Disclaimer: I don't own The Covenant, Harry Potter, or Angel – other people do; you know who they are(: also there will be some parts that are straight from the book and some parts that I switched up or just completely made up on my own. I don't have the patience to * every part that I copied so if you recognize anything, it doesn't belong to me... obviously(:

So this is the sequel to A Witch In LA and also the original story since the prequel was meant to only be a little quick one-shot. You don't have to read the first story to understand this one… but you might be a little confused so maybe you should – the first story is a background explanation of how Hermione met everyone, and how they learned a few things that this story seems to focus around(:

Full Summary: 2 years after meeting the Sons and the Angel gang, Hermione is in her 6th year at Hogwarts and they're all still suffering from the death of Sirius. Draco breaks up with her without an explanation and Reid and Spike start to ignore her letters until her birthday. Draco gets a taste of her witty, sharp tongue and the remarks that she learned while in LA, and the Death Eaters are still making Hermione their number one priority. Reid decides it's about time he confronts his little brother for being a git, and Faith is... girly? Ginny and Luna learn the truth, and soon Hogwarts will be turned upside down by the arrival of some… interesting specimens!

A Broken Train Ride

Something was different about him; they all knew it. Lucius Malfoy was arrested and taken into custody by the Aurors after the incident at the Ministry, and now Draco was acting odd. Hermione was standing at the entrance of one of the empty compartments with Harry, Ron, Ginny, Luna, and Neville, and they all watched as the blonde walked past them. No longer walking like an imp with a bounce he quickly made his way past them, not bothering to look back. It looked as if the three months separation between fifth and sixth year changed him a lot. Albino white hair fell into his face, shielding the darkened quicksilver eyes from everyone who looked up at him. His already alabaster white skin was paler than usual and made him look almost sickly against the black oxford shirt and long black slacks he was wearing.

"Don't you have to go check all the compartments?" Ginny asked Hermione, noticing the older girl's lingering gaze on the compartment that Draco just disappeared into. Not wanting to catch the boys' suspicion as to what was happening, Ginny tried to grab Hermione's attention.

Looking over at her friend, Hermione saw mischief behind the vibrant ocean blue eyes while a freckled hand ran through cinnamon colored hair. "Erm…" looking over at the boys who were now watching her, Hermione nodded her head, "Yes, right. I shall get a start on that. Ron, why don't you check on the opposite side of the train?"

"But Hermione-" seeing the daring look in the honey colored eyes, Ron quickly jumped up. Scratching his nose with a freckled hand, red hair bounced as he nodded his head, "Sure. I'll get on that right now."

Once Ron was out of sight on the opposite side of the train, Hermione whispered a low, "Thanks Gin," to her best girlfriend, and ran straight towards Draco's compartment.

Sliding the door open, Hermione quickly shoved herself inside of it before shutting it, and looking around. Draco was alone with Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott. Staring at Blaise, Hermione could understand why Ginny was harboring a secret crush on the sixteen year old Slytherin; he was very attractive. The white t-shirt and long black pants looked almost exotic against the dark mocha color of Blaise while sleep filled his almost onyx colored eyes. His left eyebrow had a tiny slit of missing hair from a potions accident the year before, and his tiny black curls had been buzzed down over the summer time. Seeing the flirtatious indigo colored eyes staring back at her from across the compartment, Hermione rolled her eyes. It was no secret why Luna had been pining after the other third of Slytherins' playboys. The raven colored spikes messily stuck up in every direction; looking as if he literally just rolled out of bed right before boarding the train to Hogwarts. Dark blue jeans hung off the ivory thighs while a midnight blue colored silk shirt made his shoulders look broader. There was a hardness in his face that Hermione had never noticed before, and she finally realized that Theo was no longer a little boy. At sixteen years old, he had definitely grown up; no longer resembling a frightened little rabbit, but more so a hardened young man who had seen too many bad things happen.

Blaise opened his mouth to say something, but Draco beat him to it. "What the bloody hell are you doing in here, Granger?"

Granger? Hermione tried her best not to show the shock or hurt in her face, but she knew the lightness of her honey colored eyes would give her away. Forcing her mouth to open, Hermione spat out, "I am a prefect, Malfoy," noticing the way Draco cringed as she hissed out his name, Hermione continued, "I am doing my job. I need to check in every compartment to make sure everything is alright."

