a/n: Another one-shot. Beck/Cat of course : ) I got a lot of ideas over the past month. I hope you enjoy.
Song-Writing , Cat's favorite class. For two reasons. One it helps her express herself. Two Beck is in her class.
Cat took her usual seat next to Beck and kissed his cheek.
"Hey Hi Beck" She said happily.
"Someone is in a happy mood" Beck commented with a smile.
"Yup- d-daisy! Today has been awesome! To add the sprinkles on the cupcake I'm in my favorite class with my favorite person" Cat said dancing around the room.
"Ms. Valentine please take a seat" the teacher said.
"KK" Cat said taking a seat.
"Today" the teacher said " I want you to write about something or someone who inspires you"
Cat squeaked in joy scribbling ideas.
'' Done!" she said about 10 minutes later.
"Can I read?" Beck asked curious.
"Sure I have to go to my costume design class as soon as you're done. So hurry! I love costume design" Cat said at top speed.
" I thought you loved me" Beck teased. " I do" Cat said. "But hurry. " Beck smiled "Fine"
My Inspiration
You make me smile
You make me laugh
You're the only one that understands
Your my best friend
Your my boyfriend
Every time I see you, I wanna see you again.
You are my sunshine
You are my light
My reassurance things will be alright
You are my hero , you are my guy, you are the love of my life
But most importantly you inspire me to be me
" I loved it Cat" Beck said, meaning his words. He never thought he could mean so much to a person.
" Aww….thank you. I love you" Cat said blushing. She gave Beck and kiss. A real one.
She smiled when she pulled away, she walked towards the teacher.
" Can Beck and I go to my costume design class?" She asked . " Pretty please?" she added quickly.
'Yes. But be back before class ends"
Cat ran and grabbed Beck's arm. ' Come on Beck, let's go to my costume design class"
Beck laughed amused of his girlfriend's excitement. " Okay sweetie"
They walked to costume design.
'' KK, you wait out here while I try on my costume." Cat ordered playfully. Beck played along. "Yes ma'am"
10 minutes later she came out dressed as Beck.
" Wow you look, you look….like me" Beck said unable to believe his eyes.
Cat wore jeans chains and gray top with a jean jacket.
" What can I say…you inspired me" Cat said tippy-toeing to kiss her inspiration.
a/n: was is corny...was is good? Please review
luv and chocolate