"Sebastian! If I have to tell you one more time to pick up your towels off the floor, I'm going to deposit them all on your bed!" Rachel yelled, picking up the offending item and throwing it into the hamper in their small bathroom. They'd been living together, along with Blaine, for nearly two years and both boys somehow managed to still get under her skin time and time again.
"I'm so sorry, your highness," Sebastian said with a smirk as he walked by, completely amused, and she could hear Blaine's laughter from their kitchen where he was making coffee for all three of them before they headed off on their separate ways to work.
"That's what you said the last two hundred times it happened," she grumbled as she turned on the shower, kicking the door closed before she undressed. She'd made the mistake of leaving the door open one day when she thought they were gone, only to be startled when Blaine started harmonizing along to her song while brushing his teeth, and she'd learned quickly after that that if she wanted privacy, doors were to remain closed at all times.
It had been weird, at first, living with two guys, especially after everything with Kurt had blown up in their junior year at NYADA. Blaine had been kind enough to open his door to her, and when the two ran into Sebastian a year later when their lease was up, it seemed logical to take in the minimally nicer boy into their move. They had, after all, all grown up and matured and could put the past of rock salt slushies and almost-stalking behind them. Still, Rachel often found herself wondering why she didn't take up any of her co-stars offers to move in together when she was stuck listening to Blaine go on and on about some sports team she had no interest in, or Sebastian discuss-far too explicitly-his latest liaison. Completely needlessly, of course, because by the circles underneath Blaine's eyes she could tell he got about as much sleep as she did from the racket emerging from Sebastian's bedroom.
By the time Rachel emerged from the bathroom, scurrying to her room in her pink towel, Blaine was already heading towards their apartment door, placing a small kiss on her cheek as he passed her, muttering about how he was going to be late. She waved before ducking into her room, throwing on her dance practice attire before throwing her hair up, running late herself. She'd never been late for rehearsals yet, and only hoped her director would let it slide the one time.
She was, after all, only 23 and already working her way into a leading spot in an off-Broadway production that was making headlines, rumors that it'd be moved to a real Broadway theater if given enough time to prosper and grow, and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't a large part of that. The first article that came out, a snippet in the arts section of the New York Times of all things, was framed and hung in their living room by an overly proud Blaine, Sebastian rolling his eyes as he hugged her and whispered that he was proud of her too.
It was a weird relationship the three of them shared, Rachel and Blaine far more compassionate than Sebastian, but he seemed to work well in their mix, even if he was constantly driving Rachel mad by not picking up after himself. She couldn't imagine a life without the two of them in it anymore, couldn't imagine not being able to come home at nearly 2 in the morning after rehearsals ran much later than normal only to find a plate of pasta in the fridge with her name on it in Sebastian's small script, waking up in the morning to coffee in her gold star mug already prepped by Blaine.
As she finished getting ready to head out the door, her eyes fell on the ring sitting on her bedside table, the one her boyfriend of almost a year and a half had proposed with nearly two days ago now, and knew what her answer had to be.
"What do you mean 'no'?" Craig demanded, Rachel sighing as she tried to hand him back the black velvet box.
"I'm not saying 'never'," she tried to explain as he pushed it away from him as if it would set his body on fire. "I'm saying that I've made this mistake once, getting engaged before I was truly ready to settle down, and it only hurt more in the long run when I became a divorcée before I was even 19!"
"If you don't see us going anywhere further than this, than what's the point in even being together!" he yelled, and she winced as she heard the front door open down the hall, heard Blaine and Sebastian laughing about something as they moved into the kitchen. She cringed that they'd be able to hear the fight she had so desperately tried to avoid.
"I didn't say I didn't see a future for us!" she pleaded, keeping her voice down so as to not alert her roommates. "I'm saying that I'm only 23, that my career is only just now taking off-"
"Exactly, and soon you'll be too busy to even carry on a relationship, so what's the fucking point?" he continued, not bothering to lower his voice, and she took a deep breath to steady herself as she heard silence pour in from the other room. "I asked you to marry me because I want to be with you, Rachel, forever-"
"Then what is the harm in waiting a couple more years? It'll still be forever-"
"I don't want to wait," he hissed, turning around and slamming her bedroom door closed as he moved through the apartment, waiting until he heard the front door slam before she crumped onto the floor to let out the tears that came with such a surprising ease, only aware of Blaine opening her bedroom door and calling her name softly before Sebastian pulled her to her feet and dragged her to the living room, the two of them snuggling close on either side of her as they put on her favorite movies and let her mourn.
