the crowd, there were two speechless persons as the crowd were shouting like fanboys and fangirls.

"That's Yui, right?" Yuzuru asked Kanade beside her as he can't believe what he had just witnessed.

"I'm sure that it is her, the real her." Kanade replied without a doubt.

"But… How did she recover that fast? I mean, she could only move her hand few days ago!" Yuzuru said.

"No idea." Kanade replied.

As Yuzuru was pondering on how fast Yui recovered, something, specifically, a memory struck inside his mind and caused a strong pain. But a blurry one, he couldn't visualize it clearly. He placed his hand on his forehead to suppress the pain, but it remained for a few seconds before disappearing.

"Yuzuru, are you okay?" Kanade asked with worry.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a minor headache." Yuzuru said and smiled at her.

The memory that appeared in Yuzuru's head was the very same image of the people on stage, minus one person.

"Okay, we're starting!" Iwasawa said as she strummed her guitar. "This is our new song, entitled: Thousand Enemies! Yui is the one who will sing this new song!"

"Ohhhhh!" Everybody in the crowd shouted.

(A/N: Play the music if you want to XD)

The music started and everybody was cheering. The atmosphere of enjoyment and fun could be felt in the vicinity where the Girl Band and the crowd were.

Regardless of the pain earlier, Yuzuru just enjoyed his time with Kanade and gave support to his friends on stage. He was in front of the stage, after all.

Ukigen sou na kimi to sugoshite
Wakatta koto ga hitotsu aru yo

Sonna furi shite tatakau koto ni hisshi

Another image appeared inside Yuzuru's head that caused a slight pain. He didn't retaliate nor showed and signs of it or Kanade's going to worry again. It was a memory of him and Hinata on a certain roof talking about something.

Itsumademo kaenai de koori no you ni
Natsu no hizashi atsuku temo tokezu ni ite ne
Kitto sakini utsukushii hyouga ga aru yo
Katachi aru sonna kokoro daredatte kizukeba motteru

Kimi mo motteru

Again, images of different people appeared inside his head. This time, it caused no pain but it gave him a surprised expression. It was a memory of those people who he met or saw in different places and then disappearing after taking off his sights from them. Every single one of them has a single image planted inside his memory, and there were people that he hasn't met yet but he knew them all along. Except for a certain person.

Onakagasuite aruke nakunatte
Wakatta koto ga hitotsu aru yo
Yaru beki koto sakiokuri ni shite
Yaritai koto bakka yatteru

This time, he felt a very sharp pain struck in his head that made him stumble forward a little. He got a support from the fence in front of him, but Kanade noticed his pain already.

"Yuzuru?! What's happening?" Kanade asked as her worries grew by the second. She tapped his back to help him ease the pain.

"N-Nothing, it's just I'm remembering few things." He replied as he sighed and relieved the pain inside his head.

Kanade didn't say a word after that. She's mentally debating if she should push it over or let it be for a while.

The one that caused his pain was a blurry image of a certain girl. He couldn't picture it out clearly but he was certain that he had met her before.

Itsumademo mottetai yo hagane no you na
Donna mono mo toosanai ganko na iji o
Kitto ima mo tachitsukushite mamori no tochuu
Yukute ni wa kazoekirenai
Teki ga ite atashi o matteru

Kimi ni mo matteru


Yuzuru suddenly heard someone call his name. It has a whisper-like tone, but he heard it very clear. He looked around, behind him, on the crowd, but he saw nobody has his/her attention towards him.

Even though he saw nobody, that voice still kept on calling his name.

Even though the music was so loud, he could still hear that faint voice.

It's like his attention was mainly drawn, or attracted to that voice.

Kanade had a worried expression on her, seeing Yuzuru restless by the second. She decided to keep her mouth shut, because she knew that he won't tell her anything that would make her worry more.

But him not telling her anything makes her worries grow.

Mayotta tokiniwa kokoro no chizu o atashi ni misete hoshii
Sorenara yukusaki sugu wakaru kara
Jibun ja wakaranai dake

Saa sa susumou ikutsumono kakehashi

This time, the voice inside Yuzuru's head was like leading him to a certain place.



