Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! is the property of Amano Akira.

Chapter Thirteen:

(Vendicare Prison)

Standing just outside the entrance of Vendicare, Hibari waited with anticipation of finally being able to meet Mukuro in person again and bite him to death. It was freezing in this snowy remote mountain location. The wind was howling and fresh snow continued to fall, but he could care less about all that. He had been thinking about this moment for far too long.

Therefore, he was unprepared and a bit shocked when Chrome finally stepped out with Mukuro, pitifully weak and pale, leaning on her shoulders for support.

The blue-haired illusionist looked up and managed a feeble laugh. The Cloud Guardian's stillness did not go unnoticed. "What's wrong, Hibari-kun? Not what you expected?"


"As I recall…you were going to bite me to death the moment I stepped out of prison," Mukuro continued.

Hibari looked from the faintly amused expression on Mukuro's features to the worried and pleading one on Chrome's. However, he was mostly surprised at himself for not expecting to see Mukuro in this state despite knowing where he'd been all this time, allowing himself to be deluded by the strong and self-assured illusion that Mukuro had been projecting over the years. In some ways, this felt like a loss in itself.

The Cloud Guardian turned and began to walk away. "A victory today would be meaningless."

Chrome breathed a sigh of relief.

Mukuro's form slumped further as his fatigue started to take over. It was curious. He had done nothing but sleep for the past eight years. Why was he so tired? His eyes slid shut and he tilted forward, becoming oblivious to the world.

"Mukuro-sama!" Chrome called out with alarm as she struggled against his deadweight, trying to prevent him from falling to the snow-covered ground. She was fighting a losing battle, since he was heavier and much taller than herself. So, he continued to slip…until somebody took up some of the burden on the other side.

Looking up, Chrome was surprised and grateful to find Hibari throwing Mukuro's other arm over his shoulder.

The raven-haired man took a glance at her then wordlessly began to walk, all the while thinking that he would have to take a really long shower with disinfectant soap after this. Otherwise, he would seriously break out in hives.

(Italy, five days later)

After taking another sip of his tea, Hibari placed the cup back on the table, relieved to finally be able to spend some time by himself just to breathe. Currently, he was having tea at a small café, sitting at an outdoors table because the inside was too crowded by his standards, and spending time with his much needed solitude. He had been constantly around people for far too long.

After retrieving Mukuro from Vendicare Prison five days ago, they had brought the illusionist to the Cavallone Estate for recuperation, the Cavallone Family being their most trusted ally. Mukuro hadn't been doing much other than sleep most of the time with Chrome remaining by his side, tending to his every need. Nevertheless, having to put up with the Bucking Horse on top of being in close range of Mukuro for so many days…it was no mystery why Hibari felt agitated.

Idly, he wondered why he hadn't ditched them in order to return to Namimori right away. Logically, it was what he should have done. Normally, it was what he would have done. His eyes drifted to the Vongola Ring on his finger as a conversation between himself and an intoxicated Chrome floated to the forefront of his mind:

"I am my own person. I do things my way. I detest attachments."

"Riiiiight… The aloof drifting cloud thing…"

"You don't believe me."

"No, I'm sure it was true at one point in time, but…" She reached over and ran her fingers thoughtfully over the Vongola Ring he was wearing. "…I don't know. I just wonder."

Footsteps approached and, the next thing he knew, Mukuro and Chrome were standing beside his table.

"This is your last chance, Hibari-kun," Mukuro said in an easy tone in way of greeting. "Are you sure you don't want to take it?" He was, of course, referring to their fight.

"I'm not interested unless you are in your best form," Hibari returned flatly. He didn't want the illusionist to be able to blame his condition when he was defeated, and there was no way that five days of rest could alleviate eight years' worth of immobilization.

"After today, we may never meet again," Mukuro cautioned. "I detest the mafia, after all. I make it a point to obscure my tracks."

Hibari gave him a bland look. "Is that a challenge?" He stood as he continued, his tone calm and unconcerned. "When the time comes, I will find you." Then turning his eyes to Chrome, he smirked imperceptibly and walked past them.

