Friends With Benefits

"I think we need to talk" Harry said one morning, after he and Joey had, yet again, kissed each other senseless in the living room of their small apartment.

Things were… weird. Monica and Chandler were just waiting to hear back from the Adoption Agency, and Harry felt that they'd be moving out of their apartment soon enough. He had started writing a fantasy book, and the idea sold well enough, which meant he spent most of his time at home or at Central Perk, writing.

And he and Joey spent an awful lot of time kissing, and doing things that couples normally do, and yet, for anyone else, they were roommates and nothing else.

It wasn't… fair.

"Ok, about what?" Joey says, holding Harry close to him, his hands on the shorter man's waist.

"About us" Harry explains, frowning a bit, "I mean, I know we're having fun, and that we are great together, but, Joey, I… I don't want to be just a distraction to you, and nothing else. I… like you. A whole lot. And I don't want you to just up and leave one day, leaving me behind, or asking me to leave, or having a girl in the apartment one morning when you get bored. I need to know what we are, Joey."

Joey steps away and frowns, as if he's thinking very, very hard about something.

"I thought we… we were having fun?" he asks more than states, and Harry sighs.

Deep down he knew it'd end up like this.

Thing is Joey doesn't seem like the commitment type. He's never even had a girlfriend for more than a few months, and the circulation of girls in his apartment seemed to be pretty high before Harry had moved in with him. And now they were… well, having fun, but it had been three months already, and Harry was… falling.

Falling hard for Joey, in a way he hadn't been expecting, and now he was so completely screwed, because Joey probably saw him as an experiment or something, a different flavor in his life, when he could have all the girls he wanted.

And he was in love with the idiot.

"So, that's all we are. Fun" Harry says, and watches Joey for his reaction.

The man scratches his head, and tilts his head to the side, as if he's considering.

"Aren't we?" he asks back, and Harry sighs again.

"Yeah. Yeah, we are" he says, and leaves the apartment.

Maybe he should start thinking about moving out.


"I need to talk to you" Joey says, barging into Chandler and Monica's apartment. Chandler looks up from his paper and Monica raises her eyebrows.

"Sure, Joe, what's up?" Chandler says, and Joey looks as if his words are trying to choke him.

"Look, I kissed him too, ok? And I like kissing him. I even like the way he smells, because he smells awfully good, but not in the way girls do, okay? And we've been doing… stuff. And he was all weird this morning, and when I said we were fun he looked all hurt and stuff, as if I had killed his puppy or something, and now I don't know what to do, because I don't know what the problem is!"

The couple was staring at him as if he had been talking Greek, which, in a way, he was.

What the hell?

"Are you talking about Harry? You and Harry have been kissing, is that it?" Monica asks eagerly.

"Yeah! And now he's all weird, and I think I hurt him, but I don't know how! I mean, we are fun, and I haven't had any girl in the apartment in the whole time we've been doing stuff! I don't even want to! I like being with him, and he's fun! We are fun! I don't know what I did to make him do that face!"

Chandler was still quiet, his mouth hanging wide open, but Monica sighed and went to sit beside Joey on the couch where he had thrown himself onto when he finished his ranting. She put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly.

"You and Harry have been together this whole time, then?" Joey nodded, still looking miserable, and Chandler was still with his mouth open, "What did he say to you, then?"

"He said we should talk about us. And then he said he didn't want me to kick him out. And something about me being bored and girls staying over, but I don't want girls anymore! I want him! What do I do?" he wails at the end, putting his head in his hands, and Monica smiles, while Chandler shakes his head.

Figures that Joey would fall in love by the guy he's living with, and not know what to do to keep him.

"Joey, you need to tell him that. Why don't you go over there, and tell Harry what you told us?"

Joey is quiet for a while, and then he nods decisively, getting up.

"I'll do that" he ends up saying, leaving and closing the door firmly behind him.

Monica and Chandler look at each other – Chandler with barely disguised shock, and Monica full of glee.

"Did you know Joey was…"

"No!" Monica answers, grinning manically.

"You think they'll…"

"Yes!" she says, almost shouting.

"You are totally being a fangirl for them, aren't you?" Chandler ends up asking, resigned.

"I KNOW!" she squeals, and calls Phoebe.

Weird people, man.


"I don't want you to move out!" is the first thing out of Joey's mouth when he goes back to the apartment. Harry looks up from the screen he has been writing on and fixes his glasses in place, before frowning.

"Okay" he answers, and Joey goes to him, sitting by his side.

"I'm no good at this, okay? But I like… us. I like you. A lot. More than I've ever liked anyone else this way. I don't want this to end, but I'm not good in this kind of stuff, so I need you to tell me what you want to know. I don't want to lose you because I'm too stupid to understand when you're being all subtle and stuff."

Harry smiles at that and closes his laptop, staring at Joey.

"You really want us to be together? Like a couple? With people knowing?"


"And it won't bother you that this will probably end up in the magazines that talk about Days of Our Lives?"

"I have a big gay fan base. They'll keep me in the show" Joey answers very seriously, as if he's thought about it a lot.

"Are you sure?"


"You're not just saying that? Do you really mean it?" Harry asks again, but Joey has done enough talking.

He pulls Harry close, and the man squeaks when he hears his laptop hit the floor, but Joey doesn't let him go – his hands press Harry close to him, and they kiss.

And it's perfect.


Eventually Harry will tell Joey about his past, and the fact that he's a wizard. They'll grow as people together, Harry will learn how to trust and love all of Joey's friends, and Joey will understand the value of the love they share. Eventually they'll all move out of that building, with kids or work or life taking them away.

But it'll be all worth it.

Because they are together.

the end

Tada! This one is done. Except that I had this idea, and this story will become a series. Hehehe. If you look for it on AO3, you'll find it under the tile Friends with Benefits. Here on ffnet, I'll just post it as a sequel, so keep tuned for it if you wish to read it.

Thanks a lot for your patience and encouragement.