Chapter 1: One rough day

Hi! My name is Dawn I'm 18 year old male, and I was once a human. I had light brown eyes and dark brown hair. My skin tone was a tanish yellow (yes I'm Asian, but didn't have those squinty eyes) I had awoke in the morning and got out of bed my head a bit aching from the party we had been to last night. I was 5'11 and was flexible and athletic. I lifted my head off the bed and hit my head on some metal object.

"FU!" I screamed in my mind to see a baseball bat hanging from the ceiling. "Stupid bucking party's" I mumbled under my breath as I got up and made my way to the kitchen. "alright, just need some Mrs. Buttersworth as I pulled out the pancake mix. And stared cooking.

10 minutes later

"Hey Blitzen" I yelled at the top of my lungs." Pancakes dude! " he slowly started to get up." what happened last night?" he said. "You passed out after an adrenaline rush, you and Kiri had a race." I had a smug smile on my face." Someone has a secret admirer" I said in the way a young child would to his friend." Shut up" he said with a smirk on his face. "It's none of your problems. I handed him a pile of pancakes with his favorite syrup." You know you want Mrs. Buttersworth." I said with a devilsh grin. "ya, ya, ya " he said with his hands extended out. I set the syrup in his hands and started to walk tarwards the front of the dorm, as I walked out to go on my usual stroll down the small street. I smiled this day I was felling lucky I slowly made my way to the alleyway that was in cased with shadows that two of my other friends and me . I saw a figure thinking it was my friends I walked closer and as I approached I saw a man under him with blood gushing out his head. "What the Hell! " screamed as I saw him look at me 'Wrong place at the wrong time.' He said pulling a suppressed sidearm pulling the trigger at my gut I then saw him get closed to me as I saw he was about to shoot my leg. With that I screamed which apparently didn't make him happy because he laoded me with five more bullets in my arms legs and stomach he then picked me up and threw me into a dumpster half alive. I slowly started to black out.

'This is it I thought I'm dead. I started to hear a faint voice." You are not dead, but you are being sent to Equestria with a burden that could change our world do not fail me it said as I slowly started to see light in the back ground. I then woke up in a beautiful forest.