Hey guys! This is a new story I've wanted to do for a while now, and it's a Megaman X and Sailor Moon crossover! That's right, this is Project X-S. It takes place after X8 and during Sailor Moon S. Oh, and Axl is fine from the fight with Lumine.

MegaMoon Chapter 1:

"X, slow down!"

The shout came from a reploid with spiky auburn hair sticking out from under his helmet. This was one of X's partners, Axl, a prototype of the Next Generation Reploids. As he hovered over to X, he asked, "Why are we out here anyway? There aren't any Mavericks, are there?"

The normally blue robot, X, was red colored, as he was wearing his Icarus Armor which protected him from attacks and also powered up him Buster shots and increased him jumping ability. "Because," X began, for the fifth time, "Palette found a capsule similar to the ones Dr Light left for me."

Axl groaned. "And why am I coming again? And why isn't Zero?"

X's patience was wearing thin. "Zero isn't here because he's doing paperwork. Which you should be doing, but since you hate it so much, I took pity on you and brought you with me!"

After a few seconds of silence, Axl asked, "So, what kind of armor part do you think will be inside? Helmet, Arm, Foot, or body?"

"I. Don't. Know. Axl." X said through gritted teeth. If his "partner" repeated this cycle of questioning one more time, he was going to explode. That would leave him the job of explaining to Zero where Axl's body went.

Just then, "Hey X?"

"WHAT? WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW NOW AXL?" X was two seconds away from blasting Axl with a charged Buster shot.

"Is that the capsule up there?"

X blushed. "Uh, yeah. This is the location Palette gave me." He jumped and tried to air-dash, but fell just short.

"Here, let me do it." Axl said. "A-Trans!" He morphed into a falcon-like Reploid who grabbed X by the shoulders and flew him up to the ledge.

"When did you get the ability to A-Trans into this guy?"

Axl turned back to normal once they landed on the ledge. "What do you think I've been doing to avoid work? I've been taking every single Maverick request I can get my hands on. If they look cool, I copy them so I can A-Trans into them. More importantly, how did the Doc expect you to find most of these? They're either out of your reach, or surrounded by instant-kill spikes, or both."

A voice came over their headsets. "Well, if X didn't break the Falcon Armor so long ago, he could just grab them himself."

X sighed. "Not now Alia. By the way, how's it coming?"

The Navigator replied, "I'm working on it! I just need to fix the fight capabilities and the Nova Strike attack, then it'll be all set."

"Alright, now let's open the capsule!" Axl said. As X approached the capsule, it rose, as per usual, but the hologram was not of Dr Light. It was of a younger, taller man with short white hair.

"Mega Man X, I an Professor T. I was experimenting with inter-dimensional travel, and during these experiments, I stumbled upon your world, while Dr. Light was still building you. I helped him finish you, and he helped me in my studies. What you will find is a dimensional transporter. It is compatible with your Variable Weapons System and will allow you and others to come to my dimension."

"Now I know I am asking a lot of you, and it may be too much to ask, but if you do choose to use this, you can bring companions with you, and you can recharge it with normal energy pellets. And please, protect my daughter."

The hologram flickered out away, and Axl just stared. "Wow! That guy was totally off his rocker."

X walked into the capsule, and left the weapon load into his Buster. "We've retrieved the contents of the capsule. Bring us home Alia." In a flash, the two were teleported back to base.

Once back, they were greeted by Zero and Palette.

"Hey, what'd you find?" The Red-armored Hunter asked.

"Let me see it! Let me see it!" Palette shouted.

X took a cleansing breath. This would take a while. "Get the other Navigators and the Commander. This is not something I want to repeat."

-One explanation later-

The Navigators were left in silence. No one had anything to say. Finally, the Commander of the Maverick Hunters, Signas spoke. "If this even works, I believe we should test it. Be sure to bring an extra Life Tank and Weapon Tank just in case. X, you have clearance to use the Hermes Armor only, as this is purely a recon mission."

Alia tried to stop him. "Commander, you can't be serious! We have no idea what could happen!"

Zero spoke up. "Alia, listen. We have to assume this will work, after all, if the Good Doctor worked on it, it'll work. We'll maintain full radio contact all the time, don't worry."

All the Navigators were tense, but they had to accept the Commander's decision."

-Three Hours Later-

The three Hunters were ready to test this new technology. After Alai and X had a parting hug, X selected the Dimension Shift from his weapon list and his color motif became a mix of white and violet. "Alright, both of you hold onto me." He said as he fired. The shot fired out like a normal Buster Shot, but then expanded into a black ball encompassing the Hunters, and it then shrunk and disappeared, nothing left behind.

All around her were statues of petrified people. Not a sound was heard. Amongst them were her friends, all helpless to stop what was before them. Suddenly, three lights appeared in the distance, but just she had gathered up a glimmer of hope, it was snuffed out as the three lights vanished. Just then, three streaks came down, one blue, one red, and one yellow. The red and yellow streaks crossed over, forming an X while the blue streak turned white and charged straight at the wave of destruction.

Rei bolted awake in bed. She and her friends were having a study session, and she had accidentally fallen asleep.

"What's wrong?" asked the quiet blunette of the group, Ami Mizuno.

"Yeah. You looked like you were having a nightmare." added Lita Kino, the tall brunette with her hair in a high ponytail.

"I'm sorry. It's nothing." Rei explained, as she woke up her friend, Serena Tsukino, who had also fallen asleep. "I just had a strange dream," she amended.

"A strange dream?" asked Mina Aino, the blonde who always had a red ribbon in her blonde hair. Serena muttered something about having a dream about her boyfriend. The raven-haired priestess tuned Serena out, knowing her dream meant something more.

