It wasn't that late when Sonny and Will arrived back at his apartment, given how young Will's siblings were. The dinner, at The Brady Pub, had been pleasant, with Sami trying really hard to be accepting and putting her foot in her mouth more than once. She asked them questions like which one of them pays when they go out and which one of them drives.
"We split the bills," Sonny had replied to the first question. "It depends on whose car it is," he had responded to the second.
Will shut the door and locked it. He took Sonny's jacket, and he took off his own and hung them in the closet.
"I'm sorry," he said. "I doubt she'll be marching with me at Pride this year."
Sonny grinned. "You might be surprised," replied Sonny. "She may not get you yet, but she seems to want to in her way. Besides, my mom will have her at PFLAG meeting in no time."
Will came over to Sonny, and he kissed him softly on the lips. "I'm sorry Sami kept peppering you with questions."
"She thinks I seduced you," laughed Sonny. "I didn't have the heart to tell her it was the other way around."
"I'll tell her when the kids aren't around," replied Will, putting his arms around Sonny's neck.
Sonny locked eyes with his boyfriend. "Both your parents are trying. They won't be perfect though this, but neither will you."
"Hey," replied Will with a smirk, "it's my gayness mentor come out to play."
Sonny leaned over and bit Will's neck, playfully. "Your gayness mentor isn't the one interested in playing."
"Mmmmm…" said Will. "I like the sound of that."
Sonny grabbed Will's hand and led him to the bedroom. Things were looking up, and he knew good things were ahead.