"Well as you can see, everything is fine," Draco snarled at her, "Now get out."

"Whoa Draco, mate," Blaise said, shocked at how his best friend was acting towards the confused Gryffindor. "No one else is around; it's just us. You don't have to act like you hate Hermione right now."

"It isn't an act," Draco coldly replied, feeling a twinge of guilt at the way Hermione's honey colored features turned ivory from his words. "Now get out of here, Mudblood, before I make you."

Refusing to let Draco see her tears fall, Hermione gripped tightly onto the door's handle. "I came in here to tell you happy six months, Malfoy, but I see I was mistaken. I don't know who's been fucking you up your arse over the holidays, but I surely hope it was worth it," then straightening the emerald green colored skirt she had been wearing to surprise Draco with, Hermione cleared her throat. "Blaise, Theo."

"Hermione," Theo nodded his head in an apologetic way to his friend.


Hearing the shout coming from Draco's lips, Hermione turned back around to see what he wanted, "What?"

Draco looked at Hermione for the first time since seeing her today. She changed over the summer holidays. Taking in her hair, he smirked; she took his advice and tamed the uncontrollable curls. Now chestnut colored strands fell to the midsection of her back without a single frizz out of place. Draco noticed that Hermione was wearing the emerald earrings he gave to her right before they left Hogwarts last year. The white baby tee that she was wearing was tight enough for him to see the green bra she wore beneath it, and he gulped when he saw the honey flesh between her midriff and where the skirt began. It was tasteful, and not as short as other girls wore their skirts, but it was still short enough to show the length of her long legs, which led down to the crimson colored knee high socks she was wearing. He saw that her skirt was emerald colored as well. Hermione definitely made sure to wear his Slytherin colors for their six month anniversary.

"Well?" Hermione questioned, tapping her foot on the ground and folding her arms across her chest, knowing that it was pushing her breasts up more and allowing Draco a peek at the honey colored globes. "What is it?"

Shaking away any thoughts that he shouldn't be thinking, Draco glared at her. "I want the earrings back. Pansy's birthday is coming up, and they'll look lovely on her."

"Draco!" Blaise hissed.

Shaking his head, Theo glared at the Slytherin Prince. "What the bloody hell is wrong with you, Malfoy?"

Losing her inner battle, Hermione couldn't control the tears that fell freely from her eyes. Quickly taking the earrings out of her ears, she looked down at them one last time. Holding them in the palm of her hand, she looked up at Draco and saw his hand was out and waiting for it. "Here," not wanting to speak too much because her voice would give away how hurt she truly was, Hermione calmly handed them in his expecting hand.

Draco was stunned. He expected Hermione to fly the earrings at his head or even break them, not calmly hand them over. He was waiting for her to start shouting and trying to curse him, but instead she calmly agreed to give the earrings back. Seeing the silent tears that Hermione was trying to hide from him, Draco reached out and grabbed her wrist, forcing her to look back at him. For a moment he wanted to just pull her into his arms, but taking in a deep breath, Draco instead said, "Put on some bloody clothes eh, you look like a slag."

Hermione heard the gasps from the two Slytherins she'd learn to trust over the past six months, and a sound that closely resembled a whimper from her own mouth, but instead she yanked her wrist away from Draco's tight grip and flipped back her hair. "And to think," Hermione hissed at the blonde in a cold voice, "This could've been all yours."

"I already had that."

"And now, you won't," Hermione's voice was as chilling as his was, and her eyes just as deadly. "Now some other lucky bloke will get to see the other side of the Mudblood-bookworm!"

Blaise and Theo looked back and forth between each other and Draco. Neither of them could truly understand what just happened here. At the end of the school term last year, Draco was depressed at leaving Hermione behind. They remembered how it took them both, as well as Ginny and Luna, to hold him back in order to calm down when he learned that Hermione snuck out of Hogwarts with Harry them to go to the Ministry of Magic. When Hermione came back, Draco found her crying in one of the abandoned corridors. She was bleeding, scarred, and crying because she witnessed Sirius being killed by Bellatrix. After an hour of having to be calmed down, Draco held Hermione in his arms. He held onto her and promised her that she would be alright; he didn't even care that he was being watched by Ginny, Luna, Blaise, and Theo; all that mattered was that Hermione knew how much he loved her and how he would never leave her. Now Draco acted as if he still hated her. Blaise and Theo missed something important because they were both confused.

