I know it's incredibly late but here is the first of three bonus scenes I promised you before the summer.

Warning: Severe OOC-ness but I maintain that even the nicest of people are sometimes wrong in the way that they act.

Christmas with the Weasleys was always a large affair. The third living generation of the Weasley-Potter clan had seemed to just explode in numbers around the time of Luna and George's wedding so The Burrow was jam packed with adults and children alike all having a very merry Christmas. Or at least they should have been.

Luna sat in an armchair in the corner of the living room helping Lysander on with his Christmas jumper whilst George did the same for Lorcan. The twins were both five now and Freddie was nearing his seventh birthday. As she did this Luna watched Molly do a round of the room, handing out treats to the children. Conveniently she skipped past Luna and George as they were busy but not Percy and his oldest daughter Molly who were occupied in the same way. Passing it off as a mistake Luna returned her full attention to Lysander whose blonde head had just poked through the top of his jumper.

"It's too tight and itchy." He whined, scratching his arms.

"You don't have to wear it for long, okay? We can fix it when we go home." Luna promised. To her left Lorcan was complaining just like his brother.

"Freddie darling," Luna beckoned her eldest over. "How's your jumper?"

"It's nice and warm and it fits!" Freddie grinned, doing a spin just for show.

Again Luna frowned but she didn't say a word, she just ushered the boys off to play with their cousins. George leant back and put his arm around Luna which made her instantly relax. Now everything had settled down life with George was just as she'd always imagined it to be. There was always something happening but the big drama was long in the past. Luna was so grateful for everything she had and prayed every night that nothing would change.

"Look mum! Extra presents from Grandmama and Pop-pop!" Freddie showed her the child-sized broom he'd been gifted.

"Mum, you shouldn't have." Luna heard George say but she wasn't really listening.

Her gaze was fixed on the twins who were unwrapping their extra gifts. Her heart plummeted when it was revealed that each of her boys had been given a handful of chocolate frogs each. Luna looked around the room at the other presents Molly had dished out. Victoire had a beautiful silver witch's hat, James had a broom like Freddie and Molly had a golden charm bracelet.

This wasn't the first time Molly had treated the twins differently. Since they were born she'd never volunteered to look after them, wouldn't play with them like she'd always done for Freddie. Part of Luna understood. It was a sensitive subject and Molly had never really approved after to whole Rolf ordeal but enough was enough. It wasn't fair to treat the boys that way, especially now they were old enough to start remembering. No one else treated the twins any differently to Freddie. Molly had no right to either.

"George, can I have a word please?" Luna asked in a strained innocent tone to let her husband know the severity of the situation. She hated being obvious and so blatantly hiding something but Luna was at the end of her tether.

The look in George's eyes let Luna know that he had noticed too which was a relief to Luna. She hated the idea of upsetting him because he thought she was out of line but at the end of the day that didn't matter. She was a mother and her children came first. Luna would not simply sit by in silence and neither would George.

"Mum, could you come too please?" He asked, placing a gentle hand on Molly's arm.

Slightly confused, Mrs Weasley followed them into the empty kitchen. Luna invited Molly to sit next to her at the large dining table whilst George leant on the back of his wife's chair. Tentatively Molly sat and scooted her chair at an angle as Luna had so that they were facing one another.

"We need to talk to you about the boys." Luna began kindly enough. It was hard to keep calm because her babies weren't being treated right but she knew that hostility and accusations would get her nowhere.

At Luna's words Molly's heart sank. She folded her arms and sat down in one of the wooden chairs around the table. Luna and George exchanged looks, trying to figure out what exactly what was running through the older woman's head. Neither had any idea though so George decided to proceed with caution.

"Mum, you know that Lorcan and Lysander are just as much my sons as Freddie is, don't you?" George began slowly.

Mrs Weasley pursed her lips and fidgeted slightly. It was clear she had an opinion to express but it wasn't one she thought to share.

"They are my children in the same way that Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, Ron, Harry and I are yours. That means that they're your grandchildren too, even if they look a bit different from the rest of us. I mean, James has black hair and Molly's brunette but you don't treat them any differently. All we ask is for fair treatment of the boys." George carried on.

"I know dear," Molly sighed. The sudden relaxation of her previously hostile pose caught them both off guard a little. "I shouldn't take it out on them. It's not their fault that…"

Molly broke off causing Luna and George to tense up. The thousands of possibilities for Molly's next choice of word whizzed through their minds, each worse than the one before. Mrs Weasley never finished what she was going to say though for at that moment Freddie burst through the door with Lorcan and Lysander in tow.

"They tried to jump in the fire again." Freddie frowned down at the squirming toddlers.

"We want to go hoooooooooooome." The twins whined in unison.

"Don't worry darlings. We're just about to leave." Luna said icily.

"What? NO!" Freddie sulked.

Luna walked around George and took her sons back into the living room to say goodbye and to collect their things. George watched them go, making sure the door was fully closed before he spoke to him mother again.

"It's not her fault. What happened was not her fault and it's not theirs either," he gritted his teeth to keep his tone somewhat calm. "If you keep treating my family like this we won't come round anymore. You've already lost one son. Don't make it two."

Mrs Weasley jumped a little at the clear threat.

"You listen here-"

"No mum. I'm an adult now. I make my own decisions and protect my own family. You would do the same if you were in my position. Now I'm going home. We'll talk in the morning." George cut her off.

He didn't bother to stick around for the look of shock on his mother's face. Threatening his mother was not something he particularly wanted to do but there were children involved. They were his sons and he couldn't let them be treated badly for something that wasn't their fault. It just wasn't going to happen on his watch.

In the living room Luna was making false excuses to everyone for their sudden yet early departure.

"I'll send you an owl in the week." She promised Fleur with a steady smile. The boys were already in her arms and she was backing towards the fire place.

"See you later man." Harry was the first to clap George on the shoulder to say goodbye.

"Yeah. Merry Christmas Harry." George replied absentmindedly, grabbing Freddie's hand.

"Bye everyone!" Freddie waved as he and his father headed over to the fireplace.

There was a chorus of goodbyes returned and that was it. George couldn't stand to be there a second longer. Making sure his grip on his son was tight, George threw some Floo powder in the fireplace and followed his wife home.