A long long time ago in the mind of George Lucas far far away...

*Skips up to secret Lake retreat*

... Padme noticed that Anakin was looking at her in that way, and in that way she means horrible blonde little Jedi boy who needs hobby kind of way.
Padme watched as Anakin slowly leaned towards her, gently stroking her back, then he leaned in and began to kiss her
*sappy music stops*
"HORMONES!!!!" Padme suddenly screamed rolling around on the balcony "They itch! Geth them off! Bad Anakin, very bad Anakin"
Padme stood up slowly with her fingers in the cross fashion, "I am not a hobby nooooo."
*padme pulls out futuristic baseball bat* "Aww, batteries not included..."
"Wait!" shouted the hormone-crazed jedi wannabe. "Where did you get that?!"
"Err...stole it from the hotel, along with the soap."
"Can I give you a bath with the soap?"
"NO! I have slaves *cough* I mean servants to do that for me.., eh heh heh heh"
Anakin turned around sadly and notcied the clouds
"Ooh! Pretty clouds! Can I pet them with my lightsaber?" Anakin said jumping at them
A heavenly ray of heavenly light shone a beam of MAGICAL heavenly light on Anakin and a heavenly voice came from above
"Are yo sayin' yo want my bitch to be yo bitch?"
"Eeeep" Anakin hides behind Padme, "Use your magical di-i-i-plomatic mad skills to... MAKE IT GO AWAY!!"
"If I had di-i-i-plomatic maaad skillz, dear boy, I would zap YOU to cinders with them." Padme gave him a whoopass-ghetto-black-motha look.
"Noo, not me...I liiike my happy hormone-ridden homicidal self. Go for the cloads, biotch! The CLOUDS!!" Anakin hid behind a conveniently placed R2D2.
"MeepbleepBIOTCHerrr bleep" said the unhappy little telephone pole (and I mean that with the highest respect)
"Wow, Anakin...you've snapped worse than an army of broken rubber bands."
*Later that afternoon*
Padme and Anakin were enjoying a wonderful *COUGHcough* lunch that Padme had prepared herself. Anakin was trying not to hurl, so he decided to ease his stomach by
going for a ride on the back of a large, bucking antelope/anteater/blobman.
"Wow, he's intelligent," thought Padme dreamily.
Padme yelled, "Anakiiin! Can I take you home and put dresses on you?"
Anakin looked up, fell down, and felt dizzy in many directions.
"I'd rather roll in the grass with you!"
"NO! Not that way! Er, it's in the script, see? Oh, wait, hey...it says here I`m gonna be dead...hold on a moment."
Anakin whacked himself with the baseball bat, brought along by the faithful telephone pole.
"Oh, no!" shrieked Padme. "My dress-fitter, my Anakin-Manakin, I'm coming!!"
She ran over to him. "Roll in the grass, eh? I`ll show them..."
*WHACK* "I looove that bat."
Padme decided to go along with the script, since the director on the side was giving her a "you-goin-down-later-biotch" look.
Padme laughed maniacally, rolling about in the grass in a rather...intimate...manner with Anakin.
"Finally, some action. I mean, uh, uh, what a lovely day!!"
Padme, promptly realizing what she was actually doing, got up, fell over, and rolled around scratching her hair. "NOOO! The ITCH!"
"But, but, hormones are our friiiiends."

Attention, readers. It has come to our attention that this fanfic is too silly for continuation. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you would like more, please say so. Good day. *Whack*^_^
By: The Amazing SpiderFran (yes, a REAL person) and Neptune (the slightly real person)