"Do you really think she'll allow some other bloke to see the other side of her?"

Turning their heads to where the broken sounding voice came from, Blaise and Theo were even more confused now. "You told her you hated her, called her a Mudblood and a slag, and asked for her earrings back because Parkinson would look lovely in them," Blaise scoffed, "What the hell do you care what she does anymore?"

"I don't want to hurt her!" Draco shouted at his two friends, covering his face with his hands. "Do you think it was easy for me to say those things to her? Or to just ignore her tears? And that skirt," a low growl escaped his lips, "That bloody skirt; it should be illegal for her to wear that skirt outside the comfort of my room."

Shaking his head, Theo shot Blaise a confused look then looked back at the depressed Draco, "Do you want to tell us what the hell that was all about then?" he asked, "Because Hermione sure as hell didn't seem to appreciate any of those things either."

Removing his hands from his face, Draco looked around out of paranoia. "I have to protect her," he whispered. Lifting up the sleeve of his shirt, Draco showed his two best friends the dark mark branded into his left forearm.

Sitting between Harry and Ron in the Great Hall, Hermione tried her hardest not to look up at the Slytherin table. She hadn't said a word since returning back to their compartment after the encounter with Draco. She was confused. They wrote each other over the holidays, and he constantly reminded her of how much he loved her, and how excited he was that their first day back to Hogwarts would be their sixth month anniversary. Her friends all asked her what was wrong and Ginny shared worried glances with Luna, but they both remained silent through it all as if they were mourning alongside her. Refusing to speak in fear that her voice would betray her and trigger more tears, Hermione leaned against one fist while pushing her food around with a fork.

"You have to eat something," Ginny told her. When Hermione shook her head, Ginny sighed and looked across the Great Hall. She glared at Draco when she saw him allowing Pansy to hang all over him. Draco wasn't even looking their way. Seeing Hermione starting to turn to see what she was glaring at, Ginny tried to stop her, "Her-"

Ron and Harry stopped talking over Hermione's shoulders when they heard the clattering of a fork. Looking down at Hermione they saw her looking back at something. "What is it Hermione?" Harry asked, turning to see what caused his best friend to drop her fork.

Seeing the familiar gaze of steel land on her, Hermione watched as Draco quickly pushed Pansy off of him. But it was too late. Hermione had already seen them together; nothing he did now could help her to un-see it. "I have to study," Hermione quickly jumped up.

"Classes haven't even started yet," Ron said, noticing the exchange between Hermione and their enemy.

Also noticing the exchange, Harry sighed. "Is everything alright Hermione?" he asked, gently pulling on her wrist to make her sit back down. "Did Malfoy do something to you?"

Looking back at Draco, Hermione saw an annoyed look on his face. Forcing herself to look away, she shook her head, "I'm fine."

Blaise and Theo were both watching Draco in disgust. It was to the point where they couldn't eat anything. Back in the train's compartment, Draco explained how he was now a Death Eater and how he had a mission from the Dark Lord. They understood why he broke up with Hermione, and although they wished he could have been more polite about it, they understood his reasoning's for wanting her to just hate him. But this was too low, even for a Malfoy. Instead of pushing Pansy off like he did for the last three months of school the year before, Draco allowed her to claw him up as if she were a cat in heat and he was the only thing available to her. Pushing their plates away from themselves, Blaise and Theo heard the loud cluttering sound from the Gryffindor table.

Turning around, Blaise shook his head, "She's watching."

Lifting his head in the one direction he had been trying his hardest to avoid, Draco saw the tears in Hermione's eyes as she stared at him and Pansy. "And?" he bit out.

"Maybe the filthy little Mudblood can learn a thing or two," Pansy sneered.

Throwing Pansy from his body, Draco held in the urge to hex her then kill her for saying such a thing about his Hermione, and chose to sneer at her instead. "Get some class, Parkinson."

"Mail doesn't usually come this late?" Theo stated in a questioning tone, watching as the large barn owl flew into the Great Hall, "Or on the first day of school."

"Shit!" only now remembering that this was supposed to be his six month anniversary with Hermione, Draco quickly jumped off of the bench.

