A/N: This is based roughly on episode 35 of Inuyasha, about 8 minutes and 55 seconds into the show…

Remember, Kagome never met Inuyasha. In this fanfic, I decided to have Kikyou's spell become weak and break after sixteen years after Kagome's birth. Kagome is not from the modern world and Rin isn't present…at the moment! (: Anyway, please enjoy and maybe review!

Chapter One-

The sun was setting in the forest outside of the village I lived in. I had felt it-that strange presence of a demonic aura and had come to investigate the source. The sky was beautifully streaked with orange and yellow, and you could even see bits of pink light shining through as the sun gave her reign to the moon.

Inside the forest all was quiet as if Death himself had arrived. No movements from any animals seemed to be made. It seemed as if even the wind dared not move. Was there such a powerful demon? I had to see for myself. If I wasn't careful, the demon could turn out to be like the one that murdered my parents so long ago and I couldn't allow it to harm the villagers, even if they weren't the nicest people in Japan.

I tucked the Shikon Jewel into the collar of my kimono, not wanting to let more of its presence be known than it was already. I peeked around the side of a tree to see a man on the ground, wounded. His long silver hair came passed his waist, framing his body well. His face was pale, with two jagged magenta stripes on both cheeks and a matching magenta crescent moon on his forehead…which meant… This guy was Lord Sesshomaru of the western lands?

I tried to back away quietly, my heart racing with fear, but my foot landed on a twig and it snapped loudly, echoing in the quiet forest. The demon Lord Sesshomaru snapped up and growled, bearing his fangs and glowing red eyes. He calmed down when he saw it was just a human girl, though.

I sat down in front of him, about ten feet away, too afraid to try and make a run for it. The demon lord just sighed and leaned back onto his mokomoko (that puffy thing…it's rather contradictory with some saying it's a tail and others just say it's an accessory). I was scared after a while of sitting there before him. He would often open his cold golden eyes to look at me. I wanted to help him…the gash on his chest seemed dangerous and he was missing an arm, but I was too afraid to go near him while he was awake.

As night set in, I decided to go get him some food and water. I ran to the village and caught a fish in the reservoir, grabbed a bamboo water carrier, and found some mushrooms.

I sat the food and water a few feet from him and backed away quickly. He looked at it with not much of an expression, but there was something in his eyes I couldn't quite…read.

He turned his head and closed his eyes, "Mind your own business, Priestess. Your generosity is wasted. I do not eat human food."

His voice was very smooth and deep, almost melodic. I was almost lost in it when an important thought rushed into my head.

"How do you know that I am a priestess?" I asked, shocked, to say the least.

He scoffed, "Your power secretes all about you. Have you had no training in masking?"

I turned my head, blushing in embarrassment, "No, the last priestess died before my time. I've had no true training."

"Hn," was his reply, if you could call that one.

I walked back to my own village, going to get another fish for me to eat.

"I knew it! I knew you were the dirty culprit, Kagome!" a male voice boomed behind me.

I was yanked up by my shoulders and tossed to the ground. Some of the village men kicked me around for a moment grunting out, "This will teach ya," but I made no reply or even sign that I felt the pain they were inflicting on me. I wouldn't show weakness to cowards like them.

They let me go after a few minutes and I escaped back into the forest, lying down on a patch of grass not too far from where Lord Sesshomaru was.

The next morning I found some straws of wheat and decided that maybe he'd like that better than the meat and mushrooms. I could feel that my eye had swollen shut, but I didn't let that stop me.

I presented him with the food. At first he stared blankly at me, then turned away saying, "No thanks. I already told you that I didn't need anything."

I sighed and set down the wheat, almost dejectedly. Why did I care about this demon so much? It would be more beneficial for me if I were to just let him die.

"Where did you get those bruises?" he asked, and then caught himself, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I don't care or anything, I was just curious."

I just shook my head and decided to lie, "I must have tripped or something."

"Has anyone ever told you that you were a poor liar?" he asked in an off handed tone.

I laughed for a moment, a true, heartfelt laugh, "Yeah, something like that." I cringed slightly, though from the bruising on my abdomen. It hurt to laugh like that.

"Then don't lie, Priestess. It does not suit you."

I smirked, "Maybe I'll take your advice. Anyway, I have to go do my duties at the village. I'll come back later."

"Do as you wish. I do not care either way," was his reply.

I shook my head as I walked back into the village. I began to clean some pottery, when a demonic aura appeared. It wasn't Lord Sesshomaru's, though.

A man came running by me and brown wolves tackled him down. A man with blue eyes and black hair tied in a ponytail, dressed in wolf's fur walked up to him.

"I finally caught you, you dirty thief! Now, give me that pelt you stole from me," the blue eyed demon said.

The man threw the pelt at him, "Here! Please have mercy!"

The demon laughed, "Hah, I would've forgotten, thanks for reminding me. Eat to your heart's content, wolves, and meet up at the den later."

The wolves dispersed and began to attack the villagers around me. The demon just walked off, leaving the man dead in front of him. I was scared. The wolves would kill everyone…and Lord Sesshomaru was hurt!

I took off into the forest, hearing the snarls and growls following me. I had to get to Lord Sesshomaru and protect him!

I tripped over a root. With the slam of wolf paws against my back, I knew it was all over. My last thought faded away… Sesshomaru…

I could hear Jaken's ranting, "Testing, teasing, testing, teasing...testing... He was testing? Lord Sesshomaru, you dog! How could you test your sword on me?"

I flicked a rock at the imp to shut the little green monster up. I wish I would just kill the petulant thing already.

"Lord Sesshomaru?" he jumped up, "Before I continue in your service, were you actually testing your sword on me?"

I frowned, "I expected a warm welcome from you, Jaken. Not an interrogation."

"Hehehe, yes of course I am happy you are back, milord! I thought you were dead!" he said and I tossed another rock at the imp.

I completely ignored him as the breeze came by and I noticed a strange smell. Blood and the smell of wolves. I know this blood.

I turned abruptly and headed back into the forest to investigate the source of the smell.

"What's that?" Jaken asked as we drew near the body of the priestess.

"She's a goner, that's for sure," he commented, examining the blood soaked body of the girl.

Something wasn't right. I felt the need to do something, but what?

I drew Tensaiga, the sword my father left me, the sword of healing. It pulsed.

"W-what are you doing, sire?" Jaken asked moving out of my way.

"Interesting," I said, seeing creatures from the Underworld.

"I'll do another test. I'll use the Tensaiga."

I cut down the creatures and lifted the girl into my remaining arm. I was shocked, she woke up.

"Lord Sesshomaru, you revived a human girl with the power of the Tensaiga?" Jaken gasped.

I sat her down and turned and began to walk away.

"Wait, another test? Lord Sesshomaru, after all the years I devoted to you!" Jaken whined and I ignored him.

I turned to the priestess, "A favor for a favor. Are you coming, Priestess of the Sacred Jewel?"

She looked surprised at me, but nodded.

"W-what? A human? Lord Sesshomaru!" he whined.

"Shut up, Jaken, or I will kill you."

Hn, Tensaiga, you've compelled me to save a human life today. Why? Is she so important?