Zoe and Percy 5
Zoe's POV

Hmm...is it really morning already? Why can't I sleep through the day? Wait, when did I ever buy a body pillow? Is my pillow moving? Ok, I'm going to open my eyes and figure out what is going on. I cracked my eyes open. I saw the body of my lover, Percy. I pulled my head back slightly so that I could see him peacefully sleeping. He looked so innocent, yet he was still breathtakingly handsome. I fully recommend forming a soul bond with a modern day Greek hero, and I believe he is much more handsome and caring than the ancient heroes. I gazed upon his face, he is so peaceful when he sleeps, yet he still exudes strength and power. I gently ran my hand through his thick unruly hair. He sighed softly and shifted as he slept. I smiled down at him . When he shifted it caused the sheet that was covering us to slip lower. I could not help but stare at his marvelous tanned chest. I had the sudden urge to run my hand over the broad muscled expanse, also known as Percy's chest. It was so smooth, hard, and warm. It made me want to bury myself in his arms. I began to gently trace his pectorals and abdominals. He is the image of the perfect male physique. He groaned softly as I ghosted my hand over his torso, then suddenly he reached out and quickly wrapped his left arm around my waist and pulled my body towards him. I let out a small gasp as I was suddenly crushed against his chest. I tried to pull out of his embrace, but his arms unconsciously formed a steel cage around me. There was no escape, not that I mind his strong embrace, but I needed to stretch my muscles that were still sore from the battle. I got a brilliant idea that would help me escape. I leaned forward and gently nipped at his ear and whispered, "Percy love, I need to get up and stretch." When I didn't get a response, I began getting more physical. I placed my lips on his and gently kissed him. He simply murmured that he needed a few more minutes of sleep. So, I placed my lips on his delectable chest and started tracing patterns with my tongue. Finally his eyes shot open and he rapidly searched for what was causing the sensation on his chest. When he saw me, he at first had a questioning look, but it morphed into a smirk, then a tender look as he softly kissed first my forehead, then cheek, then the corner of my lips until he finally softly kissed my lips. I grinned into the sweet kiss.
"Percy, I really need to get up and stretch because I am still sore from the battle and our physical transformations. Oh my gods, I just remembered that you must be in pain from carrying my father's punishment, the sky. Here, flip over and I will give you a back massage. I can't believe I forgot that."
I sat up, but he pulled me on top of his chest and kissed my forehead. He grinned at me, "Love, just being near you soothes all my aches and pains." I sat up and straddled his chest. I then lean forward and whisper, "Someone is trying to get points with their fiancé." I quickly jump up, with the grace and speed that can only be gained through thousands of years as an immortal huntress, and race to the bathroom. I give my hips an extra wiggle, because I know Percy is watching and that he will enjoy the show, before I disappear into the luxurious bathroom.
Percy POV
I sighed as she disappeared. I'm not sure how I got this lucky...she is perfect in every way. She is spirited, clever, humorous, and breathtakingly beautiful.
I find myself looking forward to the life we will be able to create together. I will have to check with my father about the wedding and whether we will be able to have our own children, if Zoe is willing. My father missed out on many crucial years during my life, so I want to make sure that if I have a child that they know I love them completely, and that I always try to show them my love and care.
As I was lost in my daydream of a little girl with straight black hair and green eyes playing with a little boy with messy black hair and brown eyes, I heard the chimes that served as a doorbell for Artemis's palace. I waited a moment until I heard it again. I quickly jumped out of bed and grabbed a tight grey T-shirt. I walked briskly towards the bathroom door and knocked telling Zoe that I was going to see who was at the front door and that I would be back in 5 minutes.
I strolled through the palace until I reached the front door. I opened it and quickly greeted Hermes. He was wearing a pair of Dockers with a pale purple polo and a pair of Birkenstocks. He grinned at me, "Percy, I have news for you and Zoe. The gods have decided to make you the gods of heroes, swordsmanship, and those who are betrayed. They are looking forward to you joining us, and therefore they were wondering when the wedding is, because once you are married you will automatically join us as gods."
I was flattered and stunned. We had talked of marriage, but we had only been together for less than a day. I composed my expressions and asked Hermes if he would mind sitting in the parlor while I consulted with Zoe. He agreed, saying that Hera's "Southern Living" magazine could wait.
I ran back to our room. The lights were off in the room and I had to blindly grope for the light switch, while I hoped that Zoe had not returned to bed. As I was searching for the switch, Zoe leapt out of the darkness and landed on my back wrapping her legs around my waist, she giggled as I stumbled slightly. I adjusted footing and my grip on her upper thighs.
"Zoe dear, I thought you were planning on giving me a massage, not jumping on my poor back. Love, we also need to talk because Hermes is in the parlor waiting for our answer. Apparently the good want to make us the gods of heroes, swordsmanship, and those who are betrayed." As I said this I gently maneuvered Zoe to that I was holding her cradled in my arms.
She grinned at me, "That is great, when do they want to give us these titles?"
"Love, that is the issue. We have to become full gods first and they want that to happen soon. To become full gods we must complete the soul bond through marriage and our wedding night. Hermes was sent to ask us when the wedding will be. I do not want to push you, but we should not offend the gods either. So when will you be ready for the wedding?"
She looked up at me and sighed, "I knew they would do something like this. Well, this gives us an excuse to have a speedy wedding preparation. Today is Wednesday, so why not Friday night. That will give Aphrodite 2 days to prepare, and hopefully by the time the wedding is over our palace will be complete. Oh and we need to plan our honeymoon as well. The next few days will be busy. Why don't we quickly change into more presentable clothes, then we give Hermes our answer."
I smiled at her, "What would I do without you?" then I gently kissed her lips and placed her gently on the ground. She entwined her hand with mine and dragged me towards the walk-in closet.
She began pulling down hangers, "It was very kind of Lady Artemis to stock the closet with clothes for us. Here you go. A pair of beige chinos, a tight black polo, and a set of classic Sperrys. Now what should I wear?"
I grinned at her as I went to her side of the closet,"How about this dress? It's navy blue, which is your favorite color, and it has a low cut square neckline. You can pick the shoes though. Maybe silver."
She looked at me incredulously, "Since when do you understand fashion? I am very impressed. I think I will wear these silver 4inch heels. I haven't worn heels in 33 years. That was the last time I dressed up. Since then, I have just worn my huntress' clothes." As she said this she began removing her clothes.
I put out a hand to stop her, "Here wait a moment and I will go back to the bedroom, so that you can change in privacy."
She laughed, "Love, we will be married in 2 days, and you will see me naked. I think I am comfortable changing in front of you."
That said she quickly removed her tank-top, this left her wearing only her navy blue bra and silver pajama pants. I was mesmerized by her perfection. Her perfectly smooth tanned skin of her neck which led to gentle swell of her breasts. She had to be a size B or maybe even size C. Then her stomach was flat with only slight definition showing some of her abs. Her waist was thin, but also strong. I was left breathless.
She grinned at me, "Now it's your turn to strip." She winked at me then walked forward until we were inches apart.
I reached out and ran my hands along his tight muscled waist, then I played with the bottom of his shirt. He let out a small moan of pleasure. I stepped closer until there was no space between us and I could feel his hard muscles against my chest. I leaned up and placed a light kiss on his lips, then I quickly pulled his shirt over his head. I threw his shirt in the corner and gently pulled his head down for a searing kiss. He deepened the kiss and roamed my bare skin with his hands. He began trailing kisses down my neck.
I whispered in his ear, "I am definitely comfortable changing in front of you. You know you can explore wherever you like with your hands. I am yours to enjoy. I know that my hands will not be idle in their exploration." As I said this I ground my hips against Percy until I could feel him becoming aroused. My hands slipped down from his hair to cup his firm butt. One of his hands moved towards my breasts, while the other lifted me up so that I could wrap my legs around his trim waist. He then pulled back and gazed at me, his eyes darkened from passion.
"Zoe love, we should return to our guest, he is waiting for our answer." He looked saddened by the prospect of abandoning our intimate embrace.
I pouted, "Fine, but you owe me later today. We still have to undress." I winked at him as a blush rose to his cheeks. I then removed myself from his arms and quickly discarded myself of my silver pajama pants. Percy once again was lost for words.
"Percy, it's your turn now."
He slid his pants down, which left him wearing only his dark grey Armani briefs and left me wearing only my navy blue bra and panties. I looked him up and down. His body could make any man jealous and make even Hera beg for his attention, despite her marriage.
Percy POV
I had never seen anyone more beautiful. I had to catch my breath. I noticed she was staring at me, "Zoe, are you checking me out?" I laughed at the gorgeous blush that rose on her cheeks.
"I am allowed to look at my fiancé as much as I want." She quickly defended. "I also notice that you cam not take your eyes off of me." She winked at me, then bounded forward into my arms. She rubbed her supple body against me.