Theo and Blaise followed their friend as he tried to make a hasty retreat out of the Great Hall, but they stopped when they saw the owl land in front of Hermione. "What did you do?" they both asked, stopping Draco and forcing him to watch Hermione open the large brown parcel.

Confused, Hermione grabbed the package. Feeling Ginny kick her foot, Hermione looked at where Ginny was nodding her head to, and saw Draco trying to escape while Blaise and Theo held onto him. Harry and Ron were both reaching over to open the parcel for her, causing her to jump up and spill juice all over her robes. Letting out a hiss of curse words, Hermione handed the package to Ginny so she could keep it away from the nosy boys, and she started to take off her robes.

Draco heard whistles throughout the Great Hall and stopped struggling against his so called two best friends. Looking over at the Gryffindor table, he saw Harry and Ron trying to cover Hermione with their robes while Ginny held in her amusement. Blushing, Hermione was slapping the hands away and trying to move out from between her two best friends. Draco's temperature rose when he saw that the stupid girl didn't change out of her outfit from the train, and because of the removal of her robes she was now showing skin that no one but him should be allowed to see. Growling as his grip on his wand tightened, Draco started walking towards the Gryffindor table, but he was held back by his two friends.

"Ginny and Hermione are walking this way," Theo whispered into Draco's ear.

"Oh great," Hermione began to nervously chew on her bottom lip while Ginny tugged her towards the doors. She watched as Theo and Blaise did the same with Draco; taking him away from her. "I don't want to have to see him, Gin."

"This is from him," Ginny told Hermione, shoving the parcel into her hands. "I recognize his tiny little seal on the back of it. Open it."

"Why?" Hermione whined wanting to stomp her feet, but knowing all eyes were on her at the moment she didn't. It isn't every day the frigid bookworm Hermione Granger dresses like this. "He'll just ask for it back so he can give it to Parkinson for her bloody birthday."


Slapping Blaise's head, Draco glared at him for calling to the witch he just wanted to ignore, "What the hell, Blaise?"

Groaning, Hermione allowed Ginny to drag her to where the three Slytherins seemed to be waiting for them. "Hullo Blaise," she grimly smiled, "Theo."

"Hermione," Theo smiled kindly. "Do you want to borrow my robes?"

Looking down at her outfit, Hermione shook her head. "No thanks. We're headed back to our common room."

"Hullo Ginerva," Blaise all but purred, causing Draco to scowl. His friend was forcing him to stand through this torture because he wanted a shag?

Flashing only a quick smile, Ginny waved, "Hullo Blaise, Theo."

"Hullo Ginny," Theo smiled back, searching past her for Luna.

"If you'll excuse us," Ginny announced, "We're going to our common room now."

"Wait!" stopping Ginny from moving, Hermione shoved the package into Draco's stomach with a strong force that had him grunting.

Draco ignored the smirk from Ginny, and dropped his jaw when Hermione turned away without even saying anything to him. "This is for you," he shouted, not wanting her to get the last… whatever it was she just had the last of.

"No it isn't," Hermione replied, looking back at Draco.

Rolling his eyes, Draco held the package out for her. "I think I would know if it was for you or not, seeing as how I'm the one who brought it."

"Give it to Parkinson," Hermione bit out.

Blaise and Theo both took a step back out of pure instinct while Ginny automatically did the same. "I doubt I'm going to have a six month anniversary with her," Draco sighed.

"Funny," Hermione smirked, "You don't seem to be having one with me either."

"Stop being a bint, and just open the bloody gift!" Draco shouted at the infuriating witch in front of him.

Taking in a deep breath, Hermione stomped her feet over towards Draco. Yanking the package out of his hands and tearing it open, she lost her breath. Pulling out a diamond embedded chain with an emerald heart shaped teardrop pendent, Hermione spotted the note attached to it and she began to read it aloud, not caring that either Ginny, Blaise, or Theo were standing there as witnesses.

My love Hermione,

These six months have been the happiest I've ever been. Words cannot even begin to describe how much I love you, and I only hope that you'll allow me to continue spoiling you with jewels and my love for many more anniversaries to come. I know it's rough right now, seeing as how you have to lie to everyone, but I promise it'll get better. We'll get better. I'm going to continue protecting you until this war is over then we can be free and tell everyone about our love for each other. I only hope that you'll still want me when that time comes!

