Dean was way past autopilot by the time they were heading down the highway toward the car. Every single inch of his body hurt and that included the inside. Sam didn't really look a whole lot better. He was able to focus on his pain since they had fallen silent after Sam had explained the seal to him. If Dean remembered what he had said correctly, it was amazing that the thing had worked at all.

"I remembered what those strange symbols were," he began. "The rovàsiràs are from an old Hungarian alphabet, but some of the symbols are similar to some Native American languages as well. I figured the symbols must mean a lot to them since they use them in the Halo. I saw they were in the warding seal as well, and that one tablet we used in the door spelled out God. I basically just recreated the warding seal, but with a few changes in the rovàsiràs so that it wouldn't just hold her, it would more or less eliminate her."

"But how did you know your blood wouldn't just give her more power?" Dean had asked.

"Remember when she was talking to you as I carved the seal? She had specifically said your blood was the catalyst. And it only took your blood to bring her to life, so I figured maybe mine would stop her. It was a long shot, I know…but it worked."

Dean nodded and frowned at his feet. It was a long shot, but crazier things had happened. He was just glad it had worked and they had been able to get out of there.

As he placed one foot in front of the other, he still couldn't seem to believe they had survived that. It almost felt like she let herself be killed. He may have just been imagining things and she wasn't nearly as powerful as they were led to believe. He shook his head, dragging his fingers through his greasy hair.

"You said the little girl was killed, right?" Sam asked, startling Dean from his thoughts.

Dean nodded solemnly. He had seen her violent death with his own eyes.

"Then how come her body wasn't there? I looked and she was gone."

"I have no friggen clue, dude. I wouldn't think too hard on it, either. Your head'll explode." Dean let out a slow breath, frowning down at his feet. There wasn't any evidence left of what the town had looked like a couple of hours ago; no monsters, no blood, no corpses. None of it made sense, but Dean didn't care. They were getting out alive and more-or-less in one piece.

Beside him, Dean could feel a difference in Sam's attitude. He looked up and saw three of the best things he had ever seen in his life; Castiel, Jessica and the Impala. He almost cried at the site of his car. While he stared at his baby, the little girl ran straight to Sam, wrapping her arms around his hips and squeezing him in a hug.

"This your doing, Cas? Cause I saw her die and it wasn't pretty," said Dean. Like anyone else could have done this.

"I have also recovered the majority of your weapons."

For the first time in what felt like forever, Dean allowed himself to relax and smile. "Thanks, dude. We really could have used your help back there, though."

Castiel didn't answer, just stood next to Dean by the Impala and watched the child tug on Sam. He bent down so that she could look him in the eye and Dean knew what she was asking him just by the way his shoulders stiffened. She was asking about her parents. His brother's voice didn't carry over to them, but Dean didn't need to hear him to know his tone was soft and sympathetic. The child accepted what Sam was telling her and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

Pulling his car keys from his back pocket, Dean went to the trunk of the Impala, opened it and tossed in his duffel, newly acquired guns and knife. "C'mon, Sam! It's a long drive to the closest shower."

Sam glanced in his direction and nodded. He grabbed the girl's hand and walked her toward the car. "She's got grandparents in Harrisburg that we can leave her with," he said to Dean as he helped the girl into the car.

"All right, Harrisburg it is! Windows down till we reach a motel though." Dean cranked over the ignition. "Oh, and Cas?" He leaned out the window to look up at the trench coat wearing angel.


"Try and get this place sealed up ASAP, okay?"

Without a reply, Castiel vanished before their eyes.

Dean checked the rearview mirror and saw the little girl smile at him. He smiled back and pressed his foot to the floor. With a squeal, the Impala took off, leaving Silent Hill far behind.

A violently convulsing head poked out of an air vent in the underground levels of the church. Bandaged hands followed. The once again powerless being crawled along the wall, attached to it like an insect. He was lonely again, but his duty was still the same. Protect God. This was more important than anything and he would wait silently until he was needed to perform this task again. He could smell the fear and loathing of potential victims of this quiet little town. His excitement to meet the next vessel or life-giver of his God was palpable. He could wait though. Longer than anyone knew.