"Ku fu fu… I suppose that's his way of saying farewell," Mukuro noted with mild amusement.

Chrome watched Hibari leave, looking as though she wanted to call out to him or say something, but she didn't.

As the Cloud Guardian stepped out into the streets, he pulled out his cell phone and made a call, continuing to walk as he waited for the other end to pick up.

Moments later, Tsuna's voice came through. "Hello, brother-in-law. I trust you're taking good care of my little sister?"

"The mission's over, Sawada Tsunayoshi," Hibari deadpanned. "Stop speaking nonsense." He even called without hiding his caller ID. Otherwise Tsuna wouldn't have been able to 'brother-in-law' him the moment he picked up.

The Vongola Decimo chuckled lightly. "Ah. So, it is. Gokudera-kun already briefed me on the mission, but how did it go with the Vindice?"

"Rokudo Mukuro was released as promised."

"I see… I'm glad. Should I make preparations for a party to celebrate his freedom?"

Hibari smirked. "Why? You already knew he wasn't going to come back." With his intuition, Tsuna should know, better than anyone, that Mukuro wouldn't stay to be a Vongola Guardian.

A sigh could be heard from the other end of the line. "You're right. I did." He simply wanted to confirm and, for once, hoped that his intuition had been wrong.

"That's not why I've called," Hibari stated.

"Oh." His Cloud Guardian was calling to talk about something other than work? That was new. "Then why?"

"To tell you to prepare yourself," Hibari said. "As soon as I get back to Namimori, I will bite you to death."

"EH?!" Taken by surprise, Tsuna lost his cool and reverted to his flustering old self for a moment. "What?! Why?!"

"That is all."

"But… Wait! Hiba—"

Hibari cut the line before Tsuna could finish and slipped the phone back into his pocket. Since he couldn't fight Mukuro as he had originally wanted to, the only viable alternative was to find a suitable substitute to fulfill that role.

He felt somewhat better.


A heavy sigh escaped Tsuna's lips as he hung up, leaning forward to smack his forehead against his desk as he closed his eyes. Partnering Hibari up with Mukuro must have really irritated the Cloud Guardian big time. Tsuna had known as soon as he made that decision that there would be some hell to pay on his part once the mission was over. However, seeing as how well it all worked out and the mission was a success, he supposed having to deal with a moodier and extra bloodthirsty Cloud Guardian for a while was well worth it.

All of the Arcobalenos had reverted to their infant forms with their powers returned to their pacifiers. Irie Shouichi was recovering, and Verde was already back to his old self again, disappearing after the Mare Rings had been sealed once more…but not before the other Arcobalenos, including Lal Mirch, had given him a sound beating for even thinking about sacrificing them to save himself.

After the attack on the Gesso's headquarters, while Hibari and Chrome had gone to retrieve Mukuro from Vendicare, Gokudera had stayed behind to make sure that all of the research and technology that Byakuran and Verde had ever come up with were destroyed in order to prevent the same thing from ever happening again in the future. No more mind reading. No more stealing of Arcobaleno powers.

As for Byakuran and his Funeral Wreaths, they would all be spending some time in Vendicare Prison. There was, however, one exception.

Just then, a series of knocks rapped on the door, and Tsuna straightened up. "Come in."

"Juudaime," Gokudera greeted as he entered. "I've brought him."

In stepped Ghost, heavily bandaged around various parts of his body.

Tsuna acknowledged with a nod. "Thank you, Gokudera-kun."

Even though the Storm Guardian was still somewhat creeped out by and uncomfortable with this Robo-Byakuran, he stepped out and closed the door behind him, leaving the two alone.

"Have a seat," the brunette offered.

Ghost shook his head, somewhat wary. "Why did you save me?" That day, when he had attempted his suicide attack, Tsuna could have simply stayed within the protection of his defensive black cloak. When Tsuna had reached out of his own safety zone to turn Ghost's Thunder flames to ice, it had been solely for Ghost's benefit. Then, when Ghost had come to two days later, he had found himself in this underground base's infirmary with his injuries tended to. He couldn't understand.

