This is basically something to make my muse stop protesting that I haven't done anything
TMNT related for a while and get her to battle the writers block.
Hope ya like it ^_^
Splinter placed the orb of his master Yoshi in the travel bag. It had taken up most of the space so it made the bag seem full even though there were very few items in it.
Glancing around his room one last time, he pulled the drawstrings on the bag and shifted it over his shoulder. Taking care not to break the contents.
For the fifth time that day, he paused and began to worry if leaving was really the best thing to do. Of course his sons had assured him nothing would go wrong, that's why he was worrying.
Leonardo will be in charge, He told himself again, there is no reason to worry… Then again, the last time I said that Michelangelo had managed to have his head stuck in one of the sewer pipes.
The old rat sighed lightly with a smile on his face.
He reminded himself that this time, he wouldn't be gone over April fool's day, the shredder was defeated and the street gangs had been inactive for a month.
Sliding his shoji door opened he Splinter stepped into the main living area and was greeted by 3 of his four sons.
Michelangelo and Raphael were currently sitting on the couch playing a video game, which judging by his expression, Raphael was losing at. Leonardo sat at the dinner table with a cup of green tea in his hands appearing to be in deep thought as he absentmindedly sipped the Japanese drink.
Splinter loudly cleared his throat which brought the noise of animated shooting to an end as his youngest son had paused the game. "Where is Donatello?"
Leonardo stood and bowed at his sensei before answering "He's in the lab sensei"
Raphael gave a slight chuckle "Yea, apparently he found a piece 'a tech dat he couldn't wait ta mess with"
Splinter sighed inwardly. Now there's a reason to worry
Of course, Leonardo sensed his father's unease "Don't worry sensei, I told him not to experiment with it until you get back. He's only trying to get in as much as he can with it before you leave"
Splinter gave the eldest a slight nod, feeling a little relieved that he wouldn't come home to an apocalyptic wasteland… okay maybe that was a little dramatic, but compared to what happened last time the genius turtle brought home a piece of unknown technology, it seemed possible.
"How long are you gonna be gone again?" The childish voice of Michelangelo brought Splinter from his thoughts.
"2 months Michelangelo and I trust you will be on your best behaviour while I am gone"
"Yep!" Mikey replied in a voice which told Splinter 'I'll be on my best behaviour until you leave, then it's all night pizza party time!'
It had been years since Splinter had last been to Japan… Well, years since he had decided to go to Japan rather than be dragged there because his sons had been kidnapped by the ninja tribunal. Also he had been invited to spend 2 months at the Ancient ones home as a miniature vacation between the two ninja masters.
And there was no possible way Splinter could refuse that.
"Now my sons, Leonardo is in charge while I am away, he shall instruct your ninjutsu lessons which I suggest you keep up as I will be asking you to demonstrate what you have been practising when I return"
The three turtles stood (Except for Leo who was already standing) and bowed. "Yes Sensei"
And with that, Splinter left the lair.
Mikey continued to listen to Master Splinter's footsteps in the sewer water until they disappeared completely before jumping on the sofa and shouting "PARTY TIME!"
Leo appeared behind him and pulled his arm, pulling the over excited teen down onto the faded blue couch. "Not a chance Mikey"
Raph had returned to the video game and was currently killing Mikey's non-moving character "Aw come on fearless, quit bein a kill joy"
Leo sighed heavily, a look of horror on his face from a bad memory "Raph, I know you're only saying that because you've forgotten the last time Mikey decided to have a party"
Raph's glaring look he was wearing previously then melted into a look of horror which mirrored Leo's. "Oh, right"
Mikey laughed loudly, ignoring the looks on his older brothers faces "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad"
Leo and Raph said nothing, settling for staring at their baby brother like he had grown a second head.
Completely oblivious to the tension in the room, Donatello exited his lab and entered the main living area, examining the metallic cube he was holding. "Hey Guys, What's up?"
"Ya don't wanna know Donnie, Ya don't wanna know" Raph answered, going back to killing Mikey's player.
"Hey, Raph no fair!" Mikey whined, grabbing his controller and joining the war game.
"Oh and Donnie, Master Splinter's gone now so no more playing with your toy" Leo pointed at the metal cube in Donnie's hands.
"Awww, but Leo" Donnie began but was cut off by the blue branded turtle.
"No Donnie, put it away. Anyway Casey and April are coming down for movie night in about an hour, so they'll keep you entertained" Leo reasoned.
"Fine" Donnie gave in and put the cube on the dinner table "I'll find a place to lock it away after the movie"
An hour later, the four turtles were sitting on the sofa and lying on the floor with their 2 human friends.
"Yo Casey!" Raph called into the kitchen "Bring out the drink box would ya"
Casey stood with kitchen area holding the impossibly large bowl of popcorn in one hand while scratching his head with the other, what da hell's a drink box?
Casey's eye caught a shiny object out of the corner of his eye, a shiny metal box thing that was on the kitchen table.
Casey picked it up in his other hand and went to rejoin his friends. He had reached the couch when Don turned around with wide eyes "CASEY!"
Casey yelped as he tripped and everything clattered to the ground.
As the metal cube hit the ground a yellow light shone through the lair, blinding April and Casey.
When they opened their eyes… The humans found something they had never seen before.
Baby turtles.
"What'cha stawin at Casey?" A 10-year-old Raph asked the human who was still lying on the ground staring at him.
"WAH!" 8-year-old Mikey cried, rocking on his shell and holding his foot.
April raised a hand to her head before falling back onto the sofa "Oh god… Leo, Donnie?"
"Here!" Two replies came from behind the sofa.
April gripped the back of the couch and lifted herself over to see an 11-year-old Leo hugging a scared 9-year-old Donnie.
April looked between all the young turtles, stifling a giggle at seeing their bandanas hanging around their necks and their belts at their feet on the floor.
It was Casey however, who broke the silence.
"Oh Crud"
If you want more, Review!
LOL Looks like Leo can't exactly be 'in charge' now.
Leo: What's the point in this?
Me: There isn't one, I just think it's funny XD