Important Note: I have also started posting fics on AO3 (the site link is in my profile), but they're the same thing. Just wanted to let my readers know. :3

Summary: This is my take on Spider-Man 3 and it takes place during the fight scene at the end and also continues on its own after the movie. Harry lives but is in the hospital, and the Symbiote managed to survive and needs a new host! The main pairing is Harry/my OC Rose/the Venom Symbiote, so it is sort of like a love triangle I suppose. It's really up for interpretation. LoL

Disclaimer: I obviously do NOT own Spider-Man, because if I DID then the movie series wouldn't have been so horribly crappy and disappointing. I mean seriously?! They killed off BOTH Green Goblin's?! The ONLY awesome Super Villains besides Venom and Carnage (and well a few others, but don't EVEN get me started on that! Lmfao!) So yeah! Here goes. I don't own any music/songs that I may or may not use XD or any other comics, animes, etc which I may make references too. I'm only writing this for the sole purposes of amusing myself because this idea popped into my head at random and made me laugh. I DO HOWEVER Own my OC's (that's Original Characters).

Author Notes (also referred to as A/N): Hello reader! Whoever or whatever or where ever you may be! Wait… uhm… what was I gonna say..? Ooooh yeah… Annnywho! This randomly popped into my head so I figured it would be fun to write. Oh and also the title is based off of the name of a song "Thank You For The Venom" by My Chemical Romance, which in a way goes along kinda well with this fanfic in some parts. XD I seem to be on a bit of a Super Hero/Super Villain kick right now Lmfao! Then again when aren't I? The answer is I am ALWAYS on a villain/anti-hero kick!

Now that THAT is out of the way! I just want to make sure one thing is VERY clear. THIS version of Spider-Man is strictly the movievsere version. NOT NOT NOOOOOOT the comic book version or the one from any of the cartoons. This is the lame Spidey from the movies who annoyed the heck out of me with his uber lameness. XD Okay? Personally, I actually like Spider-Man in SOME versions that I have seen of him in; like the cartoons, etc. However, I do NOT like the movie version. SO I am making fun of him some and doing some bashing. I hope this clears things up for those who may be Spidey fans that did not understand this. Okay? Okay then! XD

Warnings: There WILL be Mary Jane bashing because she deserves it Lmfao and some Spidey Bashing. So yeah… XD Hmm… I've no idea yet what other warnings I should put so just beware! ~Plays "DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN" music as thunder roars and lightening flashes in background, and evil old lady who appears out of no where who cackles evilly while petting an ugly, fat white cat who is wearing an eye patch.~ Yep! But I don't think there's gonna be anything bad… Of course this is only MY OPINION sooooooooo…. Yeah I'm bored of this. ON WITH THE FANFIC! Kuwahahahahahahahahahah!

"Thank You For the Venom"

"Making Fiends"

It had all started out so awesomely when he had found that strange, alluring black substance, that now called itself Venom… but now… he realized just how wrong he had been, and that the consequences of his actions would prove to be most surprising.

First he messed up everything with Mary Jane, and they broke up, then he uses poor Gwen to make MJ jealous and angers both women, he finds out that the symbiote suit he'd been wearing was making him behave in such a negative way, and that it could be harmful to him.

THEN, the Sandman kidnaps Mary Jane and… ugh, the list of horrible things just kept piling up! And, when it seemed like things were at their worst, his ex-best friend Harry, comes to the rescue at the right moment in his guise as Green Goblin Jr. to save him and MJ! And Peter thinks just for the tiniest moment that things are starting to look up… until Harry ends up getting mortally wounded!

At least he managed to get the suit off of that nut job Eddie, but the guy gets blasted by the bomb he meant for the symbiote! He supposed he couldn't save everyone… With MJ's help, he managed to get Harry; whom he striped of his costume, to the Kane Hospital, since that's where he told them to take him. There Harry was thankfully tended to properly.

