(The serious lack of Sophie Gideon on this site makes me want to cry so I thought I'd add some while working on a long term story)

"Gideon?" Sophie whispered as they walked down the hallway towards the training room. He glanced at her, always calm, cool and collected. He was handsome. She felt her eyes advert themselves downward as she glanced at her feet, noting the black dress she wore, the apron around her waist and suddenly she was aware of the cap that held her hair up.

"Please don't" Gideon said, gently pushing her chin so she could meet his gaze. Sophie cleared her throat, trying to muster some amount of resolve to tell him to leave her alone. Looking into his eyes she felt everything inside of her melt.

"Mr. Lightwood." Sophie corrected her earlier address. It was hard to think straight at such proximity. The situation felt so familiar but everything inside of her felt so different.

"Sophie." Gideon whispered. "Are we going to have to go through this every single time we meet? You called me Gideon before." Sophie sighed. "Or are you just asking to be courted? I'm sure I can."

She shook her head. "That isn't what I meant. You see me here, now, as I am. A maid." She felt her eyes pleading with him. "I am no one of importance for such a high class Shadowhunter family."

Gideon let out a small laugh. "Is that so? Sophie you are not giving yourself nearly enough credit if that is the case. When you came to see me, the way you had your head ducked just perfectly so people wouldn't see." he touched the scar that ran along her cheek with the lightest touch. She sucked in a breath. "Did I hurt you?" he asked quickly, his hand dropping. She shook her head. She had let him touch her. She shook her head and looked away.

Swallowing hard she met his gaze as he pressed her against the wall. His closeness, the heat radiating from him all made her cheeks feel warm and it took her a moment to realize she was blushing. Gideon smiled down at her. While Jem had seemed silvery to her, something unobtainable and cold Gideon was so close. He was warm and gentle, everything she had forbid herself to ever dream of having.

His hand took her wrist, pressing her hand with his. He leaned down until she could feel his breath. "Sophie," he whispered, "you are so beautiful." She turned her face away so he could only see the smooth skin of her cheek. He shook his head, pushing her face so she was looking at him face to face. "All of you."

"What about your father, Gideon? Your brother?" Sophie asked. Gideon shrugged, indifferently. Nothing seemed to touch him, except when they were together just the two of them. Then he did something she didn't expect and felt his lips brush her smooth check first and then her scarred one. She felt herself freeze.

"They are not in charge of my happiness. I am." He explained as a grin lit his features. She felt a smile touch her features as Gideon gently pulled a strand of hair away from her face, his fingertips brushing her skin and causing her cheeks to heat.

"Gideon." Sophie said in half exasperation and half something the young Shadowhunter couldn't quite identify.

"Give it time then." He said calmly. She nodded, looking away, feeling tears burning her eyes. She blinked it away quickly before meeting his gaze again.

"Alright." She murmured. "We should go train then…"

Gideon gave her hand a gentle squeeze, so slight she wondered later if she'd imagined it. He simply nodded at her before leading the way down the hall.