I don't own Ouran!


(Sara's POV)

I'll admit I was less than pleased when Kyle told me Suzette figured it out. We fought for a while before I realized that this just means I need to work harder and longer to find a solution to our problem. And that I definitely need a plan of action in order to win against my Father.

I was, however, happy to hear that during break we are all allowed to go our separate ways.

Well, somewhat separate.

Stephen has taken Raku to England where he will secretly be playing at a training camp for soccer. I have kept the files hidden from Father and sent the camp a letter saying that my brother's name is not to be used and there will be no pictures allowed. They have decided to call him 'Katana' because of the way he swiftly moves between defenders and the way his kicks tend to strike in a curve.

To be quite honest, I've never actually seen him play a game in his 'home pitch.' So I'll be there in time to see his last game and if we're lucky he'll be able to come see me in America on the last few days of break.

Susanna is a bit disappointed about how she must travel with Suzette and the Hitachiin's back to Italy. It turns out that even though it was a good idea, fate has other plans for my sister. But at least she can somewhat be happy. Suzette tells me that Kaoru is doing his best to charm her so I doubt Susanna can go on much longer with resisting him.

Although I hear that the both of them are flirting with the Italian boys. Something tells me that the twins are not amused by that.

Suzette has been doing very well with Yuzuha and she's enjoying her job very much. I have a feeling that if I ask Yuzuha for help one day, I will get it because of my sister. Kyle did tell me that Yuzuha thinks of Suzette as the daughter she never had. I just hope that she doesn't try to make Suzette marry one of the twins. Especially not Hikaru...they'd fight every day of their marriage.

I am happy that Yuzuha cleared it with the school to give the both of them an extra week off. It will help Suzette and Susanna build a better relationship with Susanna's branch and hopefully get it to go on our side. I will be flying in later in the middle of break to see how it is working. Soon after I will take Suzette to France so we can talk to her branch.

But for now I am in America...wedding dress shopping with my Mother. I begged for Sakura to come because I couldn't leave her in Japan with my Father. He was angry enough that Stephen left without telling him where he was going. Thankfully I managed to keep who Susanna and Suzette were with a secret. I still don't know how, though.

I am currently trying to communicate with my branch from New York because apparently one of the best wedding dress shops in the world is located in New York City. I don't want a store bought dress though. I would want Suzette to make it even if I was doing my best to break off my engagement.

The Suoh family officially made an offer for my hand along with many other families. Father is making me marry Tamaki as he said before and our wedding will be announced soon after the break ends.

I hear that Tamaki forced Haruhi to go to France with him this break to tell her the news. He may be shocked to learn I have already told her.

Sakura is constantly on her cell phone texting with Mori-sempai (I still don't understand how that happened so quickly). Father actually got an offer from Mori's family for Sakura's hand. Unfortunately a different family was winning...until I sent an email to his family saying we weren't interested. And then I sent another to Mori's Father saying that we accept.

Father was much too proud to say it was a mistake.

And I can sleep much easier knowing that at least one of my sisters is safe. I only hope that he cares about her as much as Stephen says he does.

Meanwhile Kyle is at the L.A branch creating a list of people from both companies who would follow me rather than my Father. If it gets too difficult then I will have leverage in the amount of people who would rather work with me than with him.

I'm hoping it doesn't get to that point because then Father could fire them all. I would rather have them keep their jobs.

Also I have found something rather...interesting in my Father's personal files so I will be flying to Korea as well...I really hope that what I found won't be a problem.

I already have enough of those.

As if all this is not enough I must deal with all of it while trying to find a fool-proof way to take down my Father's company. And also while trying to keep Suzette from telling the rest of my siblings about Father's...violent nature.

This is going to be a very interesting break.

This is the real end of this story. I would like to take this time to thank everyone who has read and supported this story.

Thank you to all those who have reviewed:

skiddliebop, DarkDutchess22, Vivien G, shadowstarr, adorkableMouseling, Amy Jessica Pond, ChancellorPuddinghead, ELMOSWURLDisscary, Anake14, Luxen666, xoluvmusic, LoveBug53, Big Sis of 8, TheCrazyAnimeFan, iaintstupid1106, Winniethewubbzy, Anon, Anon nom nom nom, TheLoliPopKisser, MaliceArchangela, angel2u, HappyGirl282, LeighQuinn, FruitLoopCheerio, Roses-are-in-Bloom, MrsCullenBlack, Sparklefaith, Awesome, LOVE1213, MissKukyMonster , AoifeM, REader's note, Darkx1xAngel, Alessia Kyouya, The Amendable Snow Freak, Fall3nSt4rr567, LuzElvaParra17, Miniflame, wolfgirl336699, Surely We'll Meet Again, Deathfairy78, Alois-Bipolar-Blonde, Monsterfeet, LOL, Vermiculo Umbra (I still cry tears of joy when reading your awesome review), TragicCupcakes, A Gumshoe, iheartanime07, animelovernewbie,Bukbuyvkugvku, AceBuddyX, PowerHouseoftheCell, Amber Gail, and all the Guests.

Special shout out to Big Sis of 8, shadowstarr, adorkableMousling, Sparklefaith, iaintstupid1106, wolfgirl336699, Alessia Kyouya and Amy Jessica Pond for reviewing on so many of the chapters!

I would put all the usernames that followed and favorited this story, but there are over 100 of you! And I wanted to get this chapter out at a reasonable time for everyone...that didn't happen anyway. It's 10 PM in some places...

Anyway I'm amazed and flattered at all the support that was given to this story. I have the best readers in the world. Thanks guys!

Hopefully I'll have your support for the next one. Look out for the sequel Six Problems.

Thanks again for your support!