There really needs to be more Lucy/Kendall on here! **
*Time of our Life*
Chapter 1:
*Lucy's POV*
I woke up to the sun shining through my window and a major headache. I groan and attempt to get up to close it, but felt myself being held down and then I get hit with a sudden feeling of nausea, but I didn't need to throw up. I am never drinking again… ever. Last night was the release party for Big Time Rush's second album, and Camille and I went, and I got trashed. So badly that I can't remember anything that happened.
I turned to my right and I see a body, 'Oh god, did I bring a stranger home last night?' I thought to myself. I start to scan the person to see if I recognize them. Amazing body, beautiful face, blonde shaggy hair…oh god… the only person I know with that hair is, Kendall.
I put my hand over my mouth to hide my gasp in shock. I lift up the blanket to see nothing on either of us, but I saw a used condom on the side of my bed. I sigh in relief that we at least don't have to deal with that concern. Now I understand why I am so sore. I gain my composure and shake his shoulder in an attempt to wake him up. He moans and shifts a bit before opening his emerald green eyes. I smile at the sight of them, but quickly remove it when he looks over at me. I cover myself with the comforter more, feeling really self conscious at the moment "Hey Kendall"
He scans me then the room carefully before putting a hand on his head and groaning in pain "Hey Lucy, what happened last night?"
I get up and slide on a pair of shorts and a tank top "I have no idea. I remember probably as much as you do" I walk into my connected bathroom and grab 4 aspirin and a glass of water. When I walk back into the room, Kendall is on the edge of the bed with his jeans from last night on and a hand on his head still. I walk over to him and hand him the water and 2 of the 4 aspirin "Here, you might want this" He takes the aspirin with the water before standing up. I bend over and grab his discarded wife beater and t shirt that he was looking for and hand them to him.
"Thanks" He says, slipping them on before slipping his shoes on "What time is it anyways?" I pick up his phone and chick the button.
"11 am" Then I hand it to him. He takes it and smiles then frowns again.
"I am so dead; my mom is going to kill me"
"I am so sorry Kendall" I lean down and pick up the condom "at least we know you have some common sense when drunk" We both laugh and walk over to my door, before he leaves I tell him "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Because we know Jo's coming back soon so I don't want to mess that up for you" He nods and gives me a tight hug.
"Thank you Lucy, your amazing and a great friend. I'll see you at the pool later?" I nod and fake a smile. I can't help but get this feeling when he said 'great friend'
*Kendall's POV*
As I walk back to 2J, I tried to recollect any memories that could explain why I woke up in Lucy's bed this morning, naked. It was obvious we had sex, but I just wish I could remember it. As I approach the apartment, I unlock the door and take a deep breath before entering and seeing everyone sitting at the table eating lunch. They all turn and stare at me as I did the 'walk of shame'. Logan, James, and Carlos all smirked but my mom frowned in anger and Katie just continued eating. I walked to my room first so I could take a shower and change my clothes since I smelled of alcohol. When I walked back into my room dressed in gray skinny jeans and my favorite yellow and black plaid shirt, I saw the guys sitting on the beds with bigger smirks.
"So Kendall, did you have fun last night?" James broke the silence causing Logan and Carlos to burst out laughing.
"I think he did, because he had to make the walk of shame this morning" Logan said. I flipped them off before throwing myself into my bed with a smile.
"So seriously dude, what happened last night?" James spoke again.
"I really don't remember" I whisper, going through my phone.
James took his phone out of his pocket and threw it to me "Check the videos, it might help. Oh and Carlos let it slip to Mama Knight that you didn't come home last night and where you were so she is kind of pissed" He walked out of my room with the other following.
I grab the phone and open up the photos, looking for the videos of last night. I open the first one and saw it was Lucy and I having a shots contest to see who could do the most in 5 minutes apparently. I won and she had to kiss my cheek at the end, but she kissed the corner of my mouth instead. I open another one and saw it was me and her dancing on the floor to Party Rock Anthem, but we were Party Rockin' we were dancing really close with her back to my stomach and had no inch of space between us. I smile watching it, then shake my head quickly 'No, bad Kendall. She is just a friend…who you had a one night stand with.' I click onto another one and it's of Lucy and I in an intense lip lock against the wall of the club that the party was at. I had her backed up against the wall with my hands on her hips and we were intensely kissing without a care in the world. I start to remember that and I begin to feel the sparks against my lips from hers. 'Do I like her? No I can't, Jo is coming back so we can't do this, but I just can't get Lucy out of my head since I woke up next to her this morning. The way her straight, vibrant, red and brown hair falls down her back, the way she has this tough exterior, but her eyes show every emotion she is feeling. The way she plays guitar without a care in the world and how she isn't afraid to speak what she thinks.
I shake my head and walk into the main room and I see the guys playing video games and my mom sitting down at the table, like she was waiting for me to emerge from my room. I throw the phone to James, who now has a bigger smirk on his face. I walk and sit next to my mom, who usually has that loving, motherly smile, now just has a frown. I couldn't imagine what she was feeling right now knowing that her son just walked in the door after having a one night stand at the tender age of 17 years old.
**Okay so here is the first chapter! I need ideas for the conversation between Kendall and his mom and some ideas for further chapters! Please PM me with them and review your thoughts! Thanks! Love you all! **