Hello! So I started this about a month ago, and I finally decided to finish it. It takes place in the future, almost a year after the originals are gone (some of them died, some moved to different locations). Also, Elena isn't with Damon or Stefan at the moment. But both she and Stefan are sort off hashing out where they stand with each other, though. It's all a confusing ball of emotions and mess. Just like any regular TVD episode. LOL.

OK, so heads up: This story is primarily Bonnie/Damon, but there will be some Damon/Bonnie/Stefan down the line.

Also, this story is rated M for a reason. There's sex in the first chapter and upcoming chapters to come, but there will also be plot, so this isn't a pwp.

Chapter 1

This thing between them, it was strange and unexpected.

It wasn't even really thing. They kind of just fell into bed one day after a particularly vicious fight that left Bonnie with bruises on her neck and Damon with long, but healing fingernail scratch marks on his chest and arms.

She doesn't even remember what the argument was about, but there was a tangle of lips and a hiss of a curse and they fucked right there on the boarding house living room floor as if their lives depended on it.

It sounded vulgar to say 'fuck', but that's basically what happened. It wasn't gentle. They didn't make love. It was rough and Bonnie bruised in places she didn't even think was possible. She fought back with everything in her; Tearing his t-shirt, grabbing his neck, and biting his lips until she drew blood. It excited him. Made him throw back his head and laugh hysterically as he grabbed her lips and welcomed her scratches, her slaps. She'd never done anything like that before. There was only Jeremy before and he was gentle, always checking to make sure she was alright.

The first time, after they were finished, Bonnie fixed her clothes as much as possible, fingers shaking as she ignored Damon's naked back as he walked over to the bar and poured himself some alcohol. She got up and made her walk (limp) of shame to the door, swearing to herself that it was a mistake and that it was momentarily insanity.

But it happened again a week later and a few days after that. Soon, she stopped denying that it was a onetime thing, a mistake. But one thing she and Damon were absolutely clear about: It was just sex, nothing more.

Outside of their 'sessions', they could barely stand each other. Or rather, Bonnie could hardly stand him. And it didn't bother her when he flirted with other women right in front of her if they both happen to be at the Grill. And he always looked at her and smiled as if he was waiting for a reaction from her. She never gave him one, though. Why would she care? He wasn't her boyfriend and they honestly only seemed to find common ground when they slept together.

Tonight was another one of those nights. She, Damon, Stefan, and Caroline had gathered to talk about a group of campers who were killed a few miles outside of town. Sheriff Forbes had told them that it was possibly werewolves since there were no fang marks or blood draining. But the kills were vicious and there was a full moon. That area had no large animals that could rip 8 grown men and women limb from limb. It was a bit of a stretch to want Stefan and Damon to go out and look for clues, but after the originals invasion less than a year ago, Sheriff Forbes wasn't taking any chances.

As everyone was beginning to file out, Damon brushed up behind Bonnie as she bent down to pick up her bag. Bonnie stood up so quickly to see if Caroline or Stefan noticed, but they were too lost in their own worlds.

"What are you doing?" Bonnie hissed as she slung her bag over her shoulder.

Damon smirked and took her bag away, throwing it on the couch. "C'mon. It's starting to rain. You might as well camp out here for a while. A few hours, even."

He licked his lip and grazed his thumb against Bonnie's collarbone.

Bonnie batted his hands away and frowned. "You're getting handsy."

And he has. He's been touching her more and getting more daring with his displays of pseudo affection. Like now. Caroline was standing by the door, fishing though her bag and Stefan was looking at a map by the fireplace. At any moment, either of them can look up and see Damon practically on top of her.

Bonnie took a step back. "You're driving me home."

Damon winked. "Deal."

She turned around. "Hey, Caroline?"

Caroline looked up from her spot by the door where she was now frantically texting. "Hmm?"

"You can go on without me, if you want. I want to take a second look at the reports your mom left."

Caroline frowned. "Are you sure? How will you get home? I know you're not going to walk, it's pouring out there."

"Don't worry, Blondie." Damon said, sugary sweet. "I'll give her a ride."

Caroline raised her eyebrows and Stefan looked up as well.

"Well, ok. If you're sure…" Caroline said hesitantly. "Text me when you get home, ok?"

"Of course." Bonnie said as she tried not to notice Stefan staring. "And uh, tell Elena I'll call her."

"Will do." Caroline said as she went back to texting as she walked out the door.

Bonnie finally looked at Stefan, who was now looking at Damon, who was looking at Bonnie.

Soon, Stefan shook his head and turned to go upstairs. "Wake me up if there's any more news. I'm going to bed."

