AN: Is it wrong to ship it? Is it?Also, I HATE the ship name "Darrick". And I think "Rickyl" is dumb. I'm still shipping this as "Dick" because it makes me giggle. :3

-Day 23-

Daryl was relieved when Hershel's examination proved that he'd only banged himself up and that nothing was broken. The dislocated knee would require a few weeks to heal up, but otherwise Daryl was given a clean bill of health and ordered to take it easy, bed rest for at least a few days, and nothing too strenuous on the knee for at least three weeks.

Daryl argued, but Hershel warned that he wouldn't give him any muscle relaxants or painkillers if he kept that attitude up, and Daryl acquiesced.

Rick thanked Hershel profusely and the two men made bartering arrangements outside of Daryl's tent, trying to keep the mutually beneficial friendship intact. Daryl scowled at the thought, wondering just how 'mutually beneficial' their friendship with the Greenes actually was.

When he heard the old truck rumble away, Daryl forced himself to crawl out of his tent. Everything hurt, but Daryl wasn't willing to waste any more time lying on his back. Not when there was shit to do around the farm.

He hobbled around slowly, eyeing the fence that T-Dog was building. It was looking good, and had already stretched almost across the entire front edge of the property. He didn't even dare try to hobble that far away from his tent. Just standing was painful and while he was happy that nothing was broken, he hated the fact that he could barely move without wanting to scream.

"C'mon, ya pussy." He grumbled to himself, forcing himself to limp back towards his last project before he'd run off in a huff.

The two sheds still needed to be winter-proofed. One of those sheds would be his own apartment for as long as he chose to stay and he sure as hell didn't want to be caught without having his own personal space for the long winter ahead.

He made it to the first shed without keeling over and he leaned heavily against the solid wood. He stared at the ladder he'd left and considered climbing up to the roof to finish what he'd started.

"Don't even think about it."

Daryl turned around, still leaning against the shed. Rick was standing there, arms folded over his chest.

"I wasn't." Daryl lied.

"Sure." Rick said with a shake of his head. "You need to rest."

"I need to finish these projects." Daryl countered. "No one else here is gonna."

"Dale can finish this shed." Rick insisted. "All that's left is sealing the chimney, right?"

Daryl fidgeted, scowling.

Rick smiled. "You need bed rest and I need a break from Shane and Lori."

Daryl arched his eyebrow. "What d'you mean?"

Rick sighed and leaned against the shed next to Daryl. "Lori doesn't want anything to do with me, and Shane is driving me insane, so I told him to take her. I told her to go with him. I handed Shane my goddamn wedding ring while we waited for Hershel, put Lori's hand in Shane's and gave them my blessing."

"And I missed it?" Daryl asked with a smirk.

Rick snorted. "It was easier explaining to Carl what had happened than it was to Lori. She's so stubborn. Carl accepted it but still calls me Dad and I think Shane resents that most of all. But it's done. Everyone knows, and they're all happy for the new couple, and I just don't really care."

"Mazeltov." Daryl muttered bitterly.

Rick couldn't help but grin at the sentiment.

"Welcome to the world of perpetual bachelorhood." Daryl added, clapping Rick on the shoulder. "I'd offer you a beer if I had one, or moonshine at least if I'd had the time and foresight to ferment the shit outta that corn."

Rick laughed outright at the thought. "Oh yeah, because making hooch in this group is a smart idea."

"Shane has a woman now." Daryl pointed out. "Maybe he'll be less of an asshole."

"Shane has always been an asshole." Rick replied.

"He's not your problem anymore." Daryl pointed out. "And I'll still kill him for you. Just say the word."

"While it's a tempting offer, I'm sure that it won't be necessary at this point." Rick said with a shrug.

He two men fell into silence for a long moment.

"So... you're short a wife now. I assume Shane's moving into the master suite and Carl will take Shane's old room..." Daryl said slowly. "Where are you gonna sleep?"

Rick frowned and ran a hand over his stubbly chin. "You know, I hadn't really thought about that yet." Rick replied. "I've been more preoccupied with makin' sure that you weren't about to die on me."

"No chance a' that." Daryl agreed. "But really, where are you gonna crash?"

Rick shrugged. "I'll figure it out when it come to it, I suppose."

Daryl nodded and hesitated for a long moment, fidgeting awkwardly beside the sheriff. "I got space in my tent..."