It was Sebastian who took her out a few nights later, telling the bartender to open a tab because it was his job to make sure Rachel got extremely drunk. She didn't argue, in an almost coma-like state since the breakup, a frown on her face as she played with her glass.
"He was a douche anyways," Sebastian said with a shrug, pounding back his own beer faster than she was drinking her long island ice tea. "I would know."
"That's true," Rachel said, trying to make it sound like a joke-because it was, for the most part. Sebastian was an asshole to most of the world, but Rachel was one of the two who had seen him at his weakest, seen him fall apart, even if he wanted to pretend he never did any such thing.
"See, look, you're already gaining your vague sense of humor back," he grinned, pushing her drink closer towards her. She simply rolled her eyes at him before picking it up and swallowing half the cup in one go, the alcohol burning her throat on its way to her stomach, ignoring the smile that grew on his face as he looked around the bar. "Now that part one of the plan is set into action," he said, Rachel merely raising an eyebrow in response, "It's time for part two."
"There are parts to this plan? I thought Blaine was the one who came up with multifaceted plans."
"If you're still using words like 'multifaceted', you're not drunk enough," Sebastian reprimanded, and she sighed before taking another large drink. "And yes, it's got multiple parts. After all, I don't want to have to deal with walking into my living room in fear that you've taken it over to rewatch The Notebook for the seventeenth time in three days while sobbing about how 'their love is so pure!'" he mocked, shushing Rachel's objection that it was with a glare.
"I only did that once," she muttered quietly, focusing on the drink in front of her once more.
"So the second part of the plan is to get you laid," Sebastian continued over her, as if she hadn't spoken. She opened her mouth to argue, but his attention was diverted as he scoped out the area around them, presumably for someone for her.
"I don't want to get laid!" she cried out, probably louder than she should have as others turned to glance at her, Sebastian fighting off a chuckle next to her.
"I know you don't," Sebastian grinned, "That's why you're getting drunk enough to agree that it's better for you if you do. You'll move on faster."
"How would you even know? Have you had a relationship that lasted longer than an hour?" she shot back, feeling slightly dizzy as the alcohol started pumping through her bloodstream.
"Of course not, don't be ridiculous," he responded with a wave of his hand. "And you know why? Because someone always gets hurt, Rachel, just like you are now."
"If he could have just-"
"Waited, yes, I know, but you wouldn't have married him anyways Rachel and we all know it. You're the one who said you never wanted to be married again, that it was too much for such a career oriented girl like you," Sebastian pointed out, and even as she finished her drink, a fresh one appearing before her almost instantaneously, she could remember having said those things another drunken night long ago.
"That was before I found Craig," she whined, but Sebastian wasn't hearing any of it, starting to point out guys in the bar that looked like they might have been her type.
She turned each one down, a 'too tall,' 'too lanky', 'too bland' coming out as excuses before Sebastian finally gave up and helped her off her bar stool. She had drank at least four long island iced teas, and she was sure she'd regret such a thing in the morning when she had to get up to go to rehearsals once more, but for the first time in days she was laughing and smiling, Sebastian looking smug as he held onto her hip tightly to keep her from falling over as he navigated them towards the subway.
She found herself stumbling into the apartment, holding onto Sebastian as he led her into her own bedroom, pulling him with her when he tried to place her on her bed. She laughed, loudly, as he sank down next to her, his palm cool against her warm skin on the small of her back, and she found herself looking at him in a way she never allowed herself to.
She'd always known Sebastian and Blaine were attractive men, but they were her roommates, and more importantly-before she'd moved in with them, at least-she'd assumed they were both gay. It turned out Sebastian would hit on anything that moved, taking no discretion towards gender, and while Blaine only ended up dating guys, his heated gaze in her direction would occasionally set her skin on fire.
Sebastian was meeting her gaze now, his eyes eating her up just as much as she was checking him out, her tongue darting out to wet her suddenly dry lips as he leaned on one arm, effectively hovering next to her. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she whispered as his hand brushed some hair off her face before moving down her neck, brushing past the side of her breast as it moved down her body before coming to rest on her waist, holding it tightly.
"You're incredibly attractive, you know," he said quietly, his breath husky in a way that made Rachel squirm. She didn't fight him off as his lips met hers, hesitantly to make sure she was okay with it, and as her own hand wrapped itself around his neck and pulled him closer to her, easing into the kiss, the last thing she thought about was how they hadn't closed her bedroom door.