Of course he and Mary Jane had to get some treatment too. When Peter was done getting treated, he went to go and check on Harry; whose condition had been the most critical… Upon speaking to a nurse at the front desk to find out what happened to Harry, did he get his answer.

"Oh no need to worry. We have called in our best physician for the job! As a matter of fact your friend is in surgery right now. Please take a seat and wait. It will be a while."

The secret superhero felt so relieved and yet even more worried about whether or not Harry would live through the surgery. He didn't know what he would do if his buddy ended up dying after all of this. Most likely he would've felt it was all his fault, which in a way it was… All of this was.

Well enough of the depressing woes of Peter Parker! Time to see what a certain symbiote is doing both before and during all of this!

Now of course, during all of the commotion of the fight, a bunch of people had crowded around and had been watching the scene play out. A certain young woman by the name of Rose Aconitum, had been on her way home that evening from grocery shopping when she casually noticed the many people blocking her path on the street. She heaved a sigh and without shifting her gaze from her path, she took a couple of steps to the left as a cinderblock landed in the exact spot where she'd been standing a moment ago.

Unfazed by that, she calmly turned her attention to what was going on up above and saw a guy, similar to the black suited version of Spider-Man, shooting webs and fighting with the original red and blue Spider-Man and also there appeared to be some other guy made of sand and one in a green and black outfit, who were also in the fray.

'Ugh, great. Just what I need… A bunch of morons flinging construction material everywhere and damaging my quick route home…'

Rose glanced down to the crumbled cinderblock at her feet to see that it had shattered the sidewalk, and after a quick survey of the area and the crowd of people; who had begun screaming and running around to avoid getting hit by stuff, she knew that this area would probably be soon blocked off for a few weeks to get repaired when this was all over. Ugh, how inconvenient.

She shook her head and decided that if she couldn't get through this crowd of morons that she would just have to go around. But this of course meant going around the construction site.

Taking a gander at the new path which she would need to take' that wasn't blocked off by police and civilian vehicles, did she see an opening that was occupied with busy police officers. But they were too busy running around trying to maintain everything to notice much else.

The fight above and falling objects didn't bother her one bit, but it was really late and she was just tired from having to work late and wanted to go home, eat and go to bed; which explained why having to make her journey home even longer was irksome.

After pushing a few people out of the way, she managed to make it to the construction site and she thus started on her path by slipping between the police blockades; which in her opinion where just idiotic pieces of flimsy wood with reflectors and not a blockade at all, and heading down the sidewalk on the outside of the construction sites large fence.

As Rose was walking by however, a loud, screech and a ringing sound met her ears and made her look up out of curiosity. She saw Spider-Man hitting some metal pipes with the ones he had in his hands.

The guy in black was making such a strange screeching sound that it hurt her ears, but she was unable to cover them because her arms were holding the bag of groceries. Then, she saw Spider-Man surround his opponent with these pipes and start banging on them until the black suit appeared to melt off of the guy, before Spider-Man picked up something and threw it at the black mass that seemed to be trying to attack him!

The man who had been wearing the black suit screamed something and leapt at the black mass and then BAM! There was an explosion of black and green! And a small amount of black matter seemed to spray off of the higher level and fly upward above her head. She raised a curious brow but then decided to continue on home before any of that stuff fell on her.

It took her longer than she would have liked but she smiled tiredly when she entered her simple apartment.

"Thank goodness! I'm freakin' starving!" She spoke aloud to herself. Rose lived alone and was quite happy with her solitude.

With the relief of being home she found a little spring in her step and a little burst of energy that allowed her to put her groceries away. She then took off her black denim jean jacket and hung it up on the hook beside the door before she went to her bathroom to take a nice hot, soothing shower.

Rose dressed in her comfy clothing which comprised of baggy, grey pajama pants with bats on them, and an equally roomy light grey cotton shirt, and then she went to the kitchen to go and make dinner. She glanced out the window as she passed and realized that the sun was rising. The young woman laughed that her dinner was more brinner (breakfast/dinner) than anything, so she made herself some eggs and bacon with toast and a lemon-lime soda, and sat down on her couch in front of the TV to eat it.

