AN: Hm.. Ok well, I'm not really sure if I'm happy with this chapter... But I hope you guys like it anyway ^_^ And if you don't, that's fine too, I'll make sure the next chapter is better, promise!

And thank you to my reviewers, your reviews made me happy and made me want to write more, so you guys get a fast update :) Would've been faster but I didn't have access to my computer for a few days. And since you seemed excited about Mattie, here he is! Sorry for making you wait two whole chapters for him :P So I hope you like it, review and I promise I will update as soon as possible! :D

My eyes flicker open to reveal a painfully white room. I squint my eyes against the perfect white, letting out a small groan of pain. Briefly I wonder if I'm in heaven, if the unbroken white that's obstructing my vision is perhaps endless fields of fluffy clouds. But I quickly dismiss the thought. There is no pain in heaven, so I must be somewhere else. Wherever this is there is most definitely no lack of pain.

Somewhere not far away I could hear the voices of two people speaking, but they were too far for their words to be clear. I search my memories but neither of the voices ring a bell. Was one a woman...? Yes, one of the voices was a woman, the other a man.

With another groan I force my eyes open, the room finally coming into focus. It was a white room, much too white for my taste. Is it a... hospital? Am I in a hospital? Taking a quick look around I conclude that this strange white room is indefinitely a hospital room. No doubt about it. But the real question is... How the hell did I get here?

All of a sudden I notice that everything I was seeing was coming only from my right eye. My left eye was displaying nothing but black.

I raise my hand and ever so gently place it over my left eye, quickly pulling away at the striking pain. Won't be doing that again, I think to myself and note that what I had felt under the palm of my hand was not my own soft skin, it was bandages. Looks like I'm covered in those goddamn bandages. But... Why? It's not like I don't know what happened at the gas station, but... Why wasn't I left to die? It doesn't make sense.

There's a small click and I instantly turn my head to face the doctor who had just entered the room. "Ah, you're finally awake!" The woman says cheerily, smile on her face. Why the fuck is she smiling? Can't she tell I'm in pain? Or does she just enjoy the pain of others? Either way, I hate her. Are women even allowed to be doctors anyway? Seems stupid.

"What am I doing here?" I ask her, skipping straight to the point. Nothing is making sense and I need an explanation right now. People like us aren't taken to the hospital; we're ignored, left behind. Nobody cares about us.

"You don't remember? You were in an explosion, some sort of accident at the gas station. You've got some pretty bad burns, but you'll live," she tells me, not answering even one of the many questions popping up in my head. But I do receive a small wave of satisfaction. I survived, just like I was determined to. That is, if you can trust the word of a female doctor. Especially this sick bitch.

"Who brought me here?" I demand, displeased with the few answers I'm being given.

"Oh, a boy named Matt saved you. He seems like a sweet guy, he's been waiting for you to wake for awhile, wouldn't take my word that you'll be fine."

Matt... Matt... Who the hell is Matt? I've never met a Matt in my life, why would he just decide to save me like that?

Wait, hold up there. He saved me... He saved me.

The word hits me like a ton of bricks. Someone had to save me, I couldn't save myself. Why couldn't I save myself? I had to rely on someone else to save my ass. That won't happen again, I swear it.

"Would you like me to send him in?" The bitch asks after a few seconds of silence.

"Yes," I answer, questions swimming through my head but I keep them to myself for the time being.

"Alright, one minute," the woman exits the room and I wait impatiently, wishing I could get up from this fucking bed. It doesn't take long for an oddly dressed guy to step into the room and I happily notice the bitch hadn't followed him in.

"You're okay!" He says with a smile, eyes travelling across my bandaged body, assessing the damage I assume.

I look him over. He clearly wasn't a slave like me, but his taste in style was slightly out of the ordinary. Combat boots, skinny jeans, striped shirt, fuzzy vest and to top it off a pair of orange goggles covering his eyes. Even his hands were gloved, the only bare skin being that of his face. But despite the mass of clothing, I can't deny that he's a fairly attractive guy. His hair is a unique shade of red that you don't see very often, I like it. It suits him. But I don't let his appearance overrun my train of thought.

