Alright! Good day people! Arc here. So yeah, another long time after last update…I seriously need to get on a more regular updating schedule, and someday I hope I will, but until then, I'll at least put the opening chapter of the next arc! Time for some…arrogance to be put in here…this isn't gonna be easy XD. Here's the next chapter of Pony Terrestrial!
FinalPhantom: Great job! I love how the hangover dude (don't have a name, I'm gonna roll with it) just thinks that they're hallucinations. The crowd should have had the one REALLY weird person with a few screws loose that ran off screaming, "I KNEW IT PONIES ARE HERE TO KILL US!" or something.
About my previous review, it was obvious that the two aren't connected, to me at least, but I love connecting dots that have no correlation to the other. XD
Thanks! Also, I never had a hangover, I HATE alcohol, but hangover dudes are fun to write XD. Also, sorry, I'm not very conspirational when writing XD. And also, great for you! To always nets interesting ideas that can turn for stories XD.
Jlargent: Please let Vinyl and Octavia watch Epic Wub Time just to see their reaction to the Bass Cannon and 'Wubbing' the dishes clean
Bad pony! XD. No, seriously, I ain't gonna do any of those things. Remember when I said a LONG time ago, I wanted this to be different? Well, what do you think? If EVERYTHING gets related to a brony'll just be the same thing. I ain't having none of that. Some arcs MAY have brony correlation, but others might not, EVEN if there MIGHT be human interaction.
Guest: The Great and Powerful Trixie (worshipped by Sethisto on EQD), Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon (always together, like Batman and Robin) in Japan. Anime, lolita, weird shit, SO MUCH POTENTIAL!
Also, you HAVE to make Trixie compete in Unbeatable Banzuke or Ninja Warrior. It is PERFECT for her.
I have no idea what that is, but yes, Japan has quite the interesting things to use...but don't get your hopes up. I can't go too far ya know? XD. I have PLANS.
Guest: Oh my god, this is definitely my favorite fic here.
LE PINKIE GASP! Thank you very much for your words *bows*
A disclaimer, according to Twilight Sparkle, is a phrase a person uses to acclaim not ownage of certain things… I may not own other things, but I own this story Twilight! Hey, I'm just reading it from this book! Well, that book must be wrong… WHAT?! Oh shi…gotta go! Get back here!
Arc three: Part one: The land of the rising…Trixie?
Chapter 30: An unsuccessful show…but with a reward
Trixie's POV
"Gah!" I screamed after being so ungracefully thrown into a portal from my house. 'What in the name of…me, is going on?!' I was calmly preparing some arrangements in Fillydelphia to get entertainment in exchange for a house to live, and I get thrown out of nowhere JUST as I was about to begin! NOPONY stops the Great and Powerful Trixie's show just like that! Nopony!
"Get off of us you lame magician! You're ruining our coats and manes!" I heard a slightly high pitched voice say. 'Oh no she DIDN'T. Who dared called ME a lame magician!?' When I looked around for the insulter, I looked down and I saw that I was over two other ponies…they were fillies actually. 'What?'
"I said…GET OFF OF US!" The filly voice screamed again. I couldn't recognize them, but I was NOT going to obey her. Who did she think she was?! But, I do need to get up, at least.
After I lifted myself up, the other two fillies got up too. One was a pink coated with a purple and white striped mane and the other was grey coated with a silver mane. 'Huh…I don't think I've seen them before…then again, they don't seem worthy enough to actually be known by me, hmph!'
"At long last you moved! Wow, you must be really old if you moved so SLOW." The pink filly taunted.
"Air! My precious air!" Said the other filly, breathing heavily.
This is starting to get me mad a little… 'Come on Trixie, don't stoop down to their level. They're just fillies who don't know who they are, that's all'
"Oh really? Do you know who you are talking to? Do you even REALIZE who you are talking to, little filly? I am the Great…and Powerful…TRIXIE!" I shouted for the filly to hear as loud as she could and flaunting my cape, letting her know EXACTLY who she was talking to.
"Oh please, I know who you are!" The pink filly shouted back after my little presentation. 'Hah! I knew-' "You are that lying, lame magician who got put in your place by that other unicorn." She finished before I thought anything else. 'What…did she…SAY?!'
"What did you DARE to call Trixie!?" I retaliated against the filly. NOPONY calls me that and gets away with it, even less when they mention…her... Not even a little spoiled filly. "Hah! You're just jealous. At least Trixie is known around Equestria. You're just a little spoiled brat who is jealous of Trixie's grandeur as a talented unicorn." I told her, putting that filly in her place. Hmph! That will make her learn.
"Yeah, known around Equestria as a lying magician who wouldn't know how to make a good show and how to defeat another unicorn." The other filly said, smugness and arrogance radiating out of her and with a confident look. '…THE NERVE OF THIS FILLY!' But before I could give her a piece of my superior mind, the grey filly spoke out.