She turned on the TV to watch some news before growing bored within the first five seconds because it was all about Spider-Man.

"Pfft, seen it." And so she changed it to some cartoons instead. Pulling a blanket over her lower half, did she enjoy her meal and animated entertainment.

Once she was done eating she stretched and yawned before getting up and going to wash her dishes, then to her bathroom to get cleaned up and get some shut eye. Oh, how she loved her bed and pillow. They were always there for her.

Her bed was so cozy and inviting while her pillow was plush and huggable! Rose threw herself down onto the mattress and buried herself under the blankets to snuggle her pillow and drift off into what she hoped was a long and peaceful sleep!

But, unfortunately today was just not her day. Just as she had been about to close her eyes, she saw something move from outside of her room to behind the little wastebasket beside her desk.

She decided to pretend to go to sleep and ever so slowly closed her eyes. Then she heard it ever so faintly…. Something was moving, and the sound was getting closer and closer, until finally… In the same moment, her eyes snapped open as she reached her hand out and caught whatever it was!

In a quick motion; she jumped out of bed, went to her desk and quickly emptied out the glass mason jar she used to hold writing utensils, and flung the thing she'd been holding into the jar before covering the top of it with a heavy book which she held firmly down.

Now that she had finished all of that, she was able to take her time to better examine what the heck it was. After all, her room was pretty dark since she had the curtains closed and such. So, she reached over and turned on her desk light.

Whatever it was, it looked gooey and black as pitch. The amorphous little blob squirmed and tried to get out of the jar, but to no avail. Then her eyes widened in realization! It was that black gunk that had come off of the guy Spider-Man had been fighting!

The young woman surmised that whatever had managed to fly up into the sky when it was blown up must have fallen on her after all, either that or it landed ahead of her and somehow crawled onto her jacket then.

She then began to wonder if it was good or bad. It had tried to jump her just a moment ago, not to mention it attacked Spider-Man… But then Rose thought that it probably needed to be on someone to survive… Like a symbiotic creature.

Hmm, that must be why that guy had it on him, and then of course Rose figured out that this thing must have been on Spider-Man too! That explains why his suit was black. It's the exact same shade as what was in the jar.

So, if it was on both a villain and a super hero… Then it might not have either affinity for good or evil, but instead be more of a neutral creature. Well, that was all good and well to theorize, but that didn't really answer any of her questions.

Time for some real hands on field work she supposed. She leaned down so that her face was right in front of the jar and gently tapped the glass to get its attention.

"Hey in there. I need to speak to you." Suddenly the erratic movement and escape attempts ceased and the black substance looked more like a jar of black molasses as it stilled. She smiled a little and began to speak in a calm and polite tone.

"Thank you. Now, I mean you no harm and I hope you mean me no harm as well. I don't think your evil so, I will let you out of the jar. So please move slowly and be not hostile toward me. I apologize if I offended you by putting you in this jar, but it looked like you were trying to attack me. Well, anyways. Here goes." She then stood and took a step back as she cautiously removed the book from the top of the jar; setting it on the table as she did so and waited.

The black blob didn't move for a couple of seconds, then it tentatively stretched out a few thin tendrils and pulled itself from out of the glass prison, where it lowered itself onto the table. It then stayed still on that spot; as if it were staring at her and waiting to see what happened next.

"If you can understand me, wiggle once for yes and twice for no." The blob then gave one wiggle.

"Good. If you are attached to your host, can you communicate with the host?" It gave one wiggle.

"Do you cause any harm to your host?" It didn't move and seemed to be contemplating.

"I'm guessing that needs specification… If I am your host will you cause any harm to me?" It gave two wiggles and her eyebrows furrowed thoughtfully.

"If I am your host, will I still have control over my own mind and body?" It gave one vigorous wiggle; as if it was getting excited.

"Well, I'm guessing we won't be able to fully understand each other until you attach yourself to me… So, I'll allow it." And with that she reached out her hand and the black blob wasted no time in hopping onto her hand and attaching itself to her!

It was very strange; hundreds and thousands of tiny black tendrils began appearing from the blob in the palm of her hand to cover her body. It would smooth out ever so sleekly as it all meshed together and became whole. In a matter of seconds her entire body was covered and she suddenly felt the creature connecting with her body and mind; which is indeed a weird sensation.

'Ah, it's so good to have a host again! For a while, we didn't think we'd make it…' Came a strange voice from inside her head. It carried that same hissing tone as when one whispers, but it was loud enough for her to hear perfectly.

"Well hello there. My name is Rose, and who and what might you be?" She asked out loud, as coolly as ever.

'We are now Venom! We are a symbiote and now we will be one!' It said in a rather giddy tone.

"I see. So your name is Venom… I suppose by "we" you mean you and I, and you speak in such a way to show that we will soon be bonded? Hmm, you certainly are a symbiotic being, or a symbiote as you put it. Very well, but I am still to be referred to by my name if you don't mind." There was a pause of consideration on Venom's part and it's tone conveyed pouting.

'Fine…' She smiled some and went to lay back in bed, finding it's desire for her to refer to them as one to be rather cute.

"If you don't mind, could you please allow me to go back to being in my PJ's? I require sleep." She didn't even have to look at her arm to know that black substance was now changing into the clothing she had worn earlier, except the shirt was now black. She wasn't sure what it did to her real pajama's but she decided not to ask.

"Thank you, Venom." She yawned and closed her eyes. The symbiote stayed silent and she finally drifted off into a deep sleep. But of course she ended up dreaming that she was in a room of black. The walls were moving and resembled the black blob.

"I suppose this means that now we are going to have a more in depth conversation?" Rose asked as she looked around nonchalantly. Suddenly the black on the walls moved and took on the more humanoid form that she had seen earlier when the symbiote was attached to that guy.

"Indeed it does. We certainly are an interesting person Rose, we cannot seem to make the full connection to our mind and become one. Why is this?" Venom asked as it slowly encircled the space around her; eyeing her with those white eyes with such predatory fascination.

"I don't need anyone snooping around in my head. If you want to know something just ask and if you feel like sharing your information with me that's fine too. You seem to have already uploaded most of what you know into my head." Rose said as she raised her hand and snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, what looked like a television screen appeared and on it played the images of some guy named Peter Parker and how he was Spider-Man, and everything that progressed thereafter. Even the part where Venom tried to use Eddie to get revenge on Spider-Man just a while ago. It played by rather quickly, but nevertheless she, absorbed and understood most of which she'd bothered with; as it was a lot to go over and she was not in the mood for it.

"It would seem you crave revenge upon this Peter Parker person… I can understand that. He was your first host and he spurned your partnership. I know you still care for him though, I can feel your longing to be with him once more… Although I am sorry to say dear Venom, that he will not bond with you." The symbiote suddenly looked very dejected and turned away from her.

It was true, the ambiguous being did care for that stupid Parker fellow. But even so, Venom felt betrayed beyond words and knew the truth to what Rose said; that's why it had become Venom in the first place. It didn't want to go back to Peter, and yet there was still a tiny part of it that did.

The young woman looked rather concerned and slowly approached the symbiote and wrapped her arms loosely around it's waist in a hug.

"You needn't feel so lonely and abandoned though, for I am here now. And I will be your partner if that is what you would like. Not all firsts work out as we want them to..."

Venom slowly turned around to face her and Rose smiled kindly up into those white eyes to regard her; rather stunned.

"Try as you might, he is not the right person for you. If he was, then he would have accepted you and been bound as your host. Since this is not the case, why don't you make a fresh start with me instead? After all, I offered myself to you willingly and with the knowledge of what you are. Whereas, I can see that even when he learned what you were, he did not want you. That is why he reacted so negatively wasn't it?" Venom's eyes widened in shock. How understanding and clever this human was… How was it that this human is so capable of figuring out such things when that Parker boy was supposed to have been so bright?