"Goodnight." Damon called after him and Stefan was gone.

"The police reports are on the table in the kitchen." Damon said directly into Bonnie's ear, making her jump a little. "Let's go take a look."

They had to be quiet. They'd never done it while Stefan was home, so this was a first. Bonnie wandered what Stefan would say if he ever found out she was screwing his brother. She knew he wasn't judgmental, but she guessed he would try to warn her that she was making a mistake.

She was barely in Damon's room before his hands were tugging off her jeans and slipping his fingers between her legs.

They've been doing this for 2 months and they'd just started using his room. But Bonnie never got a good look around, though, since she always left right after she was finished.

Bonnie groaned quietly as he slid her panties down and over her knees before pushing her back towards his bed. After taking care of his clothes, Damon grabbed her by one of her ankles, pulling her towards him like some sort of caveman and Bonnie had no idea why, but it made her hot.

The lights were off (they didn't get a chance to turn it on) and the only light source were the streetlights outside. Damon's eyes seemed brighter as he leaned down closer and pulled the leg in his hands around his waist.

Before Bonnie could even prepare herself, he pushed into her in one fluid moment, knocking the air out of her lungs and causing her to whine. Damon bent down and muffled her high pitched noises in a kiss. Another first. They never kissed. They've grazed their lips a few times, sure. But this was a real honest to God lip locking kiss that stole the air from the room. Bonnie didn't know what to do, so she just laid there.

When he pulled back, he looked down at her disapprovingly. "Shh, shh. Stefan may not be asleep yet."

Bonnie was about to curse at him, but he pulled his hips back and snapped them forward, shutting her up immediately.

When they were finished, Damon dropped Bonnie's leg and it flopped down uselessly at her side. She couldn't be bothered easing it down gracefully. She was tired and languid and her leg ached form Damon holding it up the entire time.

He pressed himself down on her completely and inhaled at her neck. Suddenly, as if he couldn't help it, his gaze darkened and spiderweb-like veins grew and pulsed under his eyes. Bonnie froze under him, her wits coming together quickly.

"Damon, you know the rules." She said breahlessly, willing the odd concoction of fear and lust out of her voice. "No biting."

Damon had stilled for a few seconds as his change completed. With one quick movement, his lips were at Bonnie's throat and she held her breath and squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the pain to bloom in her neck, but nothing came. Instead, Damon just breathed against her deeply for a few seconds until he pulled back to reveal his regular human-like face. Bonnie let out a sigh of relief and relaxed back against the pillows again. Damon pulled out of her and flopped beside her on his back, hand absentmindedly trailing up her thigh again.

It was starting to rain and thunder very heavily outside when Bonnie's breathing finally returned to normal. Damon's wandering hand made its way between her legs again and he chuckled when she jumped and tried to push him away. She could feel a blush forming on her cheeks.

"My brother is still up." Damon said softly as he tilted his head to one side. Bonnie stared at him wide eyed as he leaned against her neck, hands rubbing a bit faster between her legs as he licked the pulse on her neck. "I can hear him pacing in his room."

Bonnie bit her lips and blushed furiously. Now the embarrassment was really kicking in. The idea of Stefan hearing them have sex made her sober up quickly. Sitting up against the headboard, Bonnie tried to snap her legs shut and bolt, but Damon smirked and said, "You're way past the point of being modest, witchy."

He removed his fingers from between her legs and Bonnie sighed with both relief and frustration, but it didn't last long. With one quick movement, Damon was between her legs. He grabbed her foot again and kissed the inside of her ankle, making her close her eyes and sigh.

"He can hear you, you know. Just like I can hear him." Damon said as he trailed kisses up her leg. "Every one of those cute little noises you're making. Every sigh, every sinful groan - he hears it all."

"I'm not into exhibition, Damon." Bonnie panted.

"It's only true exhibition if he was in here watching, Bonnie." Damon countered as he winked and disappeared between her legs.

"Would you like that, Bonnie?" Damon practically breathed against her as he leaned in to lick a stripe up her clit. Two more firsts. Damon never went down on her and she never stayed this long after sex. "Would you like my brother to watch me fuck you?"

"No." Bonnie said, actually appalled at the words coming out of his mouth. Just the thought of Stefan anywhere near this, whatever this was, was… there were no words. "You're out of your goddamn mind, Damon."

Damon chuckled, hooked her legs over his shoulder, and went to work.

After what had to be just a few seconds, Bonnie bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the image of Stefan wide eyed and shocked in his room down the hall as she came the hardest she ever had in her entire life.

So, there's the first chapter! Please review and let me know what you think!

Also, I'm sorry if Bonnie seemed a bit ooc, I guess?