"Who are you?" I ask bluntly, not giving him any thanks for what he did for me.

"Name's Matt"

"Why did you save me?"

"Oh, well... I was just walking by... And I saw the explosion... You looked like you needed a little help"

"I could have done it myself"

"You were passed out," I don't answer, shooting him a glare. After a few seconds of silence he realizes I'm not going to say anything else. "Well, you probably could have, but I didn't want to risk it. If anything had happened to you the world could have lost a really great guy"

"You don't even know me"

"I can tell you're a great guy," the boy smiles at me and I'm not really sure how to react.

"Who do you think you are?"

"I think I'm Matt," he tells me and I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Well, Matt, if you're expecting any sort of thanks for what you did you might as well get that out of your mind right now," I tell him. He probably just wants money, like everyone else. It's all anyone wants.

"Just seeing you alive is good enough for me," I stare at him, not trusting his words but not seeing any signs that I should mistrust him. He seems almost... honest.

"Anyway, what's your name?" I open my mouth to answer his question, prepared to tell him I'm nameless when I hear the sound of rushed footsteps just outside the door. There was the sound of people talking and orders being shouted.

"What's going on?" I ask as Matt turns his head toward the door. It sounded like there was some sort of commotion going on out there.

"I'm not sure," Matt replies and opens the door, his question completely forgotten. It would probably be for the best anyway if he doesn't know what I am. I'm being treated like an actual human being right now and I find I quite like it. Might as well make it last, right?

I stay put in my bed as Matt peeks out the door. I'm not stupid, no matter how much I want to be free of this bed right now to go investigate, I know it won't be worth it. Right now, even just moving my body a little hurts like hell.

"Please stay in the room," a man orders Matt from outside the door.

"What's going on?"

"There's an escaped psych patient. We have everything taken care of; just stay here and you should be fine"

"Alright," the red-head replies simply and shuts the door, turning back to me. "Guess we're stuck here"

"I'm stuck here anyway, dumbfuck"

"Well at least you've got company now"

"Is that supposed to be a good thing?"

Matt shrugs, "You're kind of a bitch you know. Mind if I have a quick smoke?" Before I even get a chance to answer he's already pulled out a pack of smokes from his back pocket, pulling one out.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm just gonna have one anyway," he says, lighting the cigarette. I clench my fists, attempting to keep my anger somewhat controlled.

"Did you just call me a bitch?" I demand as he blows a cloud of smoke way too close to my face. I cough, "And get that fucking cancer-stick out of my sight!"

"Admit it, you're a bitch"

"Fucking bastard! I am not a bitch!"


"Shut the fuck up Matt or I swear I will beat your sorry ass into next week!" I mentally slap myself as I remember I'm stuck in a bed and won't be beating anyone's ass into any period of time for who knows how long. My threats are meaningless and Matt obviously knows it. He just laughs.

"You're kinda cute when you're angry," my mouth opens, a comeback already at the tip of my tongue when his words hit me and I freeze.

"I'm... what?"

"You're cute," he tells me matter-of-factly, a smile still plastered onto his lips.

"I'm not fucking cute"

"Don't deny, just accept," he takes another drag from his smoke.

Is this guy for real?

"... At least open a window"

"Don't like the sweet smell of cancer?"


"Fine," smoke between his lips, he makes his way across the room to open the window. I watch the annoying dumbass as he tries to open the window, only because there's nothing else in the room to look at and definitely not because his ass looks sexy in those tight jeans. He only manages to get the heavy window up a few inches before the door is swung open and quickly slammed shut again. Both out heads spin to look at the man who had entered the room and I hear the window crash back down with a small, pained yelp from Matt. Someone had entered the room, I knew what that guy said was bullcrap.

The man who infiltrated the room had dark, unkempt hair and wide blue eyes that glanced around the room frantically before finally locking on me and a crazed smirk emerges on his face.

Fuck... This really isn't my day.