Perhaps… She was right when she said Peter Parker was not the right host? Then again Venom had simply attached itself to whatever human was closest by at the time, so it wasn't really like either the symbiote or Parker had much of a choice in the matter…

It was pensive for a while, but then it gave a slow nod and Rose smiled in understanding. And suddenly Venom felt the human open up her mind just enough for it to realize that she really did empathize. But it couldn't see or read her thoughts, for Rose had simply allowed it to share the feelings from her memories; instead of the tale behind them.

Such a controlled life form this new host seemed. Venom clutched it's chest where a heart would be on a human, and cringed at such a mixture of horrible feelings she had felt, flooding into it's own mind. They were of sadness, unspeakable agony, disappointment, hopelessness, anger, betrayal, abandonment and loneliness…

What had this Rose gone through that felt so unspeakably horrid?! The symbiote shared all of these feelings, for it too suffered from them. It would seem it found a kindred spirit in this human. And though Rose stayed silent as the grave, her pale grey eyes filled with knowing and understanding.

"It's all right… Neither of us has to decide everything now. Let's just stay together until we know what we want. Sound good?" The young woman reached out her hand and after a short pause, Venom reached out and clasped it in it's own clawed one over her slender one.

"Yes…" It then grinned that big fanged grin of it's and she gave a nod too, then she frowned and looked around.

"Do… Do you hear something?" Rose began looking around in bewilderment as an odd yet familiar sound reached her ears.

Venom didn't look very pleased by the sound or the moment having been ruined, and made an annoyed face.

"It seems we must awaken now." And with that the blackness faded and her eyes opened to the bright light that now shone in through the curtain she forgot to close. She growled in aggravation and realized that the sound that blared so annoyingly, was her cell phone as it rang. She quickly snatched the device and flipped it open.

"Hello, who's calling?" The person on the other end began speaking rather frantically and she heaved a sigh and began getting up and out of bed.

"Fine, fine. I'll be there as soon as possible." And with that she hung up. Glancing at the clock she realized that she hadn't even been home for long at all!

"Ugh… I need to get to work quickly. Have any talents that can help?"

The next thing she knew her clothing changed to the attire she had been wearing earlier; which consisted of her denim jean jacket, and a long black sleeve shirt under navy blue scrubs. She smiled and felt less annoyed now, as she grabbed what she needed.

"Perfect. And I see you like to use black a lot. That's fine, I like it. Now, I know you want me to use webhead's powers to help get me to work, but I need to get there in a hurry. So, if you don't mind. We'll use my way." Rose smiled knowingly and winked at her reflection in the mirror as she vanished!

The next thing Venom knew they were outside of a hospital!

'How did we do that?!' The poor symbiote had no idea what this human was capable of because it couldn't read her mind, could it be that she wasn't human at all? Rose scoffed as she hurried into the building and whispered. "Of course I'm human… I'm just special… Meh, I'll tell you later."

To be continued!

Well what do you readers think of my Spider-Man fanfic and my OC Rose? Remember this is strictly the lame movieverse version of Spider-Man/Peter Parker, okay? LoL So Spidey fans be NOT offended! I actually like Spider-Man; I'm just not very fond of this version of him.

The idea for this just randomly popped into my head and wouldn't leave me alone so I said "meh, why not!"

You'll find out more about my OC Rose as the story progresses, since it would be boring to just blurt it all out in the beginning lol!

Also, yeah I decided to keep Brock dead. I can't stand the actor who played him Lmfao! He was better off that way... And by I can't stand the actor, I mean the way in which they MADE the actor portray Venom/Eddie just sucked. Ok? The actor himself is okay, but yeah... Did NOT like the movie version of Venom. Horrible... plus they tried to kill off the symbiote and that just irks me due to how much I love the symbiote itself.

Ah well!

Please review. :3

Until next chapter!