"It would have been pointless for you to die that way," Tsuna replied simply.

"I was trying to kill you," Ghost said, his demeanor placid despite still being unable to comprehend the other man's reasoning. "I'm your enemy." In truth, he didn't dislike this person. He had studied everything about the Vongola Decimo and his Family: history, abilities, personalities, everything. He knew of Tsuna's accomplishments and in fact respected the man and found him intriguing. It just so happened that his orders were to terminate him, and…orders were orders.

"Byakuran's been defeated," Tsuna informed, opting to change the subject.

Ghost gave no emotional response. He had pretty much deduced that that had been the outcome. Since everything was well and good at the Vongola base, then the Gesso must have lost the battle. Did Byakuran die? "Where is Byakuran-sama now?"

"Vendicare. Along with the rest of his Funeral Wreaths."

"I see," Ghost voiced after a moment's reflection. "I take it that's where I will be going as well."

"Not necessarily," Tsuna said, further confusing his guest. He had sensed something about Ghost during their first encounter. Something almost akin to purity…Tsuna hadn't been entirely sure at the time. So, when he had asked Gokudera to destroy all of the Gesso's research material, he had also asked for him to salvage and bring back all information pertaining to Ghost.

From there, he learned that Ghost was created about two and a half years ago to fill the spot of the Thunder Funeral Wreath. Since then, he had basically lived the life of a lab rat. He had been studied, vigorously trained to maximize his physical abilities, fed an incredible amount of knowledge, and told that his purpose was to serve Byakuran.

It seemed Ghost had been mostly confined to the labs and had little contact with others besides the scientists and engineers. The assassination attempt on Tsuna had been his first mission. Thus, he only had a logical understanding of the world but no actual life experience. He knew a lot, but at the same time, he knew nothing. That was probably why, even though he was Byakuran's clone, he didn't share any of the fallen Gesso leader's personality or views on life.

To put it simply, Ghost was essentially a child…highly intelligent and powerful, yes, but a child nonetheless…in a man's body who had not been properly nurtured. So, what Tsuna had initially sensed from him was correct. Ghost was pure and naïve, a child with no real sense of self. Although Tsuna strongly believed that Ghost didn't deserve Vendicare, he also knew that Ghost had potential of becoming highly dangerous if left to his own devices. Nevertheless, he valued life, albeit in a somewhat detached and logical way, and that was a definite sign of hope.

"I've had a talk with the Vindice," the Vongola Decimo explained. It seemed he had been doing that quite a bit lately. "They're willing to let you go this time…provided that I keep an eye on you."

The light-haired man frowned. "What are you saying?"

Tsuna offered a small smile. "How would you like to start a new life as a member of the Vongola?"

Ghost blinked…and blinked again. Then he reiterated, "…I tried to kill you."

Tsuna chuckled lightly. "Yes, I heard you the first time…and, I was there, remember?"

"Why would you do such a thing for your enemy?" Ghost inquired, perplexed and skeptical.

"I like you," Tsuna replied with a casual shrug. "I've been told that my intuition's not bad, and I don't believe my judgment is wrong this time either. I think you'll fit in here quite well." Members of his Family were all pretty eccentric in their own way. "Just don't eat anything Bianchi-san makes, never agree to test out any prototypes for Giannini, and remember that the size of Hibari-san's personal bubble has about a ten-foot radius and you'll survive. So…what do you say?"

Slowly digesting everything he had just heard, Ghost realized that all the things about the Vongola Decimo's generosity, open mindedness, and tendency to make friends out of enemies were all true. Then he smiled for the first time. "Sawada Tsunayoshi…you really are an interesting person."


Chrome set her legs on autopilot as she trailed after Mukuro, not really paying attention to where he was leading her. A thousand thoughts were clouding her mind. Thoughts about Hibari. Thoughts about Mukuro. Thoughts about Tsuna and the Family. Thoughts about her past. About her future. About Hibari. About Mukuro. And about Hibari.

