Dear Mom,

I'm enjoying Hogwarts very much. I already have a few friends, Oliver Wood and Celestina Smyth. Oliver's a little crazy about Qudditch and he can't wait to try out for the team next year. I might try out myself, actually.

My favorite classes are, Transfiguration and Charms. I like Potions, but I'm not very good at it. What I find weird is that Professor Snape seems to go out of his way to help me. Also he doesn't take as many points off of my class as he does the others. I don't know, maybe I'm just imagining things.

I can't wait for Christmas to see you all!

Love, Christopher

Glinda reread the letter over three times. She didn't know what to think. Severus was teaching at Hogwarts. At first she was shocked, but now she was furious. She was sorely tempted to take him out of Hogwarts, but she would need a reason. No, she would just have to live with it and pray that Severus didn't say anything to the boy.

Maybe he didn't know, she tried to reason. He hadn't seen Christopher since he was five. Surely there was no way he could know what the boy looked boy. But the name she'd given Christopher was Fieyro's name. He might remember it. Damn.

Maybe I should talk to him. She thought. It had been so long since she'd seen him. Just because they weren't married anymore didn't been they couldn't be friends. Then there was a voice in the back of her saying:

But you're still married. The fact of the matter was, Glinda had never bothered to get a divorce because she never imagined herself falling in love again. But that would be the reason she would give. To finally get a divorce. She'd write to him and ask request a meeting.

Dear Professor Snape,

I request a meeting between you and I. There are certain matters that were never settled between us. I will come to Hogwarts in four days. I will see you then.

Christopher's mother,

Glinda Upland

Severus's heart leapt when he read the not. Glinda was coming. He had no idea what she wanted to talk to him about, but that didn't matter. He knew he was acting like a lovesick fool, but he had to reconcile with her. Even if she didn't love him anymore. He had to.

Glinda took a deep breath. She took picked up a handful of Floo Powder and stepped into the fireplace.

"Hogwarts." She said clearly. Emerald flames engulfed her and next thing she knew, she was in the fireplace in Dumbledore's office.

"Ah, Ms. Upland." The Headmaster smiled. "Severus told me you were coming."

Glinda couldn't help, but smile at the old man. "It's been so long Professor."

"It certainly has…Come, I'll take you to Severus."

"Thank you."

Glinda followed Professor Dumbledore down the steps to the corridor. Her legs were shaking. Dumbledore led her into the dungeons and knocked on a black door that Glinda knew was Severus's office. Dumbledore knocked and the door opened a moment later.

"You have a visitor, Severus." Dumbledore said, standing aside to reveal Glinda. The two just stared at each other. "Well then," The Headmaster said, breaking the silence. "I'll leave you two alone."

Dumbledore exited the potions room and Glinda timidly stepped into Severus's office. He closed the door behind her.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" He said coldly, turning to face her.

"Oh, Severus stop being so formal." She exclaimed.

"Very well, but why have to come to see me?" Severus asked, taking a seat at his desk.

"I have two reasons."


"The first is that I want to ask you if you've said anything to Christopher."

"So he is our Christopher."

"He's my Christopher, but have you said anything?"

"No. I wasn't sure he was mine until just now."

"Good, I beg you don't."

"Why?" He demanded. "He has a right to know."

"Because then he would ask why you haven't been around for all these years and I would tell him in a heartbeat." She shot back. "Could you bare that, Severus? If your own son hated you?"

"What was the second reason?"

"I want a divorce."

The words were like bullets. "What?" He said in disbelief. "Is there someone else?" No, no she couldn't be with someone else. She just couldn't.

"No." She replied. "But legally I am still Glinda Snape and I would rather not be tied to a Death Eater."

"Former Death Eater. I was cleared of the charges." He said matter-of-factly.

"That doesn't change the truth. Now, will you agree to a divorce?"

Severus thought hard for a moment. He could say no. But then she would hate him. And that he couldn't bare. "Yes," He replied softly. "I will."

"Thank you. Now, I will go."

"No, wait." Severus said, rising to his feet. "Can't we talk a little longer."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Before we officially get a divorce, can't we have another chance? Won't you give me another chance?"


"Don't you still love me?" He moved to stand in front of her and grasped her arms. "Because I still love you." When Glinda made no response, he shook her slightly. "Don't you?"

"Yes! Yes I do!" She cried, tears poured down her face.

"Then why get a divorce?" He asked, releasing her.

"Severus, you lied to me-"

"You don't know everything!" He shouted.

"What do you mean?!"

"It's complicated."

"Tell me!"

"Glinda, now is not the time or the place."

"Fine, but you will tell me. Tomorrow."

"You'll stay."



"Hogsmede, but don't tell Christopher I'm here. I want to settle this between us."

"As you wish," He said quickly. "But you'll give me-us a second chance."

"Yes." She whispered. "Yes, I will. But only if you tell me."

"I will…I promise." He gave her a smile, which she returned.

Severus grasped her hands and pulled her into a kiss. She flung her arms around him and kissed him back with a whole heart. His arms wrapped around her back.

They heard the door open, but the pulled back a second to late.

"Mom?" Christopher said with shock in voice.