The rain poured down around them in buckets, cold wet drops stinging their skin. The battle raged on around them, swords and gunfire mixing with the sounds of rain and crackling thunder. Will and Elizabeth share a look as Davy Jones stands between them, threatening to put one or both of them to the sword.

"Ah, love." Jones spits out the word like a curse, catching the look they give eachother. "A dreadful bond." He sends Will a menacing look and turns, more than ready to send another victim to the Locker. "Tell me, Turner, do you fear death?"

"Do you?" Jack's voice rings loud and clear above the cacaphony of other noises surrounding them.

Davy Jones turns to him in surprise, pausing when he sees the heart – his heart – in Jack's one hand and the broken sword hovering above it.

"Heady tonic, holding life and death in the palm of ones hand." Jack's tone is mocking, triumphant. He thinks he's won.

"You're a cruel man, Sparrow." Jones snarls.

"That is a matter of perspective."

"Is it, now? Who's perspective?" Jones questions before spinning around and, without warning, he sends his sword straight through the heart of the person still sitting on the deck behind him.

Jack hesitates, looking horrified, hearing the pained shrieks and groans of Jones' latest victim.

Jones laughs, a cruel, humorless sound that would send a chill down anyones spine.

Elizabeth lays motionless, slumped against the steps she'd tripped on earlier, clutching the sword still sticking out of her chest. Will moves to her side, horrified, carefully taking her into his arms.

"Elizabeth! Stay with me, please!" He begs, rocking her gently back and forth. "It-it's going to be alright. You'll be alright."

The next few moments are a blur for them all as Will's father tackles Jones from behind, prompted by the sound of his sons terrified voice. Jack stares down at the heart in his hand. The broken sword hovered just inches above the thing.

He looks over to Will, cradling Elizabeth in his arms. Elizabeth, the feircesome pirate King, the woman who had just lead them all into battle. She looks so small and fragile, dying in her husbands arms.

Will looks up at the heart in Jack's hand, and then up to meet Jack's eyes. They know they have the same idea. It would be absurd, unthinkable if Elizabeth was any other woman, but there's no time to think about it with her fading so quickly. And besides that, they both know she is not just any other woman.

They haven't got another choice.

Davy Jones has Bill Turner pinned now.

"You will not forestall my judgement!" He snarls and is about to send him overboard…

…and he freezes, twitching uncontrolably, unable to do anything as the echoes of pain tear through his empty chest cavity.

He turns to see who has finally brought about his end. Three people hold the dagger, but only one has it fully in her grasp, her pale delicate hand wrapped completely around the hilt.

He turns his eyes towards the sky.

"C-calypso." He stutters before he falls overboard, forever lost to the watery abyss swirling below them all.

Will begins to panic as Elizabeth stops breathing, going entirely limp in his arms. Jack looks around and knows they must get off the Dutchman as its crew begins to emerge from the dark corners they had been hiding in.

"Part of the ship, part of the crew." They chant their eerie mantra.

He pulls the other man away as best he can, thrusting a rope into his arms and practically throwing him over board, leaving Will no choice but to hang on for dear life. Jack quickly follows behind him, and somehow they both land on the Pearl.

The Dutchman sinks into the swirling water, and for a moment it seems all hope is lost.

Only a breif moment.

The Fleet is still creeping up on them, Beckett's flagship advancing quicker than the rest. They'll never survive.

Or so they think.

The Flying Dutchman breaks through the water, looking much less macabre, its sails no longer tattered and wood no longer encrusted with sea creatures.

The crew look like normal people again. Will runs to the railing of the Pearl, looking out on the other ship, hoping against hope that Elizabeth will be among them.

He can't help but to give a small smile when he sees his Elizabeth turn around at the helm of the ship that now belongs to her, her hair pulled back into a quick braid behind her and the Asian dress she wore cut open at the chest. A nasty, bright red scar is just visible beneath it.

"Ready on the guns!" She yells, clutching the helm with the same hand that stabbed Jones' heart, her voice loud and clear and confident. She no longer looks so small or fragile.

"Full canvas!" Jack shouts, grinning.

Will's smile widens as he turns quickly and prepares to help with one of the Pearl's cannons. Together they blow Beckett and his ship straight out of the water.

She's waiting patiently for him when he rows up in his long boat. The Chest is sitting on a rock; her sword is stuck in the sand just next to it. He wonders briefly how she got here so quick, but then he remembers Jones' trick of appearing out of nowhere and decides not to waist the time asking if she can do the same now. He has no desire to know the details.

He sticks his sword in the sand, crossing hers, and approaches her.

"Elizabeth." He says her name quietly, because he can think of nothing else to say.

She says nothing at all, but smiles sadly, and pulls him close. The kiss she gives him is wild and passionate and hungry and very unlike her, but he certainly doesn't complain, and before he knows it he is trailing kisses down her very bare skin. Just one day; no time to waist.

It is over far too quickly. The sun is setting now.

"Will." She says, her voice soft.

"I know." He replies. His hand trails up her still bare leg, followed by his lips.

"I'm going to be needing that." She says, sounding a little amused, tearing her eyes from his still bare chest to peer over his shoulder at the small boot behind him.

He sighs and picks it up, reluctantly handing it to her.

She slips it on before walking over to take the Chest, staring down at it for a moment before holding it out to him. She's looking him straight in the eye, her gaze intense.

"You may not believe it, but my heart has always belonged to you. Keep it safe, please? Just don't bury it on an island somewhere…"

"I would never do that, Elizabeth." He responds, sounding almost indignant, taking the Chest into his own hands.

The sun has sunk halfway below the horizon by now. They have mere moments. She takes her sword and sheaths it; turns back to him.

"I love you, Will. So very much."

"And I love you, my Elizabeth."

They share one last passionate kiss and then she turns, heading towards her ship and is gone, disappearing just before she hits the water. He sits and watches as her ship slowly turns, sailing off into the sun, and is gone as well.