When Mukuro came to a stop, she looked at her surroundings to find that they were at a park or garden of some sort. "Mukuro-sama, why did we come here?"

He gave her a meaningful look. "This place seems…appropriate. Wouldn't you agree?"

It occurred to her then that this garden was somewhat reminiscent of their inner world…the place where they shared their thoughts. And she realized then that he knew what she had been thinking, knew about her decision, even though she had never once voiced it.

She smiled sadly. "Yes." This setting was a befitting one…for them to say goodbye. She would not be going with him. "How did you know?"

He laughed lightly. "My dear Chrome, I know everything about you."

The decision to return to Namimori had been a difficult one for Chrome to make in the sense that she did not wish to part with Mukuro. Yet, it had been easy because she loved her Family and wished to remain with them. With the Vongola, she felt like she belonged. And she thought that…perhaps there was something else that she could find there as well.

Even though Chrome wished Mukuro could stay, she knew very well that it was something he simply wouldn't do. Asking would have been a pointless endeavor.

For Mukuro's part, he would have liked for Chrome to come along with him, but he knew her heart was with the Vongola. He didn't want her decision to waver, so he didn't try to persuade her. This was the first time she was choosing a path for herself. He didn't wish for her to give that up for his sake.

Mukuro was certain Chrome had understood all along that, once he was freed, he would go his own way. That was why, towards the beginning of their mission, he had asked her whether she truly wished to save him. Even though Chrome had always wanted to help him escape his fate, in the past, that wish had always been accompanied by fear and uncertainty. This time, however, it had been accompanied by acceptance and a sadness of parting, letting him know that she had become strong enough to move on without him.

"You can tell Sawada Tsunayoshi that our arrangement ends here," he said.

"I'm sure Boss will be disappointed to lose his Mist Guardian," she voiced, her eye downcast.

"Ku fu fu… Who's been the bearer of the Mist Ring all these years?" he inquired rhetorically. "That position has always been yours, Chrome. I simply…play along from time to time to cure boredom."

Somewhere in her mind, she wondered if that had always been his intention…to make her the Mist Guardian…to create a place for her in the world. "Even if you say that, I'm not sure Boss and the others see it that way," she said, doubtful of his claim. From the very beginning, that spot had always been meant for him. She had only come into the equation because he couldn't be there in person.

"They will certainly not disagree with me," he replied, sure of his words. Because her skills were exceptional. And because they loved her. She was as important to them as she was to him. Even though she didn't see it herself, to Tsuna and the rest of his Guardians, her existence had already long since overshadowed his own as the Mist. "It is what you want, isn't it?" he queried, keeping his tone nonchalant. "To stand by and protect the Sky?"

She nodded as tears began to well up in her eyes. Wrapping her arms around him, she buried her face in his chest, unable to say anything beyond his name. He had given her so much. There were just no words to express the love and gratitude she felt for him or the heartbreak she was feeling over having to part ways so soon after finally meeting him in person for the first time.

Mukuro held her, petting her hair soothingly with one hand, a rare tender expression on his features. While Chrome felt like she owed her life and everything to him, from his standpoint, she was a godsend. Without her, he would have surely gone insane in that dark, watery, immobile solitude. She was his sanity. She was his salvation, which he probably didn't deserve. But he was a twisted person, and these were things he would never be able to bring himself to say.

"My cute little Chrome," he began, speaking in a gentle tone that only she would be allowed to hear, "you and I are never really that far apart." He may not answer to Sawada Tsunayoshi anymore, but he would come if she called. He would be there for her. "And since you like him so much, I guess I'll leave the Vongola Decimo be for now," he declared with a small smirk. "I'll come back for him when the time is right."

That comment brought an amused smile to her lips. He had been saying that he would defeat and manipulate Tsuna for years. He's such a liar…

When she pulled back to look up at him, he swiped her tears away with his thumbs and smirked. "Perhaps you should hurry."

She nodded, smiling brighter than before. "Please take care of yourself, Mukuro-sama." After a final lingering look, she turned on her heels and hurried back in the direction they had come from.

