Hey, it's Jess. This bio and story has been updated 3/19/2013, just to add. Well, this chapter… I deleted the bio, nothing useful was in it… And I also redid the description, so woo! I don't even know if people look at this story anymore, but editing never hurts!

Description: She was wearing the same dress. It was the same texture, same color. It wasn't Fabian's fault that he accidentally kissed Joy, it was completely Jerome's fault. And it was Joy's as well, she had taken her mask! But Nina doesn't see it as a mistake, and runs off, not daring to look back. She soon finds herself in the tunnels, and not paying attention, Nina takes a fall down the chasm. But when she wakes, she doesn't remember anything about Anubis... Other than Fabian.

Prologue - Nina's POV

"Fabian, I think-"

I had searched for Fabian almost all night, and there he was. Standing face to face with Joy Mercer, their lips crashed against each other's.

He must have heard me speak, because he soon pulled apart from the girl, and gazed over to me. He started stammering, mumbling words I couldn't understand, but I had already run off, tears starting to fall down my face.

How could he do this? After everything… I know we aren't together, but…

While I was running, I ran into Amber, who was about to go back into the dance. Tears continued to free-fall down my face, and I was paying zero attention to my surroundings, causing me to crash right into Amber, who tilted her head when she glanced at me.

"What's wrong, teary-face?" Amber questioned, keeping her head angled slightly to the right. She bit her lip, not one smile crept on to her face. Her expression seemed concerned, and maybe even a bit of anger. She didn't even know what happened yet…

It took me a while before I could spill it.

"It's Fabian… H-He… He kissed Joy… I-I… I just need some time to think. If Fabian tries to f-follow me, please make sure he doesn't." I murmured, trying my best to not let my voice crack. It failed, and my silent cries turned into sobs. I swiftly ran past her, she didn't need to see me have a mental breakdown. I could see her nod, and gaze back over at the entrance.

I just wanted to tell him that I found out how to get across. That's all, nothing mean. Nothing crude. But there he was, kissing Joy. And he didn't pull away. He wasn't struggling, not until I called his name. He wanted to kiss her.

I wiped away my tears, and scuttled back into Anubis. Nobody was here; even Victor decided he was going to go over to the dance. Vera was gone as well, probably Victor's date… Ew.

Nobody was around, it was the perfect time to escape into the tunnels. The dream couldn't possibly come true, I didn't kiss Fabian… He kissed Joy. It was just a dream, and that was that.

I slowly made my way downstairs, and went into the Frobisher's secret study. Though it really wasn't a secret anymore, everyone in Sibuna knew about it. That's over half the house. Yet, that's only a few people. The rest of the world was oblivious to Frobisher's study.

I pulled down the "special" book, and I was spun to the other side. After I was cleared with my amulet, I headed towards the chasm, the current part we were stuck on. So far, it scared me the most, it was such a deep trench. How far was the way down?

I glanced down the space, and shouted loudly, testing out the distance.

The echo went on and on, it never seemed to stop. That would be a treacherous fall. If someone fell down, they would probably never come back. They would die as soon as they hit the ground, maybe even before.

Staying as cautious as possible, I peeked a little father. But that was a complete and utter mistake, and the rock under my foot gave in, causing me to scream out, I lost my balance. The dream wasn't real, but this was.

Nobody was around to hear my pleads. Everyone was at the dance, every single person on the campus. I was all alone, and this was it. I'm done for. I should have waited, this was so stupid of me. I wasn't thinking, and it was obvious.

I wasn't able to gain back my balance, and I soon found myself flying down the chasm, positive my death was soon to be up ahead.

I could tell the end was coming.

All better! There was a lot of stuff to fix, but most of it was optional. Hope it helps! :)