I love you! Happy six months!

Love always,


Ginny quickly ran to Hermione's side, wrapping her arms around her while Blaise and Theo slowly stood behind Draco to let him know they were there for him as well. Draco refused to look Hermione in her eyes. He meant every word when he wrote it, and he still did. He did love her more than anything, and the past six months have been the happiest of his life because he had been with her. Draco saw the first tear soak through the note… then the second. Out of instinct Draco reached out to grab Hermione, but she roughly pulled away, cringing away from him as if he would hurt her. Crumpling the paper into a ball, Hermione threw it back at Draco, causing him to flinch when it hit his face.

"I don't want it back," Draco shook his head when Hermione held out the pendant for him to grab.

"Why not?" Hermione couldn't deny that her voice was thick with tears, "You wanted the earrings back, didn't you?"

"Hermione, I'm-"

"Don't!" Hermione's voice was dangerously low and her teeth were still clamped tightly shut. Seeing a flash of raven colored hair walk past them, Hermione scowled at Draco as she shouted out, "Parkinson!"

Turning around, Pansy took in the scene with her catlike jaded eyes. Three of the Slytherin Princes were surrounding the two Gryffindor Princesses, one of whom was crying. That was never a good sign. "What, Granger?" Pansy asked in a tired voice, approaching the odd group.

Grabbing Pansy's wrist, Hermione flipped it around and dropped the necklace into Pansy's opened hand. "This is for you… from Malfoy."

"Draco?" looking up at Draco, Pansy saw the flames raging in the silver orbs while Hermione grabbed Ginny and began to drag her away towards the Gryffindor common room. Sighing, Pansy shoved the necklace into Draco's robes pockets, "Bloody hell, Malfoy," she hissed in annoyance, "If you're going to break up with a muggle-born in the corridors, at least make sure that no one is going to be walking down them, eh. Someone might tell the Dark Lord about it."

Feeling like a child for crying about something as silly as this, Hermione curled up on her bed – glad for silencing spells – and held onto the cross pendent around her neck. It's been two years since she went to LA, and everything changed since then. Draco warned her at the Quidditch World Cup the night that the Death Eaters attacked, and she spent all of her fourth year trying to get him to have a civil conversation with her. There were so many times that Hermione wanted to just give up, but then she thought back to Reid and the promise she made to both him and Spike. Instead of giving up on Draco, she only pushed harder. It wasn't until six months before that he cornered her in the library. He asked her why she was being so nice to him and she let him know that she knew he was giving her subtle warnings throughout their years.

Even on their first day back in their fifth year, Draco warned Harry to let him know that Lucius knew Sirius was an Animagusand that he was around. Hermione told Draco that she was on to him, and that she knew he was giving them warnings to protect themselves. That was the first night that they kissed and they considered that date as a marking for their anniversary. Wiping away her tears, Hermione remained curled up in a ball, wearing one of Draco's plain black t-shirts that she 'stole' from him after a night in his room, continuing to finger the cross around her neck.

Hermione felt silly for crying like this. She knew that this was how it was going to end, but after the six months had been filled with nothing but happiness, she allowed herself to fall for Draco. She wrote to Spike, Faith, Reid, and even Tyler. Hell… even Cordelia, Lorne, Angel, Pogue, and Caleb got a bloody letter about it from her, even Lindsey – she was in love. Somehow during their secretive six months, Hermione had fallen in love with Draco. They all wrote back to her, warning her to not get too deep into it, but it was too late to listen to their warnings. Thinking back to the night that she sang in Caritas, Hermione cried even harder. Her vision had come true: she isolated herself, and in the end she still lost.

"Hermione," a voice called out to her. Hermione shut her eyes and pretended to be asleep, but it didn't work. Lavender called her again, "Hermione, there's an owl here for you; it's purely black with creepy green colored eyes."

"Faith…" Hermione muttered to herself then slowly got up. Using her wand to make it look as if she hadn't been crying since she ran into the room after dinner, Hermione opened up the curtains and grabbed the letter from Lavender. She saw that the owl was already gone. "Thanks Lavender," she weakly smiled.