Kanade could hear a voice too in her head.

"Yuzuru…" Kanade called as she tugged Yuzuru's shirt. "I can hear someone calling me…"

Yuzuru was surprised. He just stared at her after a few seconds and spoke again.

"Come with me." He said as he grabbed her hand and went out of the crowd. "We're going after that call."

Clichéd it might be, he can't help but get dragged towards it.

Hisako saw them walk out of the crowd. She knew that they already realized what, no, who was the cause of everything.

But not in a bad way.

'Otonashi, I hope you're prepared to accept everything.' Hisako thought to herself as she continued her performance.

Itsumademo issho dakara koibito no you ni

They kept on running, as the voice kept on calling their names inside their head.

Natsu no hizashi atsuku temo hanarezu iru ne

They stopped, with Yuzuru looking around, checking if they're near the source of the voice. Weird it might be, he seemed to know where it was coming from.

Kitto sakini soudai na keshiki ga matsu yo

They started running again, passing through the crowded sidewalks. Kanade was already having breathing problems, as it grows heavier by the second.

Sonotoki wa tamatte ita sono kimochi zenbu kiite yaru

Yuzuru noticed her breathing getting heavier while they were running and immediately carried her princess style. Kanade was surprised but she got zero time to speak.

Atashi mo motteru

Yuzuru could feel that he was getting nearer and nearer to the source of the voice and increased his pace while carrying Kanade. Fatigue and exhaustion was out of his mind at that time, and only got one single thought.

To reach that person calling for them.

Kimi ni mo kikasu

They entered a certain place, but he didn't bother where or what it was as he was too focused finding that person.

The white-haired girl he was carrying was surprised as they entered the place. She got a bad feeling about what they're about to find out.

Tappuri kikasu

Yuzuru stopped.

"We're here." He said as he put Kanade down.

Kanade looked to where Yuzuru was looking and saw a girl dressed in white school uniform they couldn't recognize, with a cap on her head, standing in front of them, while she was not facing them.

"I'm glad you could hear my calls. I guess I wasn't mistaken about you." The girl said as she faced the couple.

They were surprised. But Yuzuru was surprised even more. He can't believe himself that she, of all people around the world, was the source of the voice. He already met her few days ago, and he didn't even realize that he might've acquainted with her long time ago.

All memory that he lost suddenly went back to him like a raging flood, and more other memories entered. She was the girl that he met at the back of the school. The same girl from the time when he was at Akihabara. And the very same girl he met in a certain school, which seemed to be the start of his dreams.

Every memory of her appeared inside his head. Everything that he knew about her.

"Yuri…" Yuzuru and Kanade said in unison.

They were surprised that both of them knew her.

"Correct! And I'm happy that you still remember me." Yuri said as she smiled at them. "So, how're you guys doing? I see that you're reunited with her." Yuri continued as her attention was focused on Yuzuru.

Yuzuru relaxed himself and replied to her, "Ah, yeah. We're doing fine."

"Is that so…? I'm glad to hear that." Yuri said as she looked away from them. "By the way, have you met the others?" She said as she turned her gaze towards them again.

"We met Iwasawa-san and her band, Yui and Hinata…" Kanade said.

"I see…" Yuri said.

"Yuri… could you possibly, know about us… about our situation…?" Yuzuru asked as he stepped forward.

Yuri turned around and said, "You could say that, more likely, I'm watching the two of you."

"That's not more likely." Yuzuru said and sighed.

He seemed disappointed, but also happy that he finally remembered everything. The memories from his past life, and the memories of his friends and Kanade in that 'certain school'. He was happy that they finally be together again.

Or so he thought.

"It's nice to see you guys doing well, and I wanted to talk about a lot of things right now but, we don't have that kind of time..." Yuri said as she faced them again with a sad look.

"What do you mean by that…?" Kanade asked, though she might've realized it since they entered the place.

"Yeah. We have a lot of time here! We could talk more as we get to the others!" Yuzuru said.

Yuri stepped back a bit as she said, "I just can't. It's just, I've done what I'm supposed to do in this world." A sad look was still painted all over her face.

"What… do you mean…?" Yuzuru asked in confusion.

The purple-haired girl didn't say a word and just pointed her right pointy finger downright. Kanade and Yuzuru stepped forward to see what she was pointing, and got shocked on what they saw.

In Memory of

Nakamura Yuri


May your soul rest in peace and find its way to heaven.

Those words were written in a tombstone. Yes, the place they were in all along was a cemetery. The reason why Kanade was surprised from the very beginning.

"What…" Yuzuru didn't say any words other than that as he saw the tombstone. Kanade didn't say a word, seems like she already knew it from the very start.

"See…? That's… Why." Yuri said as her tears started to fall down from her eyes. Her body's dissipating on a very slow pace. Her objective's done. "As much as I want to stay with you guys… I really can't…"

"But… how?! How did this happen?!" Yuzuru asked in a slightly higher tone. He seem to not have accepted it. He held back the tears that's trying to get out of his eyes.

Kanade didn't say a word, she just held Yuzuru's arm.

"I won't give you much details but, let's just say, it's my wish…" Yuri said as she turned around and wiped the tears on her eyes. "I wanted everyone to reunite and get along in real life… of course, including me. But a wish will not happen if I don't do something about it…"

"But… when we get out of that place, don't we-" Yuzuru was interrupted.

"It might've worked that way, but did you think that everyone in that place was born, or died on the same generation…?" Yuri asked him without looking.


She had a point. There's no way to determine if everyone in that 'place' were born and died at the same generation. And it's already a miracle that they, yes, all of them, existed in the same timeline.

"Yuri…" Kanade called her name as her tears started to fall down from her eyes. "Can I... ask you… something…?"

Yuri wiped her tears completely, her body's still dissipating from her feet, and faced Kanade. "What is it…?"

"Are you… my heart donor…?" Kanade between her cries.

Yuri smiled as she closed her eyes. Tears started to fall from her eyes again as she replied, "Yes… I am."

"Why…? For what… reason…?" Kanade asked, though she probably knew the reason why.

"I told you before, I've been watching the two of you always… I know that you had a heart disease." Yuri said. Her body's dissipation stopped, now her leg's almost transparent. "I've heard about your accident when your heart finally malfunctioned, and the doctors said that you needed a transplant immediately, but there were no available donors…"

"That's…" Yuzuru said in shock.

"It's the least I can do as your leader…" Yuri said as she smiled. Her tears were still falling down from her eyes and her body's dissipation continued. "Well, that's it for me. I'll catch you guys later." She said as she walked to the direction where the sun was.

"Yuri!" Kanade shouted. "It's not the least you did, it was more than that!" She continued. Her tears continued to fall down and her emotions burst out from her. She can't contain it anymore.

Yuri stopped walking and said, "Is that so…? I'm glad to hear that…" She said as she completely disappeared, as the sun was covered by dark clouds. "Thank you very much. That makes me the happiest person who lived on earth." Her voice lingered around the place. "Ahh, I wished I could've stayed longer."

"Yuri!" Kanade and Yuzuru shouted as they fell on their knees and cried after trying to reach her, but they failed.

As she disappeared, the sun was suddenly covered by dark clouds and the rain suddenly poured down. It's like, the skies were also crying for them. Kanade threw herself on Yuzuru's chest and he just hugged her. They let every emotion inside them out along with their cries.


The skies was still letting the rain continue and there were a couple under it. The couple who just remembered everything, but suddenly lost something, or someone.

Yuzuru and Kanade stayed still on their place after a few minutes, while crying under the rain. Four people appeared after a few minutes and protected them from the rain using an umbrella. It seems like they came from behind.

"You guys alright?" One of the person among the four spoke.

Both of them looked up to them and was surprised. There were Hisako, Iwasawa, Shiori and Miyuki holding an umbrella on each of their hands.

"Say guys…" Yuzuru said as he stood up with Kanade. "Have you known this?" He asked.

None of them spoke a word, but just nodded in affirmation.

"I see." Yuzuru said. "It's funny that when I remembered everything, I also lost something."

Nobody among them except Kanade caught what he meant by that.

"Ah, let's just get back to the café, shall we?" Shiori said as she tried to liven up the mood a little. "This place is kinda freezing."

Iwasawa nodded in agreement and said, "She's right. Let's go back, everyone's waiting."

Yuzuru didn't pay much attention to what she said and just nodded. He stood up, helped Kanade stand up and followed Iwasawa's lead while taking shelter on the other girls' umbrellas.


They arrived in front of the café.

Yuzuru and Kanade were holding each other's hand. They still haven't recovered from the events earlier.

"I'm sorry." Hisako said as she stayed outside with the couple while the other girls entered the café. The inside of the vicinity was a little darker than usual.

"I knew that you will feel like that, but it's the only way I came up with her in order to get you out of the dark." She continued as she looked away from them.

Kanade walked in front of her and held her hands. "No, you didn't do anything wrong." She said as she smiled at her. A small trace of tears could be seen around her golden eyes. "We could've assumed something wrong if you didn't show us the truth."

"She's right." Yuzuru said as he tapped Hisako's shoulder. "In fact, I'm grateful to you, I get to remember everyone." He continued.

"Otonashi…" Hisako said. "I see. Thanks." She continued as composed herself.

"We should be the ones thanking you." Kanade said.

"Let's go in now, shall we? This place is reserved for later." Hisako said as she went inside the café.

The couple who were left outside the café looked at each other with confused look on their faces. They just smiled at each other and went inside the café without knowing what Hisako meant by 'This place is reserved for later'.


Yuzuru sat down on a sofa with a table, with Kanade beside him as they finished showering, of course, not together, with Hisako took care of their clothes. There was a moment of silence around them until Yuzuru broke it.

"Oh right, I wonder where Hatsune went off." Yuzuru said as he just realized something crucial.

"She's with Shiori and Miyuki, you needn't to worry about it." Hisako said as she chuckled a little. "I bet they're enjoying their time right now."

"That's not reassuring." Yuzuru said and sighed. "Anyway, what's with the arrangement of chairs and tables in here?"

"You'll see later." She replied as she winked on them.

The couple was confused about that reply. More likely, they were confused on how Hisako can be pretty blunt always.

Not like they can do anything about it.

"They're probably here." Hisako said as she stood up. "I'll be right back. You guys sit tight." She continued as she waved at them.

"Hey, at least bring us something warm to drink." Yuzuru said.

"Coming right up!" Hisako shouted from afar.

Yuzuru sighed again.

"She can be pretty blunt sometimes, right?" Yuzuru said to the person beside him, Kanade.

"I think it's always." Kanade said as she chuckled a little.

She moved closer to Yuzuru and leaned on him. She's feeling a little cold.

"Are you alright?" Yuzuru asked as he pulled her closer to him.

"I'm fine, just a little cold." She replied.

They didn't talk about something after that. Probably they're feeling cold or there's nothing much to talk about.

Few minutes later, two people, or I'd say, a couple walked to them. They're not strangers to them as they met them before.

"Mind if we sit in here?" The guy asked them.

Yuzuru looked to them and saw a blue-haired guy wearing a white T-shirt and a jacket on top, with a pink-haired girl wearing a school uniform that he seem to recognize from somewhere.

The couple who just arrived were Hideki and Yui, their friends at school.

"We don't mind." Kanade said as she smiled at them. "Right, Yuzuru?"

"Yeah, I could use a little chat." He said.

The other couple sat down in front of them as Hisako walked back to their table with two mugs of hot chocolate.

"Oh, thanks." Hideki said as he reached the mug but suddenly his hand was stopped by another hand.

"That's ours, you idiot." Yuzuru said as he took the mugs and gave one to Kanade.

"Oh, my bad." He joked as he chuckled a little.

"Why do I get the feeling that it's my bad?" Yuzuru sighed as he took a sip on his drink.

There was a moment of silence after that until someone took the initiative to bring up a topic.

"So, Otonashi, how was it?" Hideki asked as he somewhat looked serious.

"Hey!" Yui said as she elbowed her boyfriend on his gut. "Learn to be sensitive for a little!"

"Nah, Yui. It's fine." Yuzuru said as he reassured her. "It's somewhat bittersweet for me." He replied to Hideki's question. He was not referring to his drink of course.

"Is that's so? I also felt that way before." Hideki said as he remembered things from the past.

"What do you mean?" Kanade asked.

"I don't wanna make my story long so," He paused as he leaned on the backrest of the sofa while blushing a little. "In short, it was Yurippe who guided me to Yui when I was looking for her."

"Ahhh, Mou! You're making me blush, Hideki-senpai!" Yui said as she placed her hands on her cheeks while shaking all over. It's obvious that she was acting.


Yuzuru and Kanade just laughed at them while Hideki was trying to shut Yui up from her outbursts.

"Oh right, I forgot what we're supposed to do in here." Hideki said as he took his attention back from Yui. "Otonashi, we got a baseball game to play today, so let's get going!" Hideki said as he stood up from his seat and dragged Yuzuru out of the café, leaving Yui and Kanade on the table.

"Oi, wait a minute!" Yuzuru protested but he didn't get any heed.

The two girls left just stared from their trail and sighed. Not that they couldn't understand them, they're guys, after all.

"So, wanna go with them?" Yui asked Kanade.

"Sure thing, they could use an audience, I suppose." Kanade replied.

With that, they smiled at each other and went out of the café. Inside the café, there was someone who was watching them from the register and just smiled at herself.

"I guess that will bring a closing." The person said. That person wasn't alone though.

"Stop your eavesdropping, you moron." A girl with short violet hair said as she hit the previous person's head.

"What are you saying, Iwasawa? I can't even hear them." The person, Hisako, said. "Anyways, shouldn't you be the one in charge of this thing?!"

Iwasawa turned around and said, "I had some matters taken care earlier, so I'm pretty much unavailable."

Hisako sighed.

"By the way, you should hurry up with that. We're going to them later on." Iwasawa said as she went to the back of the café.

"I got it already."


In the middle of the sidewalk, there were two guys who were running. A blue-haired guy who's ahead of the other guy with orange hair.

"Oi! Hinata! Where the heck are we going?!" Yuzuru asked as he kept following the running blue-haired guy.

"You'll see it when we're there! Just sit tight!" Hideki said as he increased his speed, leaving Yuzuru a great distance to catch up.

"How the hell can I sit tight if I'm running?!" He replied as he also increased his speed and tried to catch up with him. He was never a good athlete but at least his stamina wasn't that bad.

Hideki just laughed at him.

Few minutes, of their running and Hideki's laughing, they've arrived at their destination. Hideki didn't break a sweat from that running, and Yuzuru's heaving a little.

Yuzuru sat down on a nearby bench and rested for a little. He could use some air for a moment.

"Hey guys! I've brought someone!"

Yuzuru could hear Hideki's voice calling someone, no, some people to him. He looked up to them and saw them.

"You guys…!" Yuzuru said as he finally recognized everyone in front of him.

"Woah, if it isn't Otonashi!" One of the people in the group said as he saw Yuzuru and grabbed him on his shoulders.

"Fujimaki!" Yuzuru said as he called the guy who just grabbed him.

"Yo, long time no see." The guy with purple hair said as he walked in front of him. "Thanks to you, we got out of that place."

"Noda…" Yuzuru said his name. "I'm sorry about Yuri…" He said as he looked away from them.

The mood went down, but it was driven up back again when Noda spoke back to him.

"What are you saying? This is Yurippe's wish! We should be happy for her or else everything she did for us would be for nothing!" He said.

"Noda…" Yuzuru retaliated as he saw him burning in rage. Uhh, yeah.

