The sun was setting outside the burrow. All the Weasleys plus Harry and Hermione were gathered around the diner table, having just finished another one of 's fantastic meals. They all looked rather comfortable...except for Harry. He was nervously tapping his leg up and down against the floor, his face redder than the hair of the men around him. Death Eaters he could handle, but this? This was a whole other matter.

It was a few years after the war and Harry and Ginny had been living together for some time now. The news he had shouldn't be that much of a surprise to them but still... he was scared out of his wits. He felt someone kick him under the table and looked up to see Hermione give him a look. It clearly said, "Get on with it." Of course Ginny would have told her.

Harry slipped his wand out of his pocket and held it ready under the table. It was a good thing he was good at defensive magic, he had a feeling he would have to do a good deal of defending himself in a few minutes.

Ginny, seeing how nervous he was, smiled and grabbed his other hand under the table. Gathering all the courage he possessed and a little more Harry cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Iwolikemaanouncment" it all came out so fast his words blurred together.

Ginny giggled and George said, "Come again?" Harry was reminded of when he had asked Cho Chang to the Yule Ball. The nerves he had felt then had nothing on what he felt now.

"What he means is we have an announcement to make." Ginny said, taking pity on him and deciding to help. The Weasley's faces lit up with grins as they realized what was about to happen. In other circumstances Harry would have taken this as a good sign but now it only filled him with dread.

"We're getting married," Harry choked out. At once everyone started clapping and cheering and congratulating them. Harry felt like he was going to vomit. "That's not all."

The room went silent once more while everyone waited, grins still on their faces.

"We're also having a baby."

There was a few more moments of shocked silence as grins faded off faces before the curses flew and Harry ducked under the table.