Little Darling,

"Lindsey?" Hermione frowned. It was odd for Lindsey to be contacting her through Faith's owl. As a matter of a fact, he was never the one to contact her. Hermione wrote to him only three times since returning back to the wizarding world. The first time was when Cedric died, because she wanted him to know that his warnings were correct about the Death Eaters taking over Hogwarts, and that she was alright. The second time was when she wrote to him about being in love with Draco, and the final time was right after they returned from the Ministry when Sirius had been killed. Hermione wanted to know if Lindsey had a way to prevent Wolfram and Hart from releasing the arrested Death Eaters. Each time though, it had been her to write first and Lindsey always sent a reply back with her owl.

As you know, I'm not the lawyer who works with the Death Eaters – the higher lawyers do. And after the incident where Angel cut off my hand, my bosses have hardly really trusted me with important things anymore. I'm leaving though. Your owl will be able to find me because I'll allow it through my protection spells, but other than your own owl, I will be in hiding and off the radar. I got my hand back and Angel helped me to save a lot of people and kill a demon. Apparently, my hand was evil and liked to kill people on its own (Cordelia said something about finally hearing me sing for the first time tonight and that she'll owl you sometime tomorrow about it) and Angel's escorting me to the city lines so I can make a run for it. I'm going to bring down Wolfram and Hart – too many people have been killed because of them. Before I leave though, I need to warn you…

Hermione lightly giggled to herself as she thought back to the first night she had ever heard him sing. Cordelia and Angel weren't there with them so they didn't hear it, and Cordelia thought they were all exaggerating about it – it was good that she finally got to witness his voice for the first time. Hermione also remembered the letter that Spike wrote to her about how Lindsey double crossed them in a mission he asked for their help in, and how Angel ended up cutting off his hand to stop an apocalypse. She didn't write to Lindsey about it, because Faith wrote her a letter that same night and told her how she questioned Lindsey about it – if he didn't make a show that he was trying to stop Angel, then his bosses would have killed him. Hermione pitied Lindsey, and Faith tried to help him cope with only one hand. Glad to hear that Lindsey got his hand back, but confused about the whole killer hand thing and him being on the run, Hermione continued to read the letter. She loved his cryptic warnings – not – they always told her that Death Eaters wanted to kill her. They tried every year, but in the end Hermione always managed to annoy them by staying alive.

I took files and reports from the firm before I left. I mean I actually broke into the offices and stole all their records. While searching for things to find that I could blackmail them with for now (to protect myself of course) I found a document for a new Death Eater. I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so little darling – Draco Malfoy's sixteenth birthday was just in June. It's normally tradition for a witch or wizard to get their Dark Mark on their sixteenth birthday –

Hermione gasped; too scared to continue reading.

-but for some reason, Lucius and Narcissa waited until last week. The point of this letter is to warn you! Draco Malfoy is a Death Eater. If he didn't know that their mission was to kill you before, he does now. Be careful around him; he has the mark on him and wears a mask. In order to become an actual Death Eater, you need to kill a muggle. He killed someone before they gave him the mark. I don't know why it took two months before he got his mark, but if you were to search his arm you would find that he has it on him. Be careful around him, and don't be alone with him. Watch your back and protect yourself at all times. If you want to see the contract, I have a copy of it with me. I've warned Faith and Angel already. Spike was quiet so you should owl him and let him know if you're alright. We can keep in touch now, so I want to know what's going on with you.

Please be careful little darling!


Hermione scoffed at Lindsey's signature on the bottom of the letter. 'LM' – the very initials of the man who wanted to kill her; the same initials of the very man who risked his own life to protect hers – it was ironic how two very different men with very different goals towards her had the very same initials. Gripping the letter tightly in her hands, Hermione curled back up into a ball and shut her eyes, praying that everything would just go away.

She would open her eyes and the letter wouldn't exist. She would open her eyes and she would be in Draco's arms on his bed. She would open her eyes and she would still be dating Draco, and his arm would be ink free. When she opened her eyes in the morning, the boy that she loved wouldn't be helping his father to kill her.

Am I evil for spending the entire first story based on Hermione crushing on Draco then starting this story off with him 'breaking up' with her? So… what do you guys think? I'm eager to know! The first couple of chapters are going to have a lot of letters in it, but trust me – you guys will like it(: please review, alert, favorite, and all that other good stuff! I'm going to pass out now(: