I just had to write this! Hehehehe~

Hope you enjoy~! (And that you aren't a Justin Bieber fan~!)

"Hey, bro, what's this?" America asked, while looking at some of the CD's at my house.

"Uh…" I said, blushing because I saw what he was looking at. "One of the pop stars at—"

"It's a pop star? Epic! Let's go listen! Where's your CD player, bro?" He asked again, basically trashing my house and tearing it into millions of pieces.

I hesitantly showed him to it and got some heavy duty earplugs out of a closet…


While America was wondering where I got those from, he put the disc into the CD player (CD/CD player action, man!), and…

Hm… It looks like he died a little bit inside… And I don't blame him.

I don't think I could live through those shrill crys of "Baby~ Baby~ Ooooh~" either…

Let's hope that he doesn't start a-

Oh my god! Did America really have to make a hate page on Facebook? I mean, sure Justin Bieber is super annoying and has the voice of a little girl, but did he really have to make one?

Wait! It already has 5,000,000,000,000 likes and he just made it yesterday? There aren't even that many people in the whole world! I think...


*Sigh* Maybe I should just listen to the rest of the world… Especially when they scream that Canadian pop sucks…

I'm sorry to anybody who likes Canadian Pop Music or is from Canada... I hope you weren't offended... Heh heh heh...

Almost got you with that British accent, did I~?

(That wasn't even close to a real British accent, but I still feel compelled to apologize to Iggy. Poor guy; having his accent being made fun of in every single paper I've ever written for school, ever…)

Please review and just try to express how much of a fail I was at trying to write Canada as the narrator~! You don't have to butter it up, I know I sucked at it~!

( P.S. Wow, why am I writing so many words that are impossible to spell? It makes no sense! Especially for someone that can't even spell her own name correctly! Man, I can't believe how much I rely on spell check so much! And it still fails me...)