Mukuro watched her retreating back until he heard his name being called from somewhere behind him.

"Mukuro-san!" It was Ken. He and Chikusa had come to meet up and regroup with their leader.

"We finally get to meet again, byon!" the blonde continued as he approached, getting emotional, swiping a tear away with his sleeve before it could fall. "Those damn Vindice bastards…keeping you locked up for so long, byon!"

"We're glad you're safe, Mukuro-sama," Chikusa added, much more calmly.

Mukuro graced them with his usual smile. "Ken. Chikusa. I see you're both doing well."

At this point, Fran stepped out from behind the pair, holding out a cake shaped like Mukuro's head wearing a pineapple on his head.

The illusionist's eye twitched.

"Look, shishou," Fran deadpanned with his typical lack of enthusiasm. "I made this pineapple cake myself to celebrate your return to society. I know it's your favori—"

A trident was promptly stabbed clear through the boy's frog hat before he could finish what he was saying.

"Isn't that Chrome?" Chikusa inquired, spotting the Mist Guardian in the distance.

Ken followed his friend's line of sight and frowned. "Where the heck does she think she's going, byon?" Wasn't she coming with them?

Fran forgotten, Mukuro turned his attention to where the other two were looking. "Ku fu fu…she's pursuing a new hobby of sorts."

Chikusa adjusted his glasses. "Hobby?"

Mukuro smirked. "Yes…chasing clouds."

By the time Chrome went past the café they had been at earlier, she was already a bit out of breath. She wondered why she felt compelled to rush. She would see Hibari at the Cavallone Estate anyway. Even if for some unlikely reason they don't meet up there, they were eventually headed for the same final destination of Namimori. So, why the rush?

Now that she thought about it, why did Mukuro tell her to hurry? Did he sense that she was anxious to find Hibari?...anxious to let him know that she wasn't leaving? Would the Cloud Guardian even care?

Through the course of this mission, she had come to realize that, while Mukuro was the one who had given her a second life and protected her broken spirit, Hibari was the one who inspired her to step out of that protective shell and be her own person. Mukuro had been holding her hand through all these years. It was high time for her to let go and walk on her own. And if she had Hibari nearby…she felt she would have the strength and courage to do that.

Mist was rewarded for her efforts when she finally spotted Cloud on a small deserted street on the way back to the Cavallone Estate. He was standing with his back leaning casually against a wall with his arms crossed, head down, and eyes closed as though he had been standing there for a while. Upon noticing her arrival, he threw a glance her way then simply began to head in the direction of the estate at a leisurely pace.

Chrome blinked, bemused. Has he…been waiting for me? Smiling, she caught up and fell into step with him, peering up at him with a curious sideward glance. "Did you know I would come?"

Hibari gave a noncommittal half smirk. "I wonder."

She tried not to roll her eye at his way of expressing 'I'm not telling you'. The first time she'd heard him say it, she had found it agitating. But she had to admit that it could sometimes be cute. It was strange how her insides had been all strung up just moments ago, but now she was already feeling more at ease. There were things that she would like to speak with him about, but she wasn't sure where to begin.

So immersed was she in her thoughts, she hadn't noticed when Hibari was no longer by her side. Looking behind her, she found him a few paces back standing with one hand braced against a brick wall, his body slightly hunched over. When she caught sight of his other hand hovering over the area where his abdomen wound was, she became alarmed. Did it reopen again? She knew that it had done so during his battle with Byakuran, as she was the one who had tended to his injuries…after he had sent five of Dino's men to the infirmary for trying.

"Kyouya!" Rushing over, she slid into the space between him and the wall as she began to unbutton his shirt at the speed of light. "Let me take a look."

He watched her with an unreadable expression on his features.

Once she was finished with the buttons, she checked the wound and couldn't help but frown with puzzlement. There was no bleeding, infection, or anything else. In fact, it looked like the wound had closed up nicely.

"You're quick to undress me," he finally said apathetically.

Her head shot up as she gasped with indignation. "You tricked me!"

