Tattoos and White Sheets

Chapter 6: Multiple Shower heads and Frothy Lace

Forward: This is the last chapter. It has been a journey writing my first extended story on Deeks and Kensi. They have an amazing partnership and when they are ready, a relationship that could be even better. Writing an M rated story is risky, but this is where inspiration led me. I appreciate all of the reviews and alerts by the loyal readers. Hopefully the ending conveys the depth of emotion these two have for each other.

Dedications: Thank you to Iamahistorian for your plot and character development. And thank you to MioneAlterEgo for doing beta work on the non-PWP & non-Lemon parts of chapter 6. To ZBBZL and Ambrosia Rush for your continued support; I appreciate it greatly. And as always, thank you to MyOwnStar for comments and suggestions. She said she will start watching NCISLA and thinks Deeks/ECO is sexy.

Episode Reference: Plan B (#2.22)

Setting: Takes place during the episode of Crimeleon (#3.15)

Marty's POV

After such amazing declarations, most couples would lie in bed and celebrate. I'm definitely still jonesing for a Kensi fix, but I want to take her out on a proper breakfast date before work. This case we have is pretty dark. It's going to take the entire team on our A-game to solve it. So I get creative and come up with a plan that involves some multitasking.

"Why don't we go get breakfast at that lovely beach cafe you love so much? I could steal your bacon while you pour half a bottle of syrup over your pancakes. And if you're really good, we can swing by your favorite donut shop and get some donuts for later?"

"That sounds fabulous and everything, but don't you want to stay in bed and finish what you started? I was hoping to learn some new riding skills."

"I wasn't done Princess. You can definitely take a ride, but how about we both do it wet? We get clean and dirty at the same time. Then we go to the cafe and have our first official date."

She mulls it over, then excitedly helps me up and drags me to the bathroom. A happy Kensi who doesn't smack me is a rare and welcome sight. She's like a kid in a candy store or her candy drawer. I grab a condom from the drawer and follow her in.

My bathroom is a modern marvel. Besides the spa tub, there is a spectacular steam shower. It has dual showerheads and body spray panels. I love water and designed it with relaxing in mind. After an especially tough undercover op, this shower was my salvation. It helped me wash away the grime of that persona. Max Gentry was one alias I enjoyed washing down the drain.

Kensi grabs some towels and the body wash as I turn on the shower. The steam billows up and fills the stall. We quickly get undressed and hop in. Like an old married couple we head to separate shower heads and wash our hair. When I turn my head away to rinse, I see Kensi from behind. The rivulets of water glide down her elegant spine and my desires flares instantly. I give myself a cursory wash with my washcloth.

After the grabbing the other washcloth I head towards her.

"Can I offer to wash your back, My Sweet?"

"It's 'May I', Mr. Law School Grad, and yes please."

I take the body wash and pour some on the cloth. My hands slide the cloth down her back then up to her shoulders. After washing her and discarding the washcloth, I move in and nuzzle the space below her earlobe. My left hand reaches in front to tenderly caress her breast as my right hand goes below to check her readiness. Within a minute, she is drenching my hand and all thoughts of a soft and thorough exploration are gone. The need to become one with my lover takes over. I turn her around and move her out of the direct spray. Kensi grabs the condom and opens the foil. She takes it and rolls it ever so slowly down my aching shaft. She never breaks eye contact during this. After giving me a quick squeeze, Kensi tilts her head up and gives me the sweetest kiss. She tastes like mint and cherries. It's heady and intoxicating. Why I didn't start kissing her earlier I'll never know. Actually I do, but all of those reasons aren't as important anymore.

Without breaking off the kiss, I lift both of Kensi's legs and wrap them around my waist. Her arms go around under my arms as her back presses against the shower wall. With one shift and thrust, I am welcomed into her tight sheath. The steam and water surrounds us as she slides up and down slowly. Looking up, I see her eyes are closed and various emotions flicker across her face. The half smile on her face conveys pleasure while her furrowed brow shows frustration. Her tongue comes out and licks her lower lip. That is the sexiest thing I've ever seen her do. I quicken the pace and give her a thorough kiss.