He looked at everyone's faces. They're the ones who stayed with him in that place, and the people whom he shared his time in good and bad times. He finally get to meet everyone, and finally remembered everything.

"Thank you guys…!" Yuzuru said as his tears finally went out of his eyes.

"What are you saying? If there's someone saying that, it should be us." A bespectacled guy went in front of him.

"Right!" The other guy, who's a bit bigger than the others, said.

"Takamatsu… Matsushita!" Yuzuru said as he wiped his eyes off with his arm. "Right, sorry about that guys."

"By the way, you interrupted our game, so you're going in for it as punishment!" Noda said as he pointed his finger towards Yuzuru.

"Right!" Yuzuru said as he composed himself back. "Bring it on!"

With that, everyone went back to the field and resumed their interrupted game.


Few minutes later, two petite figures entered the field and saw a group of guys playing baseball. They're not strangers to them as they were friends all along.

"Seems like they're having fun." Kanade said as she saw them having fun, especially her loved one, Yuzuru. She just smiled at the sight presented in front of her.

"Yeah, I wanna go and do some cheering! You're coming with me, right?" Yui said as her eyes were sparkling in excitement.

"…I'll pass." Kanade said as she made an awkward look.

"Aww, you're no fun." Yui said as she sat down with Kanade on a bench near where the guys were playing.

They just watched their game and eventually got their attention as they saw them. Kanade and Yui just waved at them in order for them not to interrupt the game.

"Everything's resolved now, isn't it?" A voice suddenly spoke behind the two girls who were sitting on a bench.

There were five girls who just arrived. The four girls of GirlDeMo and a little sister of certain someone.

"Iwasawa-san…" Kanade said the name of the person who just spoke. "Yeah, I think so too."

"Onee-chaaaan!" Suddenly an orange-haired girl appeared and jumped to Kanade. "I missed you!" She said as she hugged Kanade tightly.

"Hatsune-chan…" Kanade called the girl's name as she patted her head. "We just got separated for a few hours, you know."

"Who's this?" Yui asked her.

Hatsune broke away from Kanade and introduced herself.

"I'm Hatsune Otonashi, that guy in the field is my older brother." She said as she pointed her finger towards Yuzuru. "And I'm Kanade-onee-chan's sister-in-law!"

"Wha-" Yui was surprised from her introduction.

Kanade blushed at her statement and hid her face with her palms.

"Oya, oya, there's no need to be embarrassed." Hisako teased Kanade as she spoke near her ear. "I'm joining them! I'll be right back!" She said as she entered the field.

"Shiori-chan, Miyuki-chan, let's do some cheering!" Yui said as she dragged the two other girls beside Iwasawa. She didn't let them protest, not like they're against it though.

Iwasawa sat down beside Kanade as they were left by them. They watched them having fun and felt happiness inside their hearts. They're finally reunited like a family.

"Iwasawa-san…" Kanade called as she placed her hands on top of her chest.


"Will every one of us stay together until the end of time…?" Kanade asked.

"Don't worry, I'll see to it." Iwasawa said as she reassured the girl beside her who was once titled as 'Angel'.

In the midst of the dark skies, ray of lights suddenly pierced the clouds and paved their way to the ground. The lights gave illumination to the world, almost symbolizing like an end of trials, and a new beginning of journey of life.

YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! The story is finished! I don't know if it gave a lot of impact to you guys, but I'm hoping that it did for some of you!

I've been seeing questions from the reviews section and from my PM's if there's a sequel. The answer is… well, what do you think? :)

I have school right now, and I'm staying in a boarding house, so I'm only saying hello to my pc every weekend *sobs*

Anyways, thanks for the support guys! Those 100+ favs and follows of the story really made me happy! I'm probably the happiest living creature on earth! (Overacting?)

I'm saying goodbye to the Angel Beats archive for now, yes, for now, unless if I decided to make the you-know-what. (Encourage me :3 )

See ya guys! Thanks for the wonderful support, this is a great achievement for me!