I grabbed her waist, "Why don't we get dressed so that we do not delay Hermes any further. Then we can go swimming after he leaves. So why don't we change into our swim wear underneath our other clothes." I then turned to look for a pair of swim shorts. I picked up a black pair of Sauvage football lace-up shorts. They would be tight enough that I could wear them under my chinos. I felt soft hands encircle my waist from behind.
"What color are you picking? I want to match my bikini with what you choose." She whispered this to me. Her whisper was enough to make me hot with passion, but her slim muscled arms were wrapped around me and her bountiful breasts were firmly pressed against my back.
I turned so that we were chest to chest, "How does black sound?"
She nodded her agreement then placed a soft kiss on my chest before she turned to change. I quickly changed while her back was turned. When I turned back around she already had the bikini on, but was struggling to tie the top.
I strolled over and gently ran my hands across her shoulders and down her arms, as she shuddered at my touch. I tied her top and she turned around, appraising my body with her eyes. She handed me the beige chinos, which I promptly put on and then slipped on the Sperrys. I handed her the dress. She stepped into it then turned to have me zip it up. I could not help myself, as I zipped it up I placed soft kisses on her bare shoulders. She turned to face me and grazed her fingers over my chest.
Her voice was husky, "Percy, you should probably put your shirt on before we meet our guest. You might make Hermes jealous." I pulled on my shirt as per her request and followed her put of our room once she put on her heels.

Author's note:
I am so sorry it took so long to update. Everything in my life is really stressful right now and I have not had a moment to spare. I hope you like this chapter. I'm trying to figure out who would be the best actors or models to play Zoe and Percy. So all suggestions are welcome. I was thinking maybe Callum Casserly for Percy and Angelina Jolie when she played Laura Croft for Zoe. Let me know what you think. Thanks for all the support.