Ron Tastes like Pumpkin

Hermione looked over at her friends as she sat down in the Burrow's parlour after a cool, refreshing shower, her hair still damp. Harry had his arm slung around Ginny's shoulders and her head resting on his shoulder as they watched Ron with a hint of amusement. Ron was fiddling with a ukulele.

He had gotten it after he Apparated to the island of Hawaii for a quick party to relieve all the stress from the war. He was only gone for three days, but everyone was worried out of their minds looking for the missing red head. It was a great relief when he Apparated back in beige trousers, a red and white Hawaiian print shirt, sandals, and a fresh flower lei, laden with gifts for all his worried friends. Ron was actually quite good at playing the little instrument now.

"Aren't you guys so glad that the war is over?" Hermione sighed contentedly for the nth time since the war ended. They all turned to their bushy haired friend and smiled.

"Yea," Harry sighed in a like tone.

The war was probably hardest on him, being the Chosen One and all. All the deaths were hard on everyone, but earlier this year, after the war had been won, as they helped rebuild Hogwarts, Diagon Alley, and everything that was destroyed during the way, it also helped rebuild their old lives, confidence, and general attitudes.

"It feels great to finally be free from all this 'save the world or we'll all die' stuff, and finally have time to spend with my dear girlfriend," he kissed Ginny on the forehead, "and with my awesome bestest friends." He flashed them all a wide, infectious grin, causing a similar smile to creep up onto the faces of Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, too.

Ron strummed a quick tune that sounded vaguely like the chorus from a Muggle song Hermione knew, With a Little Help from my Friends by the Beatles. She smiled at his choice of song.

"Do you know the name of that song, Ron?" she asked. He nodded energetically.

"Yea, it's With a Little Help from my Friends by this Muggle band called the Beatles. It's funny how they're named after a bug. I like their music, though," he replied enthusiastically, strumming another chorus from another song by said band. "That one was "Here Comes the Sun". I actually heard their songs for the first time on a ray-dee-yo when I was in Hawaii."

"Yea, they're one of my favourite bands, too, Ron," Hermione agreed. Ron flashed Hermione a grin that clearly said, 'Awesome!' and continued playing from the end of Here Comes the Sun's chorus.

Suddenly, a great, brown owl swooped down in front of Ron, startling and causing him to jump up two inches.

"That's a Hogwarts owl!" Ginny squealed, breaking from Harry's grip and snatching the letters from the owl's beak, passing them out to the correct person. "MUM!" she hollered at the top of her lungs. "The Hogwarts letters are here!" At that, everyone in the house rushed into the living rooms, curious about this year's letters. George, Arthur, and Molly Weasley all entered the room within seconds. "And apparently all four of us are welcome to return."

The quartet stared at their letters. "You open your letter first, Harry," Ron urged, putting his ukulele on the couch. And the Boy Who Lived did.

"Quidditch captain again!" he exclaimed, taking out his shiny new badge. Ginny gave a peck on the cheek with a mutter of, "Of course, dear. You're a great Seeker." Ron fake gagged.

"I'm opening mine up next!" Ginny called, ripping open the ivory envelope. A badge fell out and plopped into her waiting palm. "Yes, prefect," she cheered, doing a miniature dance right there.

"Your turn, Ron," Hermione spoke, wordlessly and politely offering to go last.

Ron opened his envelope and peered inside. "Nothing," he said, looking crestfallen and sighing audibly. Everyone's faces fell as they offered their silent apologies to the youngest red headed boy. Then Ron's face instantaneously brightened up. "Just kidding!" he yelled, pulling out a shiny gold and red badge. "I'm a prefect!" he said gleefully, jumping up and down before laughing at everyone's surprised faces. Everyone rolled their eyes before joining into his raucous laughter.

After everyone had calmed down, Hermione announced that she was going to open her letter. She wasted no time in doing so.

"Head Girl!" she squealed gleefully, doing as Ginny did and dancing nonsensically in the middle of the parlour. There were multiple congratulations between the whole group, and happiness and cheer all around.

"We should get going to Diagon Alley, get our supplies, and then get some ice cream at George's new shop to celebrate," Molly suggested, earning many cheers and everyone's agreement.

"Yea, you guys have yet to try my new specials and flavours," George stated, mock pouting. Everyone laughed at his antics and went to go prepare for a jaunt to Diagon Alley.

It was two hours later, and they were all bustling through the Floo to Diagon Alley. As soon as they entered through the door to George's newest establishment, one of his workers came up and asked politely how she could help them. Weasley's Wizard Ice Cream Parlour was the new Fortreuse's Ice Cream, and George had bought the building from the late Florean Fortreuse's still alive son.

"We will have seven of my newest special, small scoops, Amaretta," he said, and the girl rushed to fill her boss's order.

"What is your newest special, George?" Ginny asked curiously as all seven of them sat down at the biggest table in the shop.

"You'll just have to wait and find out, sis," he said with a wink. After that statement, the waitress, Amaretta, came back laden with seven bowls of ice cream.

"Seven Golden Trio Specials," she said, laying one bowl in front of each person, with a clean silver spoon.

As soon as she left, Hermione gave a small chuckle. "Golden Trio Specials?" she asked, eyebrows raised in questioning bemusement.

George smirked. "A tribute to our war heroes, of course!" he exclaimed dramatically. "Dark Chocolate Curls for our dear intelligently wonderful Miss Hermione Granger," Hermione blushed at the compliment, "Weasel Red Pumpkin for ickle Ronnikins," Ron scowled at the comparison of him to a weasel and a pumpkin, "and for Our Chosen One, Mister Harry Potter, we have May Green Mint," George finished with a flourish.

"How about this one last flavour on top?" Ginny asked.

"I was getting there," George snapped childishly. "It's Golden Snitch Vanilla," he explained. "The white chocolate swirly things sticking out of the side are wings, see?"

Everyone nodded, even if just to get George to be quiet.

"Well, dig in!" George ushered. With that, he dug into his own ice cream. Ron wasted no time, either.

"It was really nice of you to name an ice cream after us, George," Harry said as he ate. "And it tastes great, too."

"Of course it is, Harry! People expect quality from the newest ice cream parlour in Diagon Alley, and quality they shall get!"

Ginny ate a spoon of the red orange ice cream. "Mm, Ron tastes like pumpkin pie," she said, smirking at said brother. Ron glared at her comparison as well.

"Stop comparing me to fruits!" the short tempered Weasley demanded.

"Well, Georgie, I think it tastes great," Molly said, pinching her sons cheeks, as she was sitting right beside him. Also, they wanted to change the subject before Ron went into his "Volcano Rage Mode", as everyone around him had coined it.

"Mom," George groaned, swatting her hand away. "Not in front of my workers!"

"Aw, our little Georgie is growing up so fast, Arthur," Molly said a little tearily, turning to her husband.

"Oh come now, Molly, don't cry," Arthur consoled her, turning away from his and Harry's discussion about the function of a vacuum, or as Arthur Weasley liked to call it, a vah-koom.

It was fifteen more minutes of discussion, jokes, and news about George's ice cream shop before they all finished and decided to go shopping for school supplies.

"I can't believe I'm saying this," George started, "but I kind of miss Hogwarts. All the poor unsuspecting first years ready to me pranked. I don't miss it enough to return to learning though," he finished, shrugging noncommittally.

"Of course," Hermione stated. "It is you after all."

With a smirk, George strutted up to the front of the group with his parents. "Come on, Mum, Dad. You guys are walking too slowly. Onto Diagon Alley to let the last year Hogwarts students loose to wreak havoc upon the unsuspecting Diagon Alley and buy their supplies!" he cheered, dragging the two along by the arms, forcing Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny to follow with amused smiles on their faces from George's antics.

(To my Are You Trippin? readers) Here's this new fic I said I'd publish... XD

(To EVERYONE!) Hope you like! :D