A/N: This is NOT a sory about werewolfs. Period. That said, the chapters will be short (most bigger than this but still short). I'm sorry, I know most people like long chapters (I like it too) but this whole story was made to be short and not with many chapters so I would be able to finish quickly and not just lose insipation and stop writing in the middle (this is quite comon, believe me ). That said, enjoy! ^^

Warnings: I'm not sure I can say this is yaoi, since the characters don't interact all that much but there will be an implicit lemon at the end. Other than that, the only thing that may scarry you is my grammar.

"bla,bla,bla" - speech

Bla,bla,bla - thoughts


- chapter 1 -

There is life and there is death.

Tala knew it all too well. He was the last one, after all. Once he died there would be no one left. No one to pass the pride and the sorrow of the wolves – the real wolves – to the next generation. No one to carry the magic, to keep the secret.

Does it make Tala the strongest? The wiser? Probably not.

He couldn't even call himself lucky. Not anymore. Not in a long time. Cause when you lose everything, escaping the attack that slaughtered your pack by nothing but a true miracle, you're not lucky. Oh no, not even close.

You're cursed. Doomed to live whatever time you have alone. You hunt, sleep and hide alone. You keep whatever territory you have alone. You eat, drink and shit alone. You even start talking alone so you can prove yourself you still have some sanity left.

But you don't believe in yourself. Not anymore. And when you stop believing you know there's nothing left, nowhere to go but six feet under the frozen earth you're currently standing on.

And Tala knew that moment have come. Finally he could let himself die, feeding the earth with whatever energy his weak body still had while his spirit rises to the sky, going back to mother nature's arms. It wasn't the death he imagined – laying in the snow with a bear trap all around his left leg – but now that the pain froze, his blood tainting the white snow, Tala was grateful. It could not be an honorable death, but it was calm and quiet.

No, he was tired of pain. His heart has been arching for too long. Now, he just wanted to sleep…

A noise. Tala's ears twitched weakly, moving only by pure instinct. Someone is coming, steps crunching the snow. Tala's mind is hazed, too much to indentify such steps but he can hear them. Soft whispers getting close but not too fast, a feathery touch on the frozen ground. Yet, he was wrong, he have to be. It was impossible, wasn't it? What animal could be so… weightless?

Something moved on the right. Whatever it was, it was coming closer. Tala tried to lift his head, pawns moving in hopes to give him some balance but it was helpless. All he managed to do was whine in pain, finishing his chance to stay unnoticed. The steps got even closer, faster now they where guided by the noise. Soon, Tala could see something coming, the image getting clear even for his glassy eyes.

It was a boy. A small, average built boy, half covered with animal fur. In his hand, hanging on a rope, were two dead rabbits and a knife could be seen in his belt.

A hunter boy.

Tala stared at the boy, wondering why he had stopped closer but not close enough to finish him off. The boy stared back, looking unsure somehow.

For a whole moment, nothing happened.

Tala let out a tired sigh. Why bother anyway? His end was near, regardless if the boy would be there to watch or not. The whole nature was his witness so what could a mere human do? He hoped the boy enjoyed the spectacle, though, he seemed to be freezing.

However, before Tala could close his eyes and truly surrender, the boy kneeled next to him. Their eyes met again but this time the boy's eyes narrowed.

"You don't deserve this stupid death." – the boy said, voice deep and angry. He took his knife, the already red metal gleaming poorly in the moonlight.

Tala had to agree, even if he couldn't move anymore. Yes, a dagger to the heart was far more honorable than a foolish bear trap. The boy needed to be quick thought. His vision was fading, along with his others senses.

Death was near.

Closing his eyes, Tala never felt the blade.

But he could swear he heard the clatters and growls of metal.