Disclaimer: I do not own D. Gray Man.

Chapter 1

It was the dead of the night. Allen Walker stood underneath a tree, observing the house of a man with a pair of binoculars in hand. He had on a white cloak and a mask, a dead giveaway in the night. A few moments later, the lights in the house were switched off. He put on a smirk which showed his confidence.

"Bye, bye…traitor."

And with that, he turned around to head in the opposite direction. He clicked a button in his hand and the house behind him burst into flames, the flames brightening up the whole sky.

A day later…

Allen Walker placed the report on the table.

"That is the end of my report." He glanced at his supervisor, Komui, for a moment before heading towards the exit. Before he could leave, Komui stopped him with a question.

"Are you sure you want to be an assassin, Allen?"

"Yes, and I won't be changing my mind any time soon." Allen answered his supervisor in a somewhat icy tone before bowing his head to show respect and left, leaving the room in a slight haste. A sigh escaped his lips as he headed to his house, which was not that far off, and hoped that the rest of the day would turn out okay.

Please tell me if I should continue my story! If I do, my updates will be slow since I'll be writing my other fic!