Even though his expression remained neutral, the glint of amusement in his eyes could not be missed. "I was merely leaning against the wall."

To that, she gave her flat retort. "Hibari Kyouya never merely leans against any wall." At least not in the way he was doing it just now as though he required the support. His pride wouldn't allow it unless he was practically dying.

He smirked, noting that she actually paid attention to him. Then he gave the barest hint of a shrug. "I wanted to confirm something."

She was still irked. "Confirm what? That this wall is actually made of brick?"

"What you call me when your guard's down," he replied, ignoring her attitude.

Not fully grasping what he was saying, she knitted her brows as she backtracked a few steps in her mind. She gasped lightly when she realized her slip. And based on what he just said…she deduced that she must have slipped before. The only question was how often.

She directed her gaze to the side, feeling uncertain. "Oh…um…I can explain." She had no idea if she might have stepped on a landmine or offended him in any way or not. All she knew was that, to date, only Dino Cavallone had the guts to address him by his given name.

"Not necessary," he informed. "In fact, from this moment on, you are forbidden from calling me Hibari," he said, going into head prefect mode.

She gave a small frown of confusion. That reaction certainly was unexpected and quite opposite of the one she had in mind. "But…everybody calls you Hibari." She was honestly curious as to why he felt the need to go so far as to forbid such a thing.

"It irritates me when you do it," he said, giving it to her straight.

Now she was completely baffled. Was he trying to be difficult again? Was he purposely being unreasonable? She had to ask the obvious question. "…why?"

He heaved a silent sigh. "Because it's unclear whether you're thinking about me or him."

She blinked. "Him?"

"The other Hibari Kyouya."

Chrome opened her mouth to speak but found herself speechless for a while before she could gather her thoughts. "How…did you even know about Hibari-san?" she inquired slowly. How did he know the fact that the man held significance to her?

"You mention him enough," he replied shortly.

She thought hard about it. Yes, she remembered making vague references to him, but she didn't think that it was enough to pinpoint the man's identity. Then her thoughts switched over to the out-of-the-norm behavior of the Hibari standing before her and the things that he was saying. She made a valiant effort to suppress the smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "Wait…am I sensing a bit of jeal—"

"Irritation," he interjected, his tone insisting that it was impossible for it to be, in any way shape or form, anything but.

She battled against the chuckle that was threatening to break loose, thinking that he was actually quite adorable in his own way. "Look, if it makes you feel any…less irritated…I've never really had the two of you confused before." Over the years, she had always wondered when 'Kyouya' might mature into the 'Hibari-san' that she had met in the future world, but after she had gotten to know him better, she realized how silly it was of her to think that way. "Even though you're both Hibari Kyouya and supposedly the same person…you're not. Not anymore."

He narrowed his eyes, not really sure what she meant by 'not anymore'. "Explain."

She began buttoning back up his shirt to occupy herself as she thought about how she should put it. "When we went to the future, we…" She paused, trying to find the right words when she recalled how 'Hibari-san' had explained it. "…redefined destiny. But by putting the world on a different path, we ended up redefining ourselves as well. We didn't have the same experiences our alternate selves did and grew into different people because of it." For herself, she never tried to break Mukuro out of prison, and she never pulled her disappearing act from the Vongola. Truthfully, she couldn't imagine life away from her Family. "That's why you're not the same person as Hibari-san," she wrapped up. "Not really."

Hibari absorbed her words but made no response.

Finished with the buttons, she started on the straightening of his tie. "In any case, I…see you two differently," she continued, her eye glazing over in reflection. "Hibari-san is someone I've always admired," she admitted. The man himself probably didn't even know it, but he had saved her in a way that was more than just simply keeping her breathing. He was that strong and inspiring person that she, a little girl, respected and idolized from a distance.

"But you," she went on as she turned her gaze up to study his features, "…you're something else." He, too, gave her strength, but there was more. He was a stubborn, overgrown brat with a quirky charm that few had witnessed and fewer still who'd appreciate. He loved the thrill of a fight and would beat his opponents into a bloody pulp without mercy, but he had a soft spot for small creatures. He was antisocial and believed himself to be a lone wolf, but his loyalty to those who had earned it could not be shaken…never mind that he would threaten to bite each and every one of them to death on a near constant basis. And despite appearances, he was not a selfish and uncaring person. He was someone she had come to grow quite fond of.

Hibari raised a brow as he blandly echoed her less-than-informative words. "Something else."

"I'm not quite sure what that is, yet," she said with a sheepish smile as she finished up with the tie and gave him an earnest look. "But I'd like to take my time and find out…if it's okay with you."

He considered her words, his expression still as composed as ever. "I don't mind."

She smiled wryly at that reply. "So…should we head back?"

"No," he said, his eyes never leaving hers.

She tilted her head slightly. "Okay… Is there something else you'd like to discuss, then?"

He placed his other hand against the wall beside her waist, effectively trapping her in. "No."

Chrome thought about her current predicament as she eyed his arms on either side of her. A small teasing smile graced her lips. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're crowding right now."

"When weak herbivores gather like a herd, that's crowding," he explained. "When a predator moves in after luring and capturing his prey…that's something else entirely."

"Hm." She trailed her fingers delicately along the lapel of his suit. "And what might that be?"

Hibari sealed his lips over hers, his kiss strong and unyielding without any trace of hesitation. "Making a claim."

She chuckled even as her cheeks flushed, unable to hold in her amusement this time. He was bold, direct, and true to his walk-in-through-the-front-doors attitude. She shook her head slightly. "Whatever you say, Cloud Man."

His brows furrowed slightly with disapproval. "That's not my name." He didn't forbid her from addressing him by his surname just to have her default back to this.

She smiled affectionately up at him, drawing him closer with her arms winding around his neck, acutely aware of his arms encircling her form as his name escaped her lips in a soft whisper. "…Kyouya."

Their lips met again with a deeper, more passionate kiss, both trying to convey with their actions the things that neither was particularly good at expressing with words.

With this particular mission over, Chrome felt like she could finally breathe a sigh of true relief. They'd spent the past eight years rewriting history. If one were to think about it, changing the world was such a daunting task and overwhelming responsibility for just a handful of people who had only been kids when it had all began. Though, with the way things were turning out, she'd have to say that they were doing a pretty good job so far. And on a personal level…she couldn't be happier with the path she had repaved for herself.

The journey ahead was definitely something worth looking forward to.


A/N: And that's the story. Hope you liked!

Special Note!: The end of this story is really just the beginning for Hibari and Chrome. As a continuation, I'm going to be starting a collection of vignettes about life with the Vongola now that the Cloud and Mist Guardians are together. Everyone will have to adjust to the change…not just these two. XD Please keep an eye out for it! First chapter's already written. I just need to proofread before posting, so it might already be up by the time you're done with this chapter.

I'm curious to know what you think about how things turned out between Hibari, Chrome, and Mukuro. Feedback on that would be awesome. If I have to put it simply, I guess I'd say that Mukuro is Chrome's protective shell, and Hibari is her backbone. Heh. There were a lot of things I wanted to get across with the last two scenes, and I kept shuffling things around to try to get it to read better. I hope it turned out ok and understandable…

I know that in the grand scheme of things, Ghost's role isn't that big in the story. He really serves to showcase Tsuna's character more than anything else. But even though he's stemmed from an existing character, he's basically an OC, so he's kind of my baby and I have a soft spot for him. Heh. I try to use OC's as little as possible, but there just weren't any preexisting two-bit White Spell characters with Thunder flames that were usable. And after thinking about it for a while, it made sense to me that it would still be Ghost, but just a somewhat different version of him. There's more to him in my head than what came through in the story. I had thought about including more scenes of him to help explain his character and situation but eventually decided against it, because it would detract from the main story too much. Well, maybe some of it will come across in the vignettes.

Thanks for sticking with the story till the end! Special thanks to everyone who reviewed! They're great motivation and encouragement!

And to my silent readers…you've come this far. If I could get some final overall thought from you, I'd be happy.

That's all for now! Until next time!