"Umm…Diamond? Where are we?" She asked, looking around her, and looking very confused…and scared? 'Huh…why does she look like she completely scared of…some…thing…' I couldn't think anymore because when I looked around, I realized that we were inside what LOOKED like a train….and it was full of…things, that I didn't know what there were.
When I looked back to the other two fillies , they were as shocked as I was, and things that were in the "train", were watching as back. 'What in Equestria ARE those things?! Where did that portal drive us!?...Wait a moment…this is a crowd…looking straight at us…maybe I can use this at my favor! Surely they will have heard of me!'
"Attention to all you onlookers!" I screamed outloud for them to hear. "You will have probably heard of me. For I am the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!" I finished screaming, trying to make some fireworks appear…only my magic wasn't working.
"What!? Why is Trixie's magic not working!? What is this trickery!" I screamed, not knowing what was going on with my magic. 'What in Tartarus is going on!? I can't use my magic! And I'm in a train full of strange things looking at me making myself look like a foal!'
"Good job making yourself look bad, oh lame and powerless Trixie! Hahahahaha!" The pink filly laughed at me. 'Oh no she DIDN'T!'
"HOW DARE YOU CALL TRIXIE LIKE THAT!" I screamed at her and focused all of my power in lifting something to throw it at her. I did, but I never knew what I threw at her.
"OW! How dare YOU try to hurt me with pencil?!" She screamed. 'Well, it wasn't what I wanted, but it got her mad…good!'
"Oh please! Did I spotted your coat? Did your mane get ruined? Why don't you run to your daddy so she can wash you? Maybe give you a soap for that mouth you have?" I taunted her. Heh, never mess with Trixie. You'll only regret it.
The filly got very mad, but before I could enjoy more her anger, I heard a sudden scream.
And when that scream happened, everypony in the train started running around like madponies. 'What's going on?!...Wait…they were probably so shocked after my magic show that they are now afraid of me! Hah! That was easier than ever expected. Then again, is there ever any doubt of that?'
"Calm down everypony! I will not hurt you! That was just a little show for all of you to see!" I proclaimed, trying to calm them down so they could enjoy more of my great feats of magic. It didn't work though. Everypony was still running around screaming nonsense that I couldn't understand…and some are starting to leave the train!
"Wait! I come in peace! Do not be afraid!" I try to tell them one more time, but it didn't happen. They all started leaving the train, and soon after everypony had left the train.
"Oh come on! I had made just some magic! How much of a scaredy little ponies are all of these…things!" I screamed at the air, annoyed that I couldn't get at least SOME recognition.
"Wow…that scared them all? Huh…I guess you should change your cutie mark Trixie!" The pink filly said again, taunting me again. She is NOT helping my state. Suddenly, a scream came from outside the train.
"Uxeito!" (Wait!). "Douzo!" (Please!). "…Wait…why is everyone running?" Came a voice. Just I saw him coming, I took my chance to present myself once more.
"They all ran from me, the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!" I shouted as I stepped out of the train to confront and surprise the being outside. The response was not expected.
"…EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ! OH MY GOSH! OH MY CELESTIA! IT'S TRIXIE! SHE'S HERE ON EARTH! I CAN'T BELIEVE! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" After the thing said all that, it started jumping around like a little filly. 'Er…this was not what I expected, but…I got a fan! Wait a minute, why am I wondering!? Of COURSE I have fans! I am Trixie! The greatest and most powerful unicorn in ALL of Equestria!'
"Yes! I am the great and powerful Trixie! I can see you have recognized my grandeur from my superb presentation." I told it, making myself as known as I could.
"Superb presentation? More like jumping out saying random words!" The same filly who had bothered me before spoke out again. What a shame, I had forgotten about her, but I decided to ignore her.
"YES! This is my dream come true!" The thing shouted once more. I should probably use him to my advantage. He seems to know the language of here but can speak mine too. This will be a very fun experience for me…
Yes, this is it. 3 weeks or so for this. I'm sorry XC. I just hope I delivered. Also, to any DT, SP and Trixie fans, you better tell me if I'm doing it right, because you have NO idea how hard it is to write them, and how hard it is to give DP more protagonism. Also, to any Japanese speakers, I apologize for any wrong translations, and you are welcome to correct me, in fact, I encourage it. Finding a translator of English-Japanese is NOT easy. Anyway, this is the start of the new arc! How many ideas can come out of this one! Oh yes! XD. Anyway, my catchphrase for now. Comment, R&R, let your inner Grammar Nazi out, throw WHATEVER ideas you have at me, haters ignored, flamers abhorred, etc, etc. Arc out!