Within the confines of his lab, the Professor was working on his Daimon creation. The mixture had to be perfect or all his work would be for naught. Taking a vial of red liquid which was floating a strange embryo, he mixed it with a beaker of green liquid. The embryo pulsed in the beaker, eventually breaking it as a floating egg, "Kaolinite," called the Professor.

"Right here," answered a redhead, the Professor's assistant. "The Daimon Seed is finally ready. Daimons select people with pure hearts."

"Pure Hearts?" Kaolinite asked.

"Yes! The three Talismans that will allow the Holy Grail to appear before the holder of them! They are found within Pure Hearts!" The Professor then grinned a grin that gave the Cheshire Cat a run for it's money.

"So if we gather the Talismans…" Kaolinite began.

"…we will have the Holy Grail and the world in our hands!" The Professor finished, letting the Daimon Seed leave through a vent in the wall as Kaolinite disappeared, leaving behind her lab coat.

-The Next Day-

Rei rushed home from school. She rushed up the steps to her temple soon after, not noticing an odd egg floating and somehow being absorbed by one of the trees. She tried to use the sacred fire to determine what her dream meant, but to no avail. Sighing in defeat, she drew a fortune before tying it to a tree.

As soon as her hand touched it, she felt a dark aura from the tree.

"What is this? Rei asked, stunned as the tree twisted and groaned and was cloaked in a veil of light as the tree began to transform into a humanoid creature. The monster's skin was blue and it was wearing a yellow outfit with a red and yellow rope and bells on her head. Her hair looked as if it were made out of wood, along with her bracelets and shoes.

"Mikuji!" The monster shrieked. "Your pure heart! I must have your pure heart!" Mikuji said, grinning evilly. Rei pulled out her transformation wand, but began to run since she didn't want her grandfather to getting involved. She just needed to take the battle somewhere else.

Rei had gotten to a safe distance, but as she prepared to fight, Mikuji came darting after her, and unexpectedly pinned her to the wall behind her where her hands and legs turned to stone. The monster broke them off before growing them back. Grinning, Mikuji pulled open her outfit to reveal a black star on her chest.

"Mikuji!" She shrieked as she fired a beam out of the star into Rei's chest causing her to scream in pain.

At about this time, a black ball expanded and deposited three figures nearby. As soon as they heard the shriek, X jumped into action mode.

"X-Drive online!" He shouted, as the X-Drive enhanced his Hermes Armor, allowing him to dash off in a flash.

"Come on X, wait up!" Axl called as he and Zero ran to try and catch up. They quickly came upon a strange creature which had just pulled a glowing red crystal out of a girl's chest. A woman in red teleported in to examine the Heart Crystal, but didn't get the chance as X fired a charged shot, which the Hermes Amour diverted into a three-way shot. One knocked the monster back, one hit the stone restraints holding the girl, and the third narrowly missed the woman in red, making her drop the Heart Crystal.

"What?" Kaolinite turned to see X, as Axl and Zero joined him. Zero ignited his Z-Sabre while Axl pulled out his dual pistols. Seeing the odds severely against her, the woman in red vanished, leaving the Daimon, while X quickly grabbed the Heart Crystal with his enhanced speed.

The Daimon turned to him. "Bad fortune to those who interfere!"

X disengaged his X-Drive and his color scheme changed from blue to seafoam and yellow. "Thunder Dancer!" The bolts of electricity fired out of his Buster, Shocking the Daimon. Zero switched weapons to his D-Glaive and jumped into the air, spinning, his blade leaving clean holes in the Daimon.

"Axl, now! "Axl replaced his guns with a flamethrower. "Flame Burner!"

The Daimon was doused in fire as it cried out in pain. Zero switched back to his Z-Sabre and cleaved the Daimon in half. The Daimon didn't get a chance to respond as it's body disappeared, leaving the tree which spat out the Daimon Seed, which spit open, releasing black smoke.

Serena and her friends were heading toward Rei's temple, planning on having another study session. Once they got close, however, they heard the sounds of a battle and saw a bright flash of light.

"What on Earth was that?" Serena cried.

"I don't know, you should hurry to make sure Rei's okay!" Luna, Serena's talking black cat, advised.

Serena nodded, gripping her Henshin Brooch. "Come on!" The rest of the girls nodded and followed.

X looked at the Heart Crystal in his hand. "So, how do I put this back in?"

Zero was muttering to himself. "That crystal seems a lot like a Reploid DNA Core. Why not just try gently pushing against her chest?"

X looked over at his partner. "And you think that'll work?"

Zero shrugged. "It's as good a suggestion as any. Unless you want to perform some surgery and actually put that into her heart."

X quickly walked over to the girl and gently pressed the crystal against her chest. To his surprise, it was absorbed and the signs of life began returning to her.

"Are you alright?" X asked. The girl weakly nodded, and X took her hand and pulled her to her feet. She was about to ask who they were as a familiar voice rang out.

"Halt evil villains!" The voice called. "Attacking an innocent priestess is a terrible crime! I, Sailor Moon, will not stand for it!"

The four on the ground looked up to see a silhouette of a girl with long pigtails and a rather short skirt.

Axl whistled. "Whew, who knew this world had girls who wore such revealing clothes. I wonder-"

Zero, thankfully, cut him off. "Axl, focus."

X put Rei behind him. "Stay behind me. My armor should protect you. Hopefully we can diffuse this situation, but if we can't, I want you to run home."

Rei just nodded dumbly, afraid of what was about to happen.