She gives off a little "oh" and starts riding me to oblivion. Her legs are wrapped tightly around my waist. I have little control left, so I take a hand from her gorgeous butt and trail it down her stomach. The blue belly ring is given a light flick as my hand continues its journey. Her breath catches when I touch her clit. She lets out a loud scream as she gallops toward a mindless frenzy.

"Marty. I can't take anymore. Now, please. Finish it."

Panting and out of breath, I say, "Just a little more, Princess. You can do it."

While keeping the pressure on her nub, I lean forward to take a ripe nipple into my mouth. The combination of my mouth, fingers and our deep thrusting are too much.

"Ah, Oh, MARTY! YES!"

Her loud cry fills the shower. It triggers my release and after one more thrust; I explode and call out Kensi's name as I join her in orgasmic bliss. We continue to hold each other as the tremors fade.

Rubbing circles on her back, I ask, "Are you ok?"

"Ok? Ok is an understatement. I feel amazing. You're amazing."

"You're not so bad yourself, Wonder Woman."

The water is getting cold so we move apart and finish getting cleaned up. I discard the condom and do a quick wash and rinse. I turn off the shower and grab some towels for us.

My water bill is going to take a beating, but who cares? You can't put a price on the most meaningful and life-altering night of your life.

After drying off, she pulls on a pair of skimpy black lacy underwear and puts on my old Stanford Law shirt. Seeing the scrap peeking out from underneath is a major turn on. The combination is sexy and adorable at the same time.

"Where did those come from?"

With a mischievous smile, Kensi tells me, "A woman should always carry the essentials in a clutch purse."

I laugh out loud and say, "Skimpy pieces like that should be essential on every op."

Actually, her go bag is inside the car. It was forgotten in last night's sensual haze. I offer to fetch it as she dries off her glorious mane. As I open the bedroom door, my dog scampers in and rushes to Kensi. She is sitting on the edge of the bed and he stares adoringly at her. Like Monty, I'm a sucker for anything related to Kensi Blye.

We quickly get dressed and head out to the car. It's early yet, so we have plenty of time to enjoy breakfast.

As we pull away, Kensi says, "So, do you think we can do this? Be a couple and work side by side every day?"

"The question is, can you? I have no other choice. The best parts of the last two years all involved you. I can't go back to being just Deeks with you. Especially when I've seen what being Marty feels like."

"Losing my dad at an early age was hard. And Jack leaving didn't help. But I feel different now. You make life so much better. I laugh more and feel less on edge. Being without you is not an option."

The biggest smile emerges from my face.

"Kens, I know we can do this. We have each other's back and trust each other explicitly. I think adding love to the mix will enhance that. Don't get me wrong, I know we are still going to fight and disagree. But we both know what's at stake when we go to work every day. That's not going to change because we are damn good at what we do. And if working together doesn't work out, I will go back to LAPD full-time or figure something out. You're it for me, Kens. There's no one else I see myself with. I love you too much to let you go."

Her eyes are bright as she reaches for my hand.

"I don't want anyone else as my partner at work or in life. We will make this work because there is no other option. I love you so much and don't want to let you go either."

We smile at each other and hold hands before heading to our first date of hopefully many. Knowing Kensi, I want to get as much hand holding in before we enter the Mission. She would expect us to maintain a professional relationship inside the compound. And we owe it to ourselves to do so. Maybe we can sneak off to one of those steamy showers after hours. It's gonna be a tough sell, but it should be fun trying.

This is where the story ends and the writer says, "And they lived happily ever after."

However, our line of work is dangerous and uncertain. I can only guarantee that Kensi and I have each other's backs. We won't let the world affect our bond. The obstacles we face as a cop and agent won't be as daunting because we can face them together. Our 'thing' makes us stronger and deeply connected.


Author's Note: Bonus if you can tell me what soap opera Kensi's mom starred in and the name of the movie that she is most well-known for. I'll send you a sneak of my next KD work when I start writing it.

Deeks always has Kensi's back. The last two episodes of NCISLA pretty much told us that Deeks cares deeply. The Harris/ Deeks encounter from Part , the garage scene and bathroom call to Deeks from Part 2 spoke volumes. Interactions say a lot. That's what convinces me to ship Sheldon and Penny on BBT. Sheldon let her cut his hair! If that's not love, I don't know what is.

If you have any suggestions for future KD stories or comments, please review or PM me. Thank you for reading and supporting this story.