Alrighty, as expected, not a great response to the last chapter.. but as promised, i'm going to finish it regardless! So this could possibly be the end of this fic, in which case i will pick it up at a later date and write a sequel on the pregnancy and birth of the baby. Or i could just keep going with this one, I'm happy for either one, just drop me a review and lemme know what you think! -BC x

For a moment, no one said anything.

Rick and Alexis wore matching grins on their faces and Kate's smile only grew wider as the shock registered on the faces of her family.

Lanie was the first to speak.

"Girl I knew it! Oh we are finally getting those little Castle babies you always wanted!"

The M.E. winked at her friend as the tips of the detective's ears went bright pink.

Castle made no comment, except to cast a knowing glance at his girlfriend.

"Wait is this for real? You guys ain't playin' with me right now?"

Esposito had his arms folded across his chest, his muscles flexed and bulging, his eyes narrowing on Castle.

"Uh yeah, great huh?"

Castle shifted nervously as Ryan took up the same stance as his partner, both of them sharing a look before turning their hard gazes on the writer.

Kate watched the exchange with a hand over her mouth, trying her best not to laugh as her boys tried to intimidate the man that knocked up their sister.

Jim Beckett had eyes only for his daughter.

They say that pregnant women have a glow about them, as far as he was concerned, it was the happiness that was radiating from his daughter that made her seem even more gorgeous than usual.

Jim caught Kate's eye and then tilted his head towards Javi and Kevin, raising his eyebrows as he did.

Kate understood his question and gave an imperceptible nod, smiling warmly at her dad.

Jim walked over to the detectives, who were taking great pleasure in intimidating the writer before them.

Clearing his throat, he joined the men, folding his arms over his chest and falling in beside them.

"So.. When is the wedding?"

Rick's eyes grew impossibly wider as he looked to Kate with a deer-in-the-headlights expression.


The usually eloquent word-smith could only repeat.

"Surely you don't plan on having a baby before you're married?"

Rick searched the older Beckett's face but was met with an emotionless mask not unlike Kate's 'Cop Face'.

It wasn't that he hadn't thought about marrying Kate - it was all he thought about some days.

But it had taken them a while to get to where they were, and they were in a very good place at the moment, he didn't want to scare her away.

His thoughts drifted to his sock draw, that pair of christmas socks Alexis had given him as a joke a couple of years ago. They were Santa themed, complete with jingling bells on the top of each one. He had only worn them for half a day before the incessant jingling drove him mad, and they had been in the draw ever since.

These socks had become home to an expensive, but tasteful, ring only six month ago.

Castle gulped audibly as his thoughts returned to the present and he realised that all eyes were on him.

His eyes darted back and fourth between Jim's frightening gaze and Kate's amused one.

Ryan and Esposito smirked at each other.

"Uh well - I um - We -"

Watching Castle struggle to complete a full sentence, Jim finally took pity on the man.

His face broke into a wide grin and he moved towards the writer.

"I'm only joking son, congratulations."

He patted Castle on the shoulder affectionately, before moving to wrap his daughter in a bear hug.

"Your mom would be so proud of you Katie"

The whispered words were for Kate alone and she felt herself tear up at hearing them.

"Thanks dad"

Her voice thick with emotion, she hugged her dad tightly, seeking comfort in his strong arms.

Javier and Kevin walked towards Castle, smiling at him reassuringly.

"Congrats bro"

Esposito was the first to speak, slapping Castle on the arm in a brotherly fashion.

"Yeah thats really great news man!"

Kevin moved to Castle's other side, slapping him on the back.

Castle winced as both detectives hit him a little bit harder than was strictly necessary.

"Thanks guys, we are pretty happy"

His face finally broke into a smile, the last of his fear draining away.

He could hear Lanie talking a mile a minute, telling his girlfriend that they would have to go shopping for maternity wear and for baby clothes and furniture and asking Kate who her doctor was because she had a friend from Med School who is very good.

Kate listened to Lanie, nodding where she was supposed to and answering the questions she was asked.

The Medical Examiner spun on the spot, her arms flailing around as she pointed out all the sharp edges and other hazards that would need to be taken care of.

Rick watched as Kate shared a look with Alexis, raising her eyebrow at the girl before rolling her eyes and nodding her head at Lanie, who had kept talking despite the fact that the women had long since stopped paying attention.

Alexis giggled at Kate's antics and the older woman wrapped her arm around the teen's waist before the two followed their sassy friend over to the couch.

Javier and Kevin were talking to Jim, no doubt thinking up another way to scare the living daylights out of Rick.

Castle looked around and spotted his mother, standing slightly apart from the rest of them, watching on with an amused smile.

Rick walked over until he was standing beside his mother, bumping her shoulder with his own.


A small part of him was looking for her approval. He knew she hadn't liked Meredith, hadn't like how he had married her when she fell pregnant.

He hoped she would see this was different, that Kate was different.

Martha turned and looked at him, her boy.

"Oh Richard"

She was smiling at him, her hand rising to rest against his cheek.

She turned back to look at the rest of their family; the girls sitting and talking on the couch, the boys standing in the kitchen now, helping themselves to snacks and drinks.

Her arm coming up around his waist, Martha leaned into her son's side.

"She's going to make an incredible mother"

Rick nodded his agreement. His eyes only for Kate.

As if she could feel him looking, she looked up at him, her eyes lighting up as they caught his.


He breathed out the word before clearing his throat and continuing.

"She is going to be spectacular"

So there it is. like I said, it could end there or i could keep it going, pleaseeeee leave me a review so i know either way! I am also working on a story for the ABC show 'The Fosters' so if anyone is into it, please check it out!

A huge thank you to every one who stuck with this story! I have loved each and every one of your reviews and comments :) :* 3