Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ
I got the idea of this fanfiction by another fanfiction called A Slight Change By Pan1
"Talking" 'Thinking' and Flashback
The Weight of being a Saiyan
"I wish that the Sons, Briefs and Chestnuts were turned into full-blooded Saiyans" The green alien said
"Your wish has been granted" Shenron said as he was leaving
'Wonder how they are all going to react to the wish. I will let them figure out who that I made the wish. Man, I wish I could see their faces'
****************** At Goku and Chi-Chi's Home************************
"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Chi-Chi said screaming loudly
Goku comes in their room in Super Saiyan form in his orange and blue gi.
"Chi-Chi. What's wrong?" Goku said worrying
"I'll tell you what's wrong. LOOK AT ME!" Chi-Chi screamed
Her hair is longer now all the way to her waist. They have red streaks. Her eyes are also a dark red color. Over her shoulder is a fuzzy brown tail. Her ki has increased a huge amount.
"Wow! Chi-Chi you're a Saiyan. Like me and the kids. Why didn't you tell me?" Goku said surprised and shocked 'Maybe I can have Chi-Chi as a sparring partner now' Goku thought of
"Sorry Chi-Chi I forgot" Goku said softly
"That's okay Sweetheart" Chi-Chi said
'You look the same just with a tail." She said
"Yea, I guess some one made a wish on the Dragon balls for this to happen" Goku said
"Let's go to Bulma to figure this out" She said
'TO BULMA'S, but first I'm HUNGRY
Chi-Chi fell anime style
How was it? REVIEW REVIEW! Who made the wish? Who else is turned into a full blooded Saiyan? Find out next time