Title: Backwards
Author: d0ntbleenk
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries, AU
Ship: Kol Mikaelson/Faye Salvatore
Rating: M

Chapter Five

As they walked into the vast, and surprisingly crowded, ballroom, Rebekah retrieved two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter, turning to Faye casually. "So how did your little rendezvous with my brother go?"

Faye rolled her eyes, taking one of the glasses from the blonde. "I haven't any idea what you're talking about," she replied simply, taking a sip of the bubbly drink. Faye merely shrugged a shoulder. "Besides, if I did, you'd certainly have to be a bit more specific than that."

"Don't play dumb, Faye," Rebekah warned, smirking softly. "Even without my heightened senses, walls are fairly thin in this house. And you and Kol -"

"There is nothing going on between me and Kol." Faye quickly countered, laughing incredulously, nervously as they made their way through the throng of people, her eyes moving from one unfamiliar face to the next. Across the room she spotted him, looking very handsome in his suit and remembered how it much better it had looked on the floor of his bedroom. As if on cue, his eyes found her, and she bit her lip, looking away.

Rebekah was giving her most guilt-inducing look. "You two have been exchanging glances all night. It's very sweet." She said the last word as though it made her sick, her expression emphasizing her point as she rolled her eyes. "Honestly, Faye, you could do so much better."

"I think you're reading into this too much, Bekah -"

"If anyone in this family is especially exceptional at reading people, it's me. I've been through enough to know the certain tells of body language and word choice." Rebekah glanced in the direction of Kol, pressing her lips together. "And I've lived with that one long enough to know that he's nothing but trouble. You need to stay away from him -"

"And you need to stop acting like my mother."

Rebekah was only mildly put off, frowning slightly. "I'm only looking out for you, Faye. Like a best friend should."

"Well I can take care of myself, thanks," she replied, before turning and walking off across the ballroom in search of some less judgmental company. Sure, she loved Rebekah, but sometimes she could be a real pain to deal with. She always thought that what she said was law, which was partly why they often butted heads.

She was so blinded by frustration that she hardly noticed when she all but shoved the birthday boy out of her way. Klaus's brows furrowed, almost angry until he realized who it had been. He quickly managed to block her path, putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Hey. What's the matter, love?"

"Nothing, I'm fine, I swear. I just have to get out of here -" She shook her head, trying to get past him but his grip was firm.

"And miss all of this? Absolutely not." Klaus told her, pausing for a moment to survey her current state. She seemed fairly stable - as she always did - though particularly annoyed by something. Slowly, he removed his hands. "Right. Well, since I'm sure you won't want to talk about whatever it is that's upset you, at least dance with me -"

Faye's eyes widened in mock horror. "Oh, no, no…" she tried to protest, but Klaus was persistent. He took her hand and spun her around, exhibiting all the glory of her dress in one twirl. She couldn't help but laugh once he pulled her close, guiding her through the dance, though the movements weren't as forced now. "You are the absolute worst, you know that?"

Klaus chuckled, "It runs in the family."

She smiled softly, mentally agreeing with him, as she'd witnessed this phenomenon first hand on several occasions. Faye allowed him to dance with her for a few long minutes, before her attention moved elsewhere once more.

His gaze was incredibly difficult to ignore, even as she allowed herself to be led blindly across the dancefloor with his brother. But despite what she had told Rebekah - and what she refused to tell Klaus - she couldn't deny that the current look in his eyes was intoxicating. She was entranced, almost as though she were being compelled from a distance.

"Faye -"

"Can we pick this up again later? I have something I need to do." Faye gave Klaus an apologetic look, but he released her and she made her way through the people.

Somehow, in that short time frame, Kol had managed to disappear. She moved towards the doorway he had been lingering in just moments before, stepping out into the dimly lit hallway and looking around. Once she was a considerable distance from the party, she felt a presence hovering behind her, and then lips pressing softly against the crook of her neck. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm not here to play games with you, Kol," Faye told him firmly, her voice low as she turned to face him.

"Well you certainly took the bait," he smirked, stepping towards her and slipping his arm slowly around her waist. "Admit it, Faye. You can't resist the charm."

She sighed, biting her lip at his touch. "We have to stop this."

"Funny, I didn't hear you complaining earlier."

Her eyes narrowed at him slightly, unamused by his reference to what had happened in his room before the party. "I don't understand why I keep…" her words trailed off as his lips found her neck again, making her skin feverish with a desire she had been trying to suppress.

But it was hard to fight it when they were like this.

In seconds his mouth found hers, the kiss heated and passionate as she pressed her body against his as close as it could get. He pushed her through the nearest door, entering what resembled one of the many guest rooms in the house, but neither of them were really paying attention. Faye shoved his jacket off his shoulders, breaking the kiss for only a split second for him to spin her around and tear off the unbearably tight bodice that adorned her extravagant dress, discarding it somewhere on the floor with the worries that had been plaguing her just minutes before. That was certainly one positive aspect of keeping him around - the potential for a little temporary distraction.

They tore at one another's clothing until they left little to nothing to the imagination, finding their way over to the bed in the blink of an eye. Faye pushed him down ahead of her, smirking as she climbed on top of him and met his lips with hers once more, but her moment of superiority didn't last very long, as he promptly overpowered her, making her moan aloud as he pushed his hips into hers. She dragged her nails down his back so deep it might've been painful to a human, but he could take it. In fact, he probably enjoyed it. But despite his reaction - or lack thereof - Faye continued to hold on tight, allowing herself to succumb to his dominance just this once. That was all this was - a one time thing. What happened before didn't count, or at least that was what she kept trying to tell herself. But the more he kissed her neck, his teeth grazing her flesh in what was both a lethal and seductive manner, and the more time she spent around him, the more she realized she would always want more.