Disclaimer: I don't own the TMNT

Chapter 1

"We don't fear the dark, we fear the unknown inside it,"-Unknown

He remained limp, arms tied at an awkward angle to the poles behind him, Head lolled back with a barbed wire and cloth gag, tightly twisted around his mouth and face. Blood trickled down his lips, coming from his nostrils. His legs were bound so that they were apart, stretched to tie to the back legs of the chair he was seated on. Barbed wire was woven into the ropes that held both his arms and legs. One eye was swollen shut and the sclera of his other eye was stained red from a broken blood vessel. His chest was wrapped with crimson cloth, which upon further inspection had originally been white.

It was dark, save a single, flickering light bulb above him.

He took a struggled breath, choking on his own blood.

Someone moved in the dark and the glint of silver was seen. There was no sound as the figure moved forward in a white lab coat and slid the silver needle into the jugular vein of his neck.

His body instantly went rigid as the contents were emptied and began to thrash against his restraints jerking and trembling.

Blood poured from where he was bound. Muffled screams tore from his throat.

The figure stepped back into the shadows and chuckled coldly before again merging with the shadows.

A/N: So…again a new story…don't worry the other ones